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Sous-commission Droits de l'homme (DROI) - Parlement européen

Other events - European Gender Equality Week - October 26-29, 2020 - 26-10-2020 - Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality - Committee on Transport and Tourism - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Special Committee on...

Wed, 18/11/2020 - 17:48
At the initiative of the FEMM Committee, the European Parliament held its first ever European Gender Equality Week during the last week of October 2020.
2020 is a special year, marking the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. This important milestone provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the achievements and future challenges for the advancement of girls' and women's rights and gender equality. Therefore, the European Parliament held for the first time its European Gender Equality Week, which gave much-needed input to the long lasting battle for women's empowerment and gender equality as well as more visibility and recognition to gender mainstreaming in all policy areas.

Many committees took part in the Gender Equality Week and organized events during the last days of October, while some others will look into gender mainstreaming aspects in their fields of competences later this year.

Please consult below the Programme and details of events happening during the European Gender Equality Week.

Location : European Parliament
Programme of the Gender Equality Week
Programme of Subsequent Events of the Gender Equality Week
Watch again the committee events
Public Hearing on "Trafficking in human beings" (Joint LIBE - FEMM) (26 October 2020)
Public Hearing on “Beating Breast Cancer: Challenges and opportunities” (BECA, in association with FEMM) (27 October 2020)
Public Hearing on "Women and digitalisation" (FEMM, in association with AIDA) (28 October 2020)
Presentation on "Placing care at the heart of the EU’s recovery efforts" (EMPL) (28 October 2020)
Public Hearing on "Women in Transport" (TRAN) (29 October 2020)
Exchange of views on the "UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security" (SEDE) (29 October 2020)
Presentation of the Gender Equality Index 2020 (FEMM) (29 October 2020)
EP Research Service Topical Digest on "Gender Equality - A review in progress"
Gender Equality week - Presentation video
     Press release: "Parliament launches its first European Gender Equality Week"
     #EPGenderEqualityWeek on Twitter
     #EPGenderEqualityWeek on Facebook
     Speech of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament
Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Latest news - NEXT DROI MEETING - 1 December 2020 - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Wed, 18/11/2020 - 11:49

In the context of the exponential growth of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the President of the European Parliament has announced a number of measures to contain the spread of epidemic and to safeguard Parliament's core activities.

The current precautionary measures adopted by the European Parliament to contain the spread of COVID-19 do not affect work on legislative priorities. Core activities are reduced, but maintained to ensure that the institution's legislative, budgetary, scrutiny functions together with urgent matters in the field of human rights and democracy, are continued.

Following these decisions, the next meeting of the Subcommittee on Human Rights will take place on 1 December 2020, from 13.45 - 15.45 and from 16.45 - 17.15 (via videoconference).

EP Activities
Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Lundi 16 novembre 2020 - 13:45 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Mon, 16/11/2020 - 16:05
Durée de la vidéo : 139'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2020 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Mercredi 28 octobre 2020 - 17:45 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Wed, 28/10/2020 - 18:31
Durée de la vidéo : 45'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2020 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Highlights - MEPs call on Iran to immediately release Nasrin Sotoudeh from prison - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Wed, 28/10/2020 - 18:16
Members demand more effective campaigning by the EU to urgently address the release of Nasrin Sotoudeh and other arbitrarily detained human rights defenders with the Iranian authorities.
Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Mercredi 28 octobre 2020 - 16:45 - Commission des droits des femmes et de l'égalité des genres - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Wed, 28/10/2020 - 17:51
Durée de la vidéo : 65'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2020 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Mercredi 28 octobre 2020 - 11:30 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Wed, 28/10/2020 - 12:17
Durée de la vidéo : 46'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2020 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Mercredi 28 octobre 2020 - 10:00 - Commission des droits des femmes et de l'égalité des genres - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Wed, 28/10/2020 - 11:12
Durée de la vidéo : 71'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2020 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Mercredi 28 octobre 2020 - 09:00 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Wed, 28/10/2020 - 10:08
Durée de la vidéo : 67'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2020 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Other events - European Gender Equality Week - October 26-29, 2020 - 26-10-2020 - Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality - Committee on Transport and Tourism - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Special Committee on...

Wed, 28/10/2020 - 09:54
At the initiative of the FEMM Committee, the European Parliament is holding its first ever European Gender Equality Week during the last week of October 2020.
2020 is a special year, marking the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. This important milestone provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the achievements and future challenges for the advancement of girls' and women's rights and gender equality. Therefore, the European Parliament is holding for the first time its European Gender Equality Week, which gives a much-needed input to the long lasting battle for women's empowerment and gender equality as well as more visibility and recognition to gender mainstreaming in all policy areas.

Most committees taking part in the Gender Equality Week are organizing events during the last days of October, while some others will look into gender mainstreaming aspects in their fields of competences later this year.

Please consult below the Draft programme and details of events happening during the European Gender Equality Week.

Location : European Parliament
Gender Equality week - Presentation video
Draft Programme for the Gender Equality Week
Live streaming of committee events
Public Hearing on "Trafficking in human beings" (Joint LIBE - FEMM) (26 October 2020)
Public Hearing on “Beating Breast Cancer: Challenges and opportunities” (BECA, in association with FEMM) (27 October 2020)
Presentation on "Placing care at the heart of the EU’s recovery efforts" (EMPL) (28 October 2020)
Public Hearing on "Women and digitalisation" (FEMM, in association with AIDA) (28 October 2020)
Public Hearing on "Women in Transport" (TRAN) (29 October 2020)
Exchange of views on the "UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security" (SEDE) (29 October 2020)
Presentation of the Gender Equality Index 2020 (FEMM) (29 October 2020)
Press release: "Parliament launches its first European Gender Equality Week"
EP Research Service Topical Digest on "Gender Equality - A review in progress"
Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Highlights - Guinée : La Présidente de DROI appelle à la fin des violences et au dialogue - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Mon, 26/10/2020 - 19:55
Après de nouveaux affrontements suite à l’annonce des résultats des élections présidentielles, la Présidente de la Sous-commission des Droits de l’Homme (DROI), Maria Arena a déclaré:
"Le climat de forte tension que vit aujourd'hui la Guinée suite à la tenue des élections présidentielles est inquiétant. Les actes de violence liés à la contestation du processus électoral ont malheureusement causé la mort de plusieurs Guinéens. Il est primordial de garantir la liberté d'expression et d'assemblée à chaque citoyen et en toute circonstance. Tout usage excessif de la force par des agents de sécurité doit immédiatement cesser, et les auteurs des tirs sur les manifestants doivent être tenus responsables de leurs actions.
Press Statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Communiqué de presse - L’opposition démocratique au Bélarus reçoit le Prix Sakharov 2020

Thu, 22/10/2020 - 15:20
Le Prix Sakharov 2020 pour la liberté de l’esprit a été décerné à l’opposition démocratique au Bélarus.
Commission des affaires étrangères
Commission du développement
Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Source : © Union européenne, 2020 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Highlights - The 2020 Sakharov Prize awarded to the democratic opposition in Belarus - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Thu, 22/10/2020 - 14:04
European Parliament President David Sassoli announced the laureates in the Brussels plenary chamber at noon on Thursday, following an earlier decision by the Conference of Presidents (President and political group leaders). “Let me congratulate the representatives of the Belarusian opposition for their courage, resilience and determination...."
Press statement
Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Categories: Union européenne
