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Sous-commission Droits de l'homme (DROI) - Parlement européen

Communiqué de presse - Résolutions relatives aux droits humains en Ukraine, Ouganda, Tanzanie et au Nicaragua

Thu, 15/09/2022 - 13:08
Jeudi, le Parlement européen a adopté trois résolutions sur le respect des droits humains en Ukraine, Ouganda et Tanzanie, et au Nicaragua.
Sous-commission "Droits de l'homme"

Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Lundi 5 septembre 2022 - 15:07 - Sous-commission "Droits de l'homme"

Mon, 05/09/2022 - 18:35
Durée de la vidéo : 205'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Hearings - Public hearing on human rights violations by mining companies in Guatemala - 05-09-2022 - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Thu, 01/09/2022 - 09:31
In association with the Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America On 5 September DROI Members will hold a hearing on human rights violations by mining companies in Guatemala, with guest speakers: Luis Solano, Economist and investigative journalist; Carlos Choc, Local journalist from the Fenix mine area; Marlies Stappers, Executive director Impunity watch and Miguel Angel Galvez, Judge.
Location : Paul-Henri Spaak 4B001
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Highlights - Exchange of views with Emily O'Reilly, European Ombudsman on Strategic Initiative - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Mon, 29/08/2022 - 11:05
On 5 September the Subcommittee on Human Rights will hold an exchange of views with Emily O'Reilly, European Ombudsman on the Strategic Initiative concerning how the European Commission ensures respect for human rights in the context of international trade agreements.
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Study - EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders - European Implementation Assessment - PE 730.345 - Committee on Development - Committee on Foreign Affairs - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Wed, 24/08/2022 - 00:00
This study examines the implementation of the European Union (EU) Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders, which constitute the policy framework and provide the operational means for protecting human rights activists in third countries. The first part of the study, written internally, provides an institutional perspective of the implementation of the Guidelines. It assesses the development of the EU framework to support human rights defenders, including EU Member States' emergency measures, and evaluates the coordination of such efforts. It also examines the European Parliament's support for human rights defenders and considers its impact on the EU’s overall work on defender protection. The second part of the study, which was outsourced, evaluates the implementation of the Guidelines from a bottom-up perspective. It provides an evidence-based analysis of how EU missions apply the Guidelines in countries where rights and freedoms are particularly challenged for human rights defenders, and assesses when and why measures for have not been applied. The study also addresses ways in which implementation gaps can be bridged and recommends possible measures and action that could be taken to ensure the protection of human rights defenders.
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Samedi 16 juillet 2022 - 09:19 - Sous-commission "Droits de l'homme"

Sat, 16/07/2022 - 13:57
Durée de la vidéo : 274'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Vendredi 15 juillet 2022 - 13:45 - Sous-commission "Droits de l'homme"

Fri, 15/07/2022 - 16:08
Durée de la vidéo : 138'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Vendredi 15 juillet 2022 - 10:04 - Sous-commission "Droits de l'homme"

Fri, 15/07/2022 - 12:47
Durée de la vidéo : 161'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Mardi 12 juillet 2022 - 09:09 - Sous-commission "Droits de l'homme"

Tue, 12/07/2022 - 12:25
Durée de la vidéo : 190'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Hearings - Second Annual Conference on the Global State of Human Rights - 15-07-2022 - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 15:32
The European Parliament and the Global Campus of Human Rights will organise the second Annual Conference on the Global State of Human Rights on 15-16 July 2022 in Venice, Italy. This unique event will include keynote speakers, pannelists and moderators from diverse backgrounds, including Members of the European Parliament, academics from the Global Campus network, high officials from EU and other international organisations, national human rights bodies, civil society, human rights defenders
Over the past year, world developments have challenged efforts made to protect and promote human rights. Ongoing conflicts including on the European continent, social and economic crises due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to environmental impacts of climate change, have severely affected countries and societies all over the world, hitting children the hardest. School closures and unprecedented social and humanitarian crises have increasingly exposed children to violence, abuse, exploitation, forced labour, family loss, displacement, and forced and early marriage. The conference will address three key thematic issues, all of which focus on current global human rights challenges through the lens of children and youth. The first panel will focus on "Children Behind Bars". The second panel will be dedicated to the situation of children exposed to armed conflict and violence. Finally, the concluding panel will shed light on children and youth as change-makers.
Location : Venice, Italy and European Parliament, Brussels
Draft programme of the conference
Video message from Maria Arena, Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Latest news - Next DROI meeting - 11 and 12 July 2022 - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 13:13

The next meeting of the Subcommittee on Human Rights will take place on Tuesday 12 July 2022 from 09.00 - 12.30 in room: Altiero Spinelli 3E2.

The meeting which was supposed to take place on Monday 11 July 2022, 15.00 - 18.30 has been cancelled.

EP Calendar 2022
DROI Meetings 2022
Urgency Resolutions on human rights
Book by HR/VP Josep Borrell Fontelles on "European foreign policy in times of COVID-19"
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Communiqué de presse - Violations des droits humains à Hong Kong, au Brésil et au Tadjikistan

Thu, 07/07/2022 - 12:49
Jeudi, le Parlement européen a adopté trois résolutions sur le respect des droits humains à Hong Kong, au Brésil et au Tadjikistan.
Commission des affaires étrangères
Sous-commission "Droits de l'homme"

Source : © Union européenne, 2022 - PE
Categories: Union européenne
