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Influential. Investigative. Independent. EUobserver is a online non-profit news outlet reporting on the European Union.
Updated: 1 day 10 hours ago

[Exclusive] EU sidelines parliament to rapidly send €1bn to Egypt

Sat, 23/03/2024 - 08:10
The EU Commission is officially sidelining the EU Parliament's scrutiny role on €1bn of loans being sent to Egypt.
Categories: European Union

EU postpones vote on landmark nature restoration law

Fri, 22/03/2024 - 17:33
EU delays Nature Restoration Law vote after a Sweden, the Netherlands and Hungary retracted their support.
Categories: European Union

[Analysis] An UK-EU defence deal is back on agenda: what could it look like?

Fri, 22/03/2024 - 16:38
An EU-UK treaty on defence and security policy is back on the agenda. What it might look like is less clear.
Categories: European Union

Will the EU finally move to integrate financial markets?

Fri, 22/03/2024 - 16:24
Cash-strapped EU governments reiterate their call for a Capital Market Union, with new discussions planned for April, but a compromise remains uncertain.
Categories: European Union

Paris 'pressured' Ukraine to stop shaming French firms in Russia

Fri, 22/03/2024 - 12:20
France and China have allegedly put pressure on Ukraine to take down its online name-and-shame list of foreign companies still doing business in Russia.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Why Mette Frederiksen should be next EU Council president

Fri, 22/03/2024 - 11:44
The Danish prime minister understands the importance of cooperation in the face of overwhelming challenges.
Categories: European Union

[Podcast] Obama, transatlantic relations, Israel

Fri, 22/03/2024 - 10:39
The ins and outs and ups and downs of the transatlantic relationship: before, during, after, and — possibly — again with Donald J. Trump. Obama scolds NATO-Europe.
Categories: European Union

EU leaders to consider 'all options' to boost defence finance

Thu, 21/03/2024 - 23:34
EU leaders have agreed to explore "all options" for mobilising funding to boost Ukraine's military and Europe's defence industry during their summit in Brussels.
Categories: European Union

EU manages to issue joint call for ceasefire in Israel-Gaza war

Thu, 21/03/2024 - 23:09
EU leaders agreed at their summit in Brussels to call for an "immediate humanitarian pause leading to a sustainable ceasefire" in the Israel-Gaza war — their first common statement on the situation in the Middle East since October.
Categories: European Union

EU opens Bosnia accession talks but warns 'much more' needed

Thu, 21/03/2024 - 22:30
Member states gave the political green light for the opening of accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina, but noted the need for further progress.
Categories: European Union

Whiskey dispute hits new EU-Kenya trade pact

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 21:26
Kenya faces s dispute with the EU on whiskey imports just weeks after its tortuously agreed trade pact with Brussels came into effect.
Categories: European Union

Moral qualms delay EU blacklist of Israeli settlers

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 21:16
Talks about an EU visa-ban on 12 violent Israeli settlers have stalled amid objections this might put them on a moral par with Palestinian 'terror' group Hamas.
Categories: European Union

EU launches agri-food dialogue, amid farmer revolts

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 17:53
EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen launched this week "a strategic dialogue" on the future of agriculture in the EU. The initiative comes amid discontent and farmers' protests in several countries.
Categories: European Union

[Interview] New French Renew boss at odds with Macron on gender-violence

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 17:09
Leading MEPs have confirmed that the member states cannot agree on incluing rape in the directive to combat violence against women. About 15 countries are in favour, but with Germany and France against it, there is no qualified majority.
Categories: European Union

[EUobserved] Are ECB economists a 'tribe' or 'violinists'?

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 15:52
This week, a debate erupted between central bankers on whether economists are better described as a "tribal clique" (European Central Bank boss Christine Lagarde) or "violinists" (former deputy governor of the Irish Central Bank.)
Categories: European Union

EU presidency to enact asylum reforms despite abuse claims

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 15:11
The Belgian EU presidency wants to implement a recent overhaul of EU asylum laws, amid warnings that detention-like centres will mushroom as a result.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] 2024 will be a momentous year for election observers

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 12:32
Our role is not to 'judge' the elections, but observation does provide an additional level of transparency, scrutiny and public accountability, writes Matteo Mecacci, director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).
Categories: European Union

[Interview] Palestinian rights chief on ICJ: 'We're on right side of history'

Thu, 25/01/2024 - 07:00
EUobserver speaks with Raji Sourani, the director and founder of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and a leading human rights lawyer in Gaza — who has twice survived targeted bombings.
Categories: European Union

EU proposes new powers for European Works Councils

Wed, 24/01/2024 - 17:53
The EU Commission has proposed a new revision of the directive on European Works Councils, the bodies that represent workers at company level, after 15 years without revision, in order to address a number of shortcomings.
Categories: European Union

EU's lost influence in Sahel is 'a disaster', experts tell MEPs

Wed, 24/01/2024 - 17:30
The EU must accept the 'new realities' of military regimes in the Sahel region or risk losing what remains of its influence to Russia and China, experts have warned EU lawmakers.
Categories: European Union
