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Influential. Investigative. Independent. EUobserver is a online non-profit news outlet reporting on the European Union.
Updated: 1 week 2 days ago

[Analysis] Poland's biggest election since 1989

Thu, 12/10/2023 - 13:06
This Sunday Poles head to vote in the most consequential parliamentary elections since the partially-free elections in 1989 that turned a Soviet satellite state into a burgeoning democracy. Here is what's at stake.
Categories: European Union

MEPs approve watered-down car emissions, after Renew U-turn

Thu, 12/10/2023 - 12:30
MEPs in the environment committee approved new emissions rules for cars, with the final text weaker than the EU Commission initially had intended.
Categories: European Union

EU turns to legal migrants to fill labour shortages

Wed, 11/10/2023 - 17:08
The EU has unveiled a "toolkit" based on migration, parents, youth and older people, after EU states raised concerns about the impact of an ageing population on public finances — but what does it contain?
Categories: European Union

[Feature] West restarts Arctic science with Russia, despite mistrust

Wed, 11/10/2023 - 16:46
Norway is leading a Western restart in science cooperation with Russia in the Arctic — despite a wider EU cordon sanitaire against Vladimir Putin's Mosow, in the wake of the Ukraine invasion.
Categories: European Union

EU states at crossroads on weed-killer renewal

Wed, 11/10/2023 - 16:10
Representatives from EU governments will discuss and vote on the European Commission's proposal to renew the glyphosate's market license for another ten years this week. But it remains unclear if there is a majority to approve the renewal.
Categories: European Union

Gaza war 'pressing' EU on Egypt anti-migrant deal

Wed, 11/10/2023 - 15:50
The prospect of Palestinians fleeing the Gaza Strip towards Egypt appears to have spooked the EU commission into fast tracking a possible migrant busting deal with Cairo.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] The greenwashing scam behind EU's 'grey' hydrogen

Wed, 11/10/2023 - 15:15
The reality of EU hydrogen expansion is a well-funded, highly-orchestrated greenwashing scam. Some 99 percent of hydrogen produced globally is in fact 'grey hydrogen', made using fossil fuels.
Categories: European Union

US backs EU windfall tax on frozen Russian assets

Wed, 11/10/2023 - 15:15
In her strongest wording yet, US secretary Janet Yellen said she supported a European proposal to use the hundreds of billions of seized Russian assets currently held by G7 countries.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Why the EU must stop firing blanks over Gaza

Wed, 11/10/2023 - 08:00
Does anyone think a blank cheque to the country which made the Palestinians refugees will create fewer refugees? Or a blank cheque to their occupiers will create less resistance? Is the problem really that Israel has not used enough force?
Categories: European Union

Israel's siege of Gaza is illegal, EU says

Tue, 10/10/2023 - 20:39
"Cutting water, cutting electricity, cutting food to a mass of civilian people is against international law," said EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in Muscat.
Categories: European Union

MEP points to wider Polish backing for Azerbaijan

Fri, 06/10/2023 - 00:20
A Polish ruling-party MEP has defended his Azerbaijan-friendly vote, even as EU support slips in the wake of its "ethnic cleansing".
Categories: European Union

'Protesters aren't criminals', 10,000 strikers say in Brussels

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 19:28
Around 10,000 people in Brussels on Thursday took part in a nationwide strike against the 'Van Quickenborne bill' on restricting protesters' freedoms.
Categories: European Union

Tone-deaf EU letter ups tension on child-abuse law

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 15:51
Acrimony over an EU Commission bill to detect child sexual abuse continues to mount, as EU officials brush away critical views of rights defenders.
Categories: European Union

Bye-bye Bettel? What to watch for in Luxembourg's election

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 13:13
Luxembourg elects a new parliament on Sunday. Whether PM Xavier Bettel remains in office — or be replaced by the country's first female prime minister — is unclear. The central issue in the EU's second-smallest state is the housing crisis.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Towards a new EU relationship with northern Africa

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 12:10
Migration, terrorism and energy — three 'crisis' topics — have preoccupied European policy and their societies' view of their neighbourhood in northern Africa for a long time.
Categories: European Union

[Analysis] The EU has a lack-of-teachers crisis — here's why

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 12:00
The EU needs teachers. 40 percent are over 50 years old, salaries are not attractive enough, classes are very large, and the work-life balance has become more problematic since the Covid-19 pandemic.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Citizens Assemblies — an idea whose time has come (again)?

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 10:30
With Ukraine, the Balkans, Moldova and, with a longer timeframe, Georgia, the EU is looking to go from 27 member countries to 35-plus in a decade or less. How to get agreement about the way to do this?
Categories: European Union

Granada twin summits: Enlargement, migration on menu

Wed, 04/10/2023 - 18:11
Leaders from some 50 European countries will attend the third European Political Community (EPC) summit in Granada, followed by an informal meeting of EU leaders on Friday. What's on the agenda?
Categories: European Union

UN calls for more 'pragmatic' anti-inflation policies

Wed, 04/10/2023 - 17:48
The UN has called on central banks to institute "more pragmatic policies to tackle inflation" as large parts of the world are "crushed" by debt, and wealthy countries risk another decade of austerity and recession.
Categories: European Union

House prices squeezing EU citizens, MEPs warn

Wed, 04/10/2023 - 17:42
House prices, mortgages and rents are strangling citizens across Europe, depriving 895,000 people of access to housing, as the cost of living crisis, the fallout from the war in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic put ever-more pressure on people's pockets.
Categories: European Union
