photo Marine Nationale
02/06/2015 Marine Nationale Les 27 et 28 mai 2015, dans le cadre du dispositif ORSEC maritime, les préfectures maritimes de l’Atlantique et de la Manche-Mer du Nord ont organisé un exercice majeur d’assistance à navire à difficulté...
TALIOS - photo Thales Group
3 juin 2015 by Thales Group Designed entirely around operational feedback from users, TALIOS is the latest addition to the Thales family. TALIOS is the first optronic pod to cover the entire critical decision chain from intelligence...
microdrones source EC
03/06/2015 Michel Cabirol – Le bilan de la lutte anti-drone reste pour l'heure très modeste. Sur 203 survols illégaux signalés, seulement treize affaires judiciaires mettant en cause essentiellement des touristes, ont...
27 mai 2015 by US Air Force More than 150 Airmen and 12 F-16 Fighting Falcons from the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base, at the invitation of the government of Sweden, arrived at Norbotten Wing here in support of Arctic Challenge Exercise 2015.
28 mai 2015 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundesdwehr 05/2015 15E15401 Das große kreisrunde Radar auf dem Dach ist das Markenzeichen das AWACS. Wir waren bei einer Mission des NATO - Überwachungsflugzeugs mit an Bord und zeigen, wie das Innenleben des mit Elektronik...
Le radar Searchwater de Thales utilise un système innovant assurant une visibilité à 360° sous l’hélicoptère Merlin, et qui se replie sur le flanc de l’aéronef lorsqu’il n’est pas utilisé. - photo Thales 29 mai 2015 par Thales a été...
1 juin 2015 by NATO Who should be most worried about cyber attacks? The man on the street, who wants to protect his wallet? Or the military commander, who wants to protect his country? We travel to Tallinn in Estonia for CyCon – The NATO Cooperative Cyber...
Photo Patrick Brion –
29/05/2015 Liesbeth Bardyn – Dans l’est de l’Allemagne se trouve le grand camp d’entraînement de 230 km² de Grafenwöhr. C’est là que de mi-mai à fin mai trois bataillons de la Brigade Medium ont dressés leurs tentes...
May 28, 2015: Strategy Page NATO member Romania has been put in charge of a NATO effort to improve Ukrainian Cyber War defenses. This is one of five areas NATO recently agreed to concentrate on in an effort to improve Ukrainian ability to defend itself...
2 June 2015 — MOD News Team Yesterday, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon appeared on BBC Radio 4’s World at One Programme to discuss defence spending. As the Secretary of State pointed out, Britain has always punched above its weight and the US has long...
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02/06/2015 LTN Facchin - armée de Terre Engagé dans la lutte contre Ebola, la France a déployé en Guinée un centre de traitement des soignants (CTS). Hébergé sur la base aérienne de Conakry, le centre est dédié à la prise en charge du personnel médical...
29 mai 2015 par MINUSMA Depuis le 1er juillet 2013, les Casques bleus de la Mission Multidimensionnelle Intégrée des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation au Mali (MINUSMA) sont sur le terrain pour sécuriser le Mali et protéger les civils. Ils accompagnent...
2 juin 2015 Ministère de la Défense [VIDÉO] Opération Barkhane : Chaque relève de GTIA entraine un chassé-croisé logistique, habilement orchestré par les logisticiens
May 28, 2015: Strategy Page A recent cell phone photo from inside a Russian Su-24 fighter cockpit was meant to show the fighter refueling with a Russian Il-76 aerial tanker. But it also showed an American commercial (Garmin) handheld GPS device sitting...
3M14E Sizzler / Klub LACM (Novator)
May 31, 2015: Strategy Page China is making angru noises to the UN, Vietnam and Russia about the little publicized Russian sale of Klub submarine launched cruise missiles to Vietnam. China wasn’t happy about Russia...
29 mai 2015 by JDEF / Ministère de la Défense After 13 years of operations fighting terrorism and establishing security as part of the international coalition, French troops have left Afghanistan. Afghan forces are now responsible for the security of...
29 mai 2015 by Defence HQ On Wednesday 27 May, Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri flew in support of Kurdish peshmerga attacks on terrorists in northern Iraq. An armed pick-up truck was spotted, partly concealed under trees, and destroyed with a Brimstone...
Iraq Situation Report: May 30 - June 1, 2015 by: Theodore Bell and Patrick Martin - ISW June 2, 2015: Strategy Page A prominent Sunni politician and member of parliament is leading the effort to find out exactly who ordered the army to pull out of Ramadi...
photo Saudi Air Force
May 31, 2015: Strategy Page As Saudi Arabia carries out the longest air campaign (against Yemen) in its history it was noted that the Saudis were sending up to fifty British made Typhoon and Tornado fighter-bombers a day on combat...