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Debate: Can Merkel and Macron reboot the EU?

mar, 27/06/2017 - 11:49
Great things are expected of the German-French duo: after the EU's summer summit Europe's commentators once again voice optimism that Merkel and Macron can reform the Union and save it from collapse. These hopes, initially expressed after Macron's inaugural visit to Berlin, are now reinforced by the two politicians' clear demonstration of partnership.
Catégories: European Union

Debate: Can Tudose lead Romania out of the crisis?

mar, 27/06/2017 - 11:49
Romania has a new prime minister after President Klaus Iohannis on Monday tasked Mihai Tudose, the outgoing economy minister, with forming a government. Tudose succeeds Sorin Grindeanu, who was toppled by his own party in a no-confidence vote. Many commentators see PSD leader Liviu Dragnea pulling the strings behind the coup to serve his own interests.
Catégories: European Union

Dragnea's games continue | Adevârul - Romania

mar, 27/06/2017 - 11:49
Catégories: European Union

A bad choice | Ziare - Romania

mar, 27/06/2017 - 11:49
Catégories: European Union

Debate: Italy pays: Is the banking union redundant?

mar, 27/06/2017 - 11:49
The government in Rome is rescuing two regional banks at a cost of 17 billion euros. The EU Commission gave the green light for the move because creditors will cover some of the costs. The fact that billions of euros in taxpayers' money will nonetheless go into saving the banks prompts commentators to question whether the EU's banking union works at all.
Catégories: European Union

Debate: Greece's refuse collectors on strike

mar, 27/06/2017 - 11:49
Under the blazing summer sun rubbish is piling up all over Greece. For more than a week public sector workers who collect rubbish have been on strike. They want thousands of municipal workers on short-term contracts to be given permanent contracts. Politicians are discussing whether rubbish collection shouldn't be privatised nationwide, as has already been done in some cities. Commentators also say this wouldn't be the worst option.
Catégories: European Union

Debate: Will tensions escalate over the Warmbier affair?

mer, 21/06/2017 - 12:13
Pressure on US President Donald Trump is growing after the death of Otto Warmbier. Influential Republicans are demanding a firm response to the American student's death. Warmbier died in his home state of Ohio on Monday, shortly after being evacuated to the US after serving 18 months of a 15-year prison sentence in North Korea. Europe's press is deeply concerned about the diplomatic crisis.
Catégories: European Union

Debate: France: four ministers step down

mer, 21/06/2017 - 12:13
All three ministers of the liberal MoDem party in France's new government have resigned. First Defence Minister Sylvie Goulard stepped down then Justice Minister Francois Bayrou and Europe Minister Marielle de Sarnez followed suit over allegations that the party used European parliamentary funds to pay assistants based in France. Macron's close confidant and urban planning minister Richard Ferrand of LREM has also tendered his resignation. But Macron is not unhappy about these developments, commentators surmise.
Catégories: European Union
