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International Geneva: Responding to 21st Century Challenges

GCSP (Training Courses) - jeu, 25/09/2014 - 11:44

Annual Swiss Trainee Diplomats Training Course, 18-22 May 2015

4th Defence Attaché Orientation Module for Western Balkan Countries

GCSP (Training Courses) - jeu, 25/09/2014 - 10:53

In complement to national training, the GSCP offers an orientation module for new Defence Attachés and civil servants involved in international relations. The course analyses major international security questions, especially with regard to the ‘New Threats’ agenda. It surveys practical issues of protocol, as well as knowledge and practices of international conventions. It builds confidence and experience though a proven simulation of a ‘Defence Attaché tour’. All aspects of the couse meet the requirements of the Geneva Standards for Defence Attaché training.

4th Defence Attaché Orientation Module for East African Countries

GCSP (Training Courses) - jeu, 25/09/2014 - 10:49

In complement to national training, the GSCP offers an orientation module for new Defence Attachés and civil servants involved in international relations. The course analyses major international security questions, especially with regard to the ‘New Threats’ agenda. It surveys practical issues of protocol, as well as knowledge and practices of international conventions. It builds confidence and experience though a simulation of a ‘Defence Attaché tour’. All aspects of the course meet the requirements of the Geneva Standards for Defence Attaché training.

F-35 News Round Up: 25th September 2014

DefenceIQ - jeu, 25/09/2014 - 06:00
South Korea will sign a deal this month to buy 40 Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) F-35 fighter jets for about 7.34 trillion won ($7.06 billion) for delivery in 2018-2021, two people with knowledge of the transaction told Reuters on Wednesday. South Korea confirmed its
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

How the Royal Malaysian Navy plans to combat trans-border maritime threats in the Sabah region

DefenceIQ - jeu, 25/09/2014 - 06:00
In the context of rising piracy incidents in Southeast Asia – it’s the world’s “new hub” for piracy  according to a United Na
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

KrAZ Kuguar

Military-Today.com - jeu, 25/09/2014 - 01:55

Ukrainian KrAZ Kuguar Light Armored Personnel Carrier
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Ünnepélyes keretek között vehették át a nekik odítélt díjat Európa legkiválóbb fiatal tudósai

Európai Bizottság hírei - jeu, 25/09/2014 - 00:00

25/09/2014 00:00:00

Nagyszabású díjátadó ünnepséggel zárult ezen a héten Varsóban Európa legígéretesebb fiatal tudósainak versengése, melynek során az indulók nemzetközi bírálóbizottság előtt ismertették kutatási projektjeiket. ...

Europe’s top young scientists feted at awards ceremony

European Commission - jeu, 25/09/2014 - 00:00

25/09/2014 00:00:00

A competition where Europe’s most promising young scientists presented their research projects to an international panel concluded this week at a glittering awards ceremony in Warsaw. ...

Catégories: European Union

Europas beste Nachwuchswissenschafter/-innen bei Preisverleihung ausgezeichnet

Europäische Kommission (Nachrichten) - jeu, 25/09/2014 - 00:00

25/09/2014 00:00:00

Ein Wettbewerb, bei dem die vielversprechendsten Nachwuchswissenschafter/-innen Europas einer internationalen Jury ihre Forschungsprojekte präsentierten, fand diese Woche mit einer glanzvollen Preisverleihung in Warschau ihren Abschluss. ...

Catégories: Europäische Union

Könnyebb lesz európai uniós forrásokhoz jutni

Pályázati Hírek - mer, 24/09/2014 - 21:51

A 2014-2020-as ciklusban könnyebb lesz európai uniós forrásokhoz jutni a vállalkozásoknak, változik az előfinanszírozás módja, és a tervek szerint a kkv-k normatív alapon is támogatást kaphatnak majd - erről Csepreghy Nándor, a Miniszterelnökség fejlesztési kommunikációért felelős helyettes államtitkára beszélt szerdán Bátaszéken, a Tolna megyei önkormányzat fejlesztéspolitikai fórumán.

Catégories: Pályázatok

Leadership in International Security Course (LISC)

GCSP (Training Courses) - mer, 24/09/2014 - 18:14

The 30th edition of this eight month international training course in security policy is designed to increase the knowledge and skills of high-performing professionals, who seek to enhance their career and engage in leadership positions in solving the world’s most pressing security challenges. Participants can also opt to take part in the concurrent  Master of Advanced Studies in International and European Security , jointly run with the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva.

Myanmar Training Course on International Relations, Governance and Public Participation

GCSP (Training Courses) - mer, 24/09/2014 - 17:52

Myanmar is currently undergoing rapid changes to its political and economic systems .The three-week training course brings together 20-25 selected persons from Myanmar’s administration, parliament, political parties and civil society organisations, to explore key issues in democratization and international relations. It promotes a vision of strong democratic institutions and support for the rule of law and human rights.

Skills Enhancement for Political Advisors (POLADS)

GCSP (Training Courses) - mer, 24/09/2014 - 17:40

What does the interdisciplinary nature of political advising mean to you? Political advisors are instrumental actors in the decision-making processes of peace and security efforts. Their effectiveness is of fundamental importance both on the ground and at an international level. Their duties require them to synthesize information rapidly, to develop a comprehensive understanding of the context and key issues at hand, and to convey their understanding and analysis to their institutions at varying levels while building and nurturing meaningful relationships.

This course builds the political advisors’ skill sets and networks needed to carry out their work more efficiently and effectively.

17th Annual Middle East and North Africa Training Course on New Issues in Security

GCSP (Training Courses) - mer, 24/09/2014 - 17:33

The Annual Middle East and North Africa training course on new issues in security policy provides training and fosters capacity-building in nontraditional security challenges. The course addresses the important transition underway in Middle East and North Africa countries and the impact on the security challenges in the region.

Sistema de Indicadores de la Distancia entre Imagen y Realidad (SIDIR). Análisis del caso español. Segunda edición 2015

Real Instituto Elcano - mer, 24/09/2014 - 08:10
Carmen González Enríquez y José Pablo Martínez Romera
El objetivo del análisis del Sistema de Indicadores de la Distancia entre Imagen y Realidad (SIDIR) es identificar los aspectos positivos de la realidad española, que son insuficientemente conocidos por la opinión pública internacional. Tras la realización en 2014 del primer informe, el Observatorio de la Imagen de España (OIE) ha elaborado esta segunda edición con algunos cambios metodológicos.
