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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 1 month 6 days ago

A letter from 4th deployment purgatory

Wed, 01/11/2017 - 16:16
An officer wards off boredom with bad food, booze, and Russia Today during a layover in Al Udeid.

A Marine sergeant on how much he learned from being in an OPFOR

Wed, 01/11/2017 - 16:15
“Having served as an infantryman for four and a half years, I learned more about tactics and how to employ Marines more effectively in the 10 days spent at the experiment in the desert than I did in the entirety of my service."

SitRep: Nuke Spending to Spike; F-35s, New Drones Head to Pacific

Wed, 01/11/2017 - 12:48
Air Force paying to build contractor fighter force; South Korea says no nukes.

Catalonia’s Martyrdom Strategy Doesn’t Have a Prayer

Wed, 01/11/2017 - 12:00
The Spanish region’s leaders believe punishment can be a path to redemption – as long as they’re not the ones who suffer.

It’s Time for the State Department to Stop Throwing Money at Facebook

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 21:09
We need to demand accountability from social media companies — and from U.S. diplomats.

Iraqi Kurdistan Was Never Ready for Statehood

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 21:05
The war against the Islamic State concealed the Kurds' political and economic weaknesses. The loss of Kirkuk has made them impossible to ignore.

The Private Air Force Preparing U.S. Pilots for the Next War

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 19:44
For years, the U.S. military secretly flew Russian aircraft. Now it needs a cheaper option.

From Moscow to Havana: Secret Weapons and Diplomats

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 19:23
The “sonic attacks” in Cuba aren’t the first suspected instance of invisible attacks on U.S. diplomats.

Lithuania, Leery of Moscow, Spars With Belarus Over Nuclear Reactor

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 16:45
Fearing the Kremlin’s grand design, and another nuclear disaster, Vilnius has turned a power plant into a battleground.

A Best Defense fiction special for Halloween: ‘An Occurrence at Khan Hill’

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 16:04
His eyes bulged out, as the tip of the pistol slammed into the back wall of his throat.

Mars-a-Lago: Can the Trump Administration Get Us Beyond the Moon?

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 15:35
Experts doubt a coherent space policy from the Trump administration.

Donald Trump’s Biggest Disinformation Campaign Yet

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 15:20
The Russia collusion scandal is closing in on America’s commander-in-chief of fake news.

Can the Navy’s Million-Dollar Zombie Game Turn You Into a Supersoldier?

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 13:00
I wanted to see if killing the undead would make me smarter.

SitRep: Senators Spar with Mattis, Tillerson About War Powers, Concern Turns to Trump and Nukes

Tue, 31/10/2017 - 12:44
New worries over Chinese military capabilities, Trump transgender ban blocked

Corker and Cotton’s False Promises Would Push Iran Toward Nuclearization

Mon, 30/10/2017 - 23:22
The Republican senators want to keep the JCPOA while adding new restrictions. It won’t work.

Robert Mueller’s Opening Salvo Is a Show of Strength

Mon, 30/10/2017 - 20:26
A quick and dirty analysis on the Manafort and Papadopoulos cases.

What this general heard from General Kelly about America — and didn’t hear

Mon, 30/10/2017 - 15:00
I will give Bob Killebrew the credit and thanks he deserves for his military service to the nation.

SitRep: Senate Moving on Trump’s Pentagon Nominees

Mon, 30/10/2017 - 12:47
Drama among Navy brass, Iran rejects Trump meeting, Navy SEALs investigated in Green Beret death.
