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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 1 month 6 days ago

Don’t Trust China’s Opening of Its Financial Sector

Fri, 08/12/2017 - 13:53
Inviting foreign investors into a closed economy is a lot easier said than done.

SitRep: Trump Jerusalem Decision Sparks Day of Rage Across Middle East

Fri, 08/12/2017 - 13:47
Temporary government funding bill pushed through, fighting ebbs in Yemen

Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem Is Not a Disaster

Thu, 07/12/2017 - 22:54
But the Trump administration needs to walk a very fine line with Palestine and Arab states.

Tillerson: Biggest Snag in U.S.-Russia Relations is Ukraine, Not Election Meddling

Thu, 07/12/2017 - 21:56
U.S. ‘badly’ wants to mend fences with Moscow, Secretary of State Tillerson says.

Putin Uses Olympic Ban to Rally Support for His Presidential Bid

Thu, 07/12/2017 - 20:15
The IOC’s unprecedented ban on Russia for sports doping feeds his narrative of a nation under siege.

In Return to Cold War Posture, U.S. Sending Sub Hunting Planes to Iceland

Mon, 04/12/2017 - 12:22
NATO and the United States are confronting years of neglect of their submarine-detecting capabilities, while Russia has pulled even.

Trump Boycotts U.N. Migration Talks

Sun, 03/12/2017 - 04:30
The White House’s ‘America First’ policymakers see little gain in setting the global rules for migration.

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Former British Colony Scorned

Sat, 02/12/2017 - 08:00
The U.K.'s biggest hurdle to a successful Brexit is the small country next door.

Mike Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to FBI, Is Cooperating on Russia Probe

Fri, 01/12/2017 - 20:24
The former national security adviser was asked by Trump team officials to make contact with the Russians.

How Not to Fix the U.N. Human Rights Council

Fri, 01/12/2017 - 20:03
The Trump administration wants reform. But putting Israel above all other priorities is a big mistake.

Proposed U.S. Cuts to AIDS Funding Could Cause Millions of Deaths: Report

Fri, 01/12/2017 - 17:25
While the Trump administration praises its progress on the AIDS fight, health campaigners warn they are making the fight that much harder.

The reflective leader: A major lesson from the memoirs of U.S. Grant

Fri, 01/12/2017 - 16:15
Grant's memoirs show that self-awareness and honest reflection are crucial to leadership

War and Reconstruction: Ron Chernow’s marvelous new biography of U.S. Grant

Fri, 01/12/2017 - 16:10
In the years following the Civil War, the American south descended into chaos.

SitRep: Tillerson Still in; The Pentagon’s Magic Numbers in Syria

Fri, 01/12/2017 - 13:45
U.S. looks to fly armed drones in Niger; privatizing covert ops; and lots more

How to Move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Thu, 30/11/2017 - 23:58
And what it means, legally, if Trump does.

Donald Trump Is Singlehandedly Wrecking the Special Relationship

Thu, 30/11/2017 - 23:27
America has no greater friend than Britain. Or had.

Rational Security on The E.R.: The “Power of Delusional Thinking” Edition

Thu, 30/11/2017 - 23:23
Mike Flynn may be cooperating with Mueller’s investigation, but the president thinks there’s nothing to worry about.

This Is How Every Genocide Begins

Thu, 30/11/2017 - 20:44
Why Trump’s most un-American moment can’t be overlooked.

Sisi Doesn’t Know How to Beat ISIS

Thu, 30/11/2017 - 19:41
Egypt’s brute-force approach to counterterrorism isn’t working in Sinai.

Rexit: Secretary of State Tillerson Could Soon Get the Boot

Thu, 30/11/2017 - 18:54
Reports suggest Trump is mulling replacing the embattled secretary of state with CIA head Pompeo, and putting Sen. Tom Cotton at CIA.
