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Balkan News

Bulgaria Probes Arms Company Linked to Syria - Thu, 29/12/2016 - 14:52
Prosecutors are investigating whether a local arms company broke the embargo on exporting weapons to Syria, following Russian claims that Bulgaria-made arms were found in Aleppo.
Categories: Balkan News

Montenegro’s Bosniaks Thwart Njegos National Holiday - Thu, 29/12/2016 - 12:59
Montenegro’s government dropped plans to declare the birthday of Petar II Petrovic Njegos a national holiday after opposition from Bosniaks who accuse the poet-prince of glorifying the killing of Muslims.
Categories: Balkan News

Bulgaria Sets Aside Day to Honour Anti-Nazis - Thu, 29/12/2016 - 11:36
The outgoing government has designated February 21 as a day of thanks to the people who resisted Nazism in Bulgaria during the Second World War - partly in order to strengthen 'democratic values'.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo Ruling Party Denies Running Anti-BIRN Campaign - Thu, 29/12/2016 - 09:08
After a journalist involved in the campaign against BIRN in Kosovo in 2009 said the ruling party had been behind the whole affair, the party has hit back calling the claim 'a fairytale'.
Categories: Balkan News

Rumänien erhält eine muslimische Ministerpräsidentin - Mon, 26/12/2016 - 21:10
Rumänien erhält eine muslimische Ministerpräsidentin   Die Regierungskoalition PSD-ALDE in Rumänien schlug die ehemalige Ministerin für „Regionale Entwicklung“ Sevil Shhaideh als Ministerpräsidentin vor. Bei der von Staatspräsident Klaus Jahannis geleiteten Abstimmung, präsentierte die sozialistisch-liberale Regierungskoalition Sevil Shhaideh als ihre Kandidatin für die Position der Regierungschefin, dies teilte Liviu Dragnea, der Präsident der PSD, mit und fügte hinzu, dass Frau Shhaideh auch […] Weiterlesen
Categories: Balkan News

EU – US – Berlin financed: 25 years judge and law desaster - Mon, 26/12/2016 - 12:55
Brüssel, Berlin, Washington, London, Tirana, Phristina, Podogrica and others: 26 Dec 16 Albanian Judges Likely to Quit to Avoid Vetting Experts say many Albanian judicial officials are likely to resign before the so-called vetting law comes into operation, in order to save their reputations – and their assets. Fatjona Mejdini BIRN Tirana Ilustrative picture by Analysists in Albania believe the law on the re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors or so-called vetting law will result in a lot of resignations among the around 800 justice officials. After the Constitutional Court on Thursday dismissed objections against the law from the opposition Democratic Party and the Union of the Judges, the law […]
Categories: Balkan News

Macedonia Poll Re-run Fails to Resolve Power Battle - Mon, 26/12/2016 - 12:48
Sunday's election re-run in the village has not changed the final results in Macedonia's election as the verbal fight continues between the ruling and opposition party about who will form the next government.
Categories: Balkan News

Ombudsman Jankovic Will Run for Serbian Presidency - Mon, 26/12/2016 - 11:53
Ombudsman Sasa Jankovic, who has crossed swords on many occasions with the Serbian authorities, has announced that he will run for the post of President in elections next year.
Categories: Balkan News

Romania: Experiment With Technocrats Comes to Grief - Mon, 26/12/2016 - 08:16
The year started with big hopes that a technocratic government could radically change country’s political face but ended it with a return to power by the unreformed Social Democrats.
Categories: Balkan News

Stefanovic Case Will Test Serbian Judiciary’s Real Independence - Mon, 26/12/2016 - 08:13
When ruling in the case of Serbia’s interior Minister vs NIN, the Serbian courts are obliged to take on board the praxis of European Court of Human Rights, which gives broad rights to freedom of expression. 
Categories: Balkan News

Disputes Became Gift for Satirists in Bulgaria in 2016 - Mon, 26/12/2016 - 08:10
Outgoing Prime Minister Boyko Borissov did not betray his image as ‘man of the people’ in 2016, ensuring that many of his catchphrases would remain in Bulgaria’s political jargon long after his reign. 
Categories: Balkan News

Albanian Judges Likely to Quit to Avoid Vetting - Mon, 26/12/2016 - 08:05
Experts say many Albanian judicial officials are likely to resign before the so-called vetting law comes into operation, in order to save their reputations - and their assets.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo: New War Court Approved Despite Opposition - Mon, 26/12/2016 - 07:30
Pristina in 2016 approved the establishment of a new Hague-based court to try former Kosovo Liberation Army fighters, while war crimes trials at home attracted controversy and sparked protests.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo and Other Countries Destroyed by Hillary Clinton - Sun, 25/12/2016 - 20:45
There Are No Terrorists? Counterterrorism = Supporting Terrorism? Donald Trump’s foreign policy adviser: Al-Qaeda destroyed the Serbian army in Kosovo 2016-05-19 Donald Trump on Kosovo in 1999 2016-05-16 Donald Trump: We created chaos, we should not have attacked Serbia! 2016-05-16 *Shaking Hands With a War Criminal 2016-11-05 “The Terrorists R Us.” The Islamic State “Big Lie” There Are No Terrorists? Counterterrorism = Supporting Terrorism? Western Governments Are Supporting Terrorist Organizations Which They are Allegedly Combating By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 24, 2016 The US counter-terrorism coalition is intent upon supporting and protecting the terrorists in Syria and Iraq. It’s a diabolical agenda. The governments of the countries whose citizens are […]
Categories: Balkan News

Macedonia Holds Election Re-Run - Sun, 25/12/2016 - 11:29
Macedonia carries out a re-run of the December 11 general election at a single polling station,  in the village of Tearce, which could potentially change the result.
Categories: Balkan News

Die „CABRERA“ lief auf Grund in Griechenland, wegen Inkompetenz des Kapitäns - Sun, 25/12/2016 - 08:12
Pseudo Kapitäne, die weniger Wissen haben, wie ein Deutscher Sport Schiffer Skipper, identisch die nur US Kapitäne, die nur noch Elekronik kennen. Erst seit kurzem wird bei der US Navy, wieder echte Navigation gelehrt. Strandung auf der Nord West Seite der Insel Andros, als man die Passage in Richtung Süden und Finnland passieren wollte. Einfache Durchfahrt, welche man mit 6 kn passieren wollte, nur bei extren Nord Winden, ist die Durchfahrt auch im südlichen Bereich, wegen Strömungen, hohen kurzen Wellen gefährlich, wo schon etliche Schiffe, auch Fähren untergingen. Position Received: 13 h, 52 min ago (2016-12-24 17:08 UTC) Vessel’s Local Time: 2016-12-24 19:08 (UTC +2) Area: EMED – Aegean […]
Categories: Balkan News

„Camorra“ identisch: das kriminelle Enterprise der korrupten Deutschen Politik mit Atlantik Brücke und Holger Pfahls - Sat, 24/12/2016 - 13:09
Nachdem diese Dumm kriminellen Kreise, Deutschland auf allen Ebenen ruiniert hat, erhält Holger Pfahls seine Gelder teilweise zurück. Die Deutsche Justiz, Polizei Spitze mit Ralf Jäger, Heiko Maas, den SPD und CDU Hof Schranzen der Inkompetenz und Partner von Terroristen und Gangstern ist heute Deutsche Norm, wie der Visa Skandal zeigte, die aktuellen Anschläge in Berlin und Morde in Freiburg. Ralf Jäger: Inkompetenz der SPD Hofschranzen Mafia NRW – No Go Areas- Ralf Jäger von der OK gekauft: „Das Endstadium des Spätkapitalismus, ist die organisierte Kriminalität“ Legal, illegal, scheißegal! Die kriminelle Vergangenheit von Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas Terroristen Tussi: Julia Klöckner und Heiko Maas zelebrieren ihre korrupte Dummheit Die Atlantik-Brücke e.V. […]
Categories: Balkan News

Serbia Activists Suspect Plan to Curb Abortion - Fri, 23/12/2016 - 20:01
Serbia’s Demography Minister has denied plans to set up a special body advising women against abortion, but rights activists still suspect a hidden agenda to curb women’s rights.
Categories: Balkan News

German|s politic: Germany Drains Bosnia of Doctors and Nurses - Fri, 23/12/2016 - 18:15
23 Dec 16 Germany Drains Bosnia of Doctors and Nurses More than a thousand doctors, nurses and carers are leaving Bosnia and Herzegovina for Germany each year, with frightening implications for the country’s own health service. Danijela Kozina, Katarina Panic BIRN Selma Dzafic is part of an exodus of skilled workers from Bosnia, including doctors, nurses and healthcare assistants, all leaving for the better pay and better working conditions in Germany. Photo: BIRN Hard-working Selma Dzafic breezed through her studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Tuzla, northern Bosnia. While she won top marks, securing her first job as a doctor in Bosnia and Herzegovina proved tougher than passing exams. […]
Categories: Balkan News

Romania's Ex-President Indicted Over 1990 Violence - Fri, 23/12/2016 - 16:46
Former president Ion Iliescu and former prime minister Petre Roman are among the senior former officials to be indicted for crimes against humanity for their role in violent attacks on opposition protesters in 1990. 
Categories: Balkan News
