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Balkan News

Albanian Parties Set Terms For Macedonia's Next Govt - Sun, 08/01/2017 - 09:35
Albanian parties in Macedonia on Saturday agreed their key conditions for participation in a future coalition government - in a move hailed by neighbouring Albania as 'historic'.
Categories: Balkan News

Bosnian Serb ‘Statehood Day’ Celebration Divides Country - Sun, 08/01/2017 - 07:10
Defying Bosnia’s state authorities, the EU and US, the Serb-dominated entity of Republika Srpska is staging a lavish celebration of its disputed ‘statehood’ holiday, despite a ban by the Constitutional Court.
Categories: Balkan News

Georg Soros: Marionette von Martin Schulz und Steinmeier: Zoran Zaev bei den Radikal Islamisten in Skopje - Sat, 07/01/2017 - 15:28
Die unendliche Geschichte einer Verbrecher Klasse, die sich „Eliten“ nennen, für einfachste Dinge wie Justiz in den Balkan zu korrupt und kriminell ist. Zaev’s Kolede Song in front of BESA’s Radical Islamists Friday, 06 January 2017 This morning thousands of Macedonian kids ventured out into the snowy conditions to sing traditional Christmas Kolede songs. Apparently, so did SDSM leader Zoran Zaev who with former interim MoI Oliver Spasovski were filmed by Zhurnal journalist visiting the headquarters of the islamic radical movement BESA who won 3MP spots in Parliament. Zaev has given up on forming a Government with DUI. The SDSM leader called Ahmeti an illegitimate representative for the albanians in […]
Categories: Balkan News

Skandali presidencial, Pacolli akuzohet për një milion ryshfet - Sat, 07/01/2017 - 15:09
  1 Million € for Präsident! Skandali presidencial, Pacolli akuzohet për një milion ryshfet Zeqa: Akuza e ish-kreut të Gjykatës Kushtetuese ndaj Pacollit e tregon shembullin më të keq të lidhjes së institucioneve më të larta të shtetit me krimin e organizuar Akuza e ish-kreut të Gjykatës Kushtetuese, Enver Hasani, se Behgjet Pacolli ka ofruar 1 milion euro për të ndryshuar vendimin e Gjykatës Kushtetuese, lidhur me ligjshmërinë e zgjedhjes së tij në krye të Presidencës është shumë serioze dhe kërkon reagim të menjëhershëm të Prokurorisë Speciale, që, sipas detyrës zyrtare, të hetojë këtë rast“, thekson analisti Bejtullah Ibrahimi Deklarimin dhe akuzimin publik nga ish-kreu i Gjykatës Kushtetuese, Enver Hasani, […]
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo Organ-Trafficking Retrial Disappoints EU Mission - Sat, 07/01/2017 - 14:02
05 Jan 17 Kosovo Organ-Trafficking Retrial Disappoints EU Mission The EU rule-of-law mission in Kosovo expressed disappointment after the Supreme Court ordered a retrial of three men convicted of involvement in organ-trafficking from the Medicus clinic near Pristina. Die Morina BIRN Pristina The former Medicus clinic. The EU rule-of-law mission, EULEX, told BIRN that it regretted the fact that the high-profile Medicus case will be retried after a Supreme Court ruling last month overturned the verdict convicting three Kosovo men of involvement in an organ-trafficking ring that operated from the clinic near Pristina in 2008. Medicus clinic owner Lutfi Dervishi, his son Arban Dervishi and head anaesthetist Sokol Hajdini were […]
Categories: Balkan News

Für einen Untersuchungsausschuss, gegen die „Verräter“ Regierung von Kriminellen in Berlin - Sat, 07/01/2017 - 12:26
Die Deutsche Politik Mafia, des Krieges, der Inkompetenz und Betruges plant dafür  bundesweite Bewegungsprofile der Fahrgäste, nachdem die Fiasko-Politik bereits Schleuser Organisationen finanziert. Die nächste Null Nummer der Inkompetenz: CSU Minister Christian Schmidt, und die „Landwirtschaft Der Ignorant“ Einführung von deutschlandweiten E-Tickets Das Verkehrsministerium fördert mit 16 Mio. Euro eine digitale Mobilitätsplattform; nutzerbar über Chipkarten oder als Handyticket. Bis 2019 sollen Fahrkarten aus Papier für Busse und Bahnen nahezu überall verschwunden sein. In der Praxis sei eine Vernetzung für einen verbundübergreifenden ÖPV mit anderen Mobilitätsdienstleistungen nur ansatzweise vorzufinden; die Zuständigkeiten liegen auf mehrere staatliche Ebenen. Mit der Vernetzung können dann auch einfach bundesweite Bewegungsprofile der Fahrgäste erstellt werden., […]
Categories: Balkan News

Bulgarians See Funny Side of Drug-Laden Spread - Fri, 06/01/2017 - 16:16
After a consumers' organisation warned that a popular tomato spread, lutenitsa, may contain a substance whose effects are like those of cannabis, predictable jokes have flooded social networks.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo Ex-PM Haradinaj Criticises France for Arrest - Fri, 06/01/2017 - 15:36
Former Kosovo premier Ramush Haradinaj said it was “sad” that France acted on a Serbian warrant to arrest him over war crimes charges, while top officials in Pristina demanded his release.
Categories: Balkan News

Romania’s New Ministers Called Unqualified for Office - Fri, 06/01/2017 - 14:53
Opposition politicians, the President and many experts have expressed strong doubts about the credentials of Romania’s new ministerial team.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo Charges ‘Extradited Serbian’ with War Crimes - Fri, 06/01/2017 - 13:54
Kosovo’s Special Prosecution charged the suspect, reported to be a Serbian Roma, with committing war crimes in Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje in 1999, after his extradition from Bosnia.
Categories: Balkan News

Albania: Funniest Moments of 2016 - Fri, 06/01/2017 - 07:55
Albanian politics had its hilarious moments in 2016, several of them featuring Prime Minister Edi Rama.
Categories: Balkan News

Kosovo 2016: Protests Fail to Dislodge Mustafa Govt - Fri, 06/01/2017 - 07:50
A troubled year saw relentless opposition attempts to bring down the government, fresh tensions with Kosovo Serbs and Serbia and controversy over an activist’s death in jail.
Categories: Balkan News

Macedonia Parties Trade Blame Over Deadly Smog - Fri, 06/01/2017 - 07:48
Ruling and opposition parties in Macedonia have exchanged accusations over who is to blame for the alarming levels of air pollution each winter in the country's urban centres.
Categories: Balkan News

Der Lügner, Betrüger, „Securitate“ Mann: „Teodor Melescanu“ ist wieder Rumänischer Aussenminister - Fri, 06/01/2017 - 00:54
Innenminister, Geheimdienst Chef: Vieles war der Lügner Teodor Melescanu schon in Rumänien auch unter den Super korrupten Regierungen von Nastashe, immer von Gnaden des Georg Soros, welche solche korrupten Lügner und Betrüger überall installieren, für ihre privaten Geschäfte. Natürlich wird nun aufgerüstet, für die erfundene „Russische Gefahr“. Original „Securitate„ Offizier, wenn man so einen Lebenslauf hat: Ziemlich übler Laden, denn ich als einer der wenigen echten Deutschen damals in 1975 in Rumänien live erleben konnte, als ich dort arbeitete, für eine bekannte Firma. Die EU dokumentiert, die Namen, Personen, welche von der CIA in Europa verschleppt wurden, in einem 55 Seitigen Bericht (A) CASES OF EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION), mit Zustimmung und […]
Categories: Balkan News

Mario Draghi – Deutsche Bank Mafia und heute Monte dei Paschi - Thu, 05/01/2017 - 22:10
Kriminelle übernahmen die EZB, Angela Merkel, Jörg Asmussen schwätzen nun seit 2008 dummes Zeug, die Probleme der Finanz Mafia zulösen und hoch krimineller Banken. Der EZB Vorstand ist ein Construct Krimineller, welche sogar bei Luxus Dinner mit Banken Vorständen wie Goldman & Sachs, Morgan: Insider Geschäfte organisieren um den bisherigen Betrug zuvertuschen. Krisenbank Monte dei Paschi di Siena: Die Angelegenheit ist noch lange nicht geklärt 05. Januar 2017 Jenny Perelli Hauptsitz der MPS im Palazzo Salimbeni in Siena. Foto: Tango7174. Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0 Die EZB hebt die Kapitallücke von 5 Milliarden Euro auf 8,8 Milliarden Euro an – Wirtschaftsminister Padoan fordert Strafen für Manager Monte dei Paschi Affäre um […]
Categories: Balkan News

Montenegro Releases Crime Reporter Martinovic - Thu, 05/01/2017 - 15:35
Investigative reporter Jovo Martinovic has been released from detention ahead of his appearance in court on January 19 to answer drugs-smuggling charges, following a campaign by human rights organizations. 
Categories: Balkan News

Balkan Weapons Flowing to Iraqi Militias, Amnesty Warns - Thu, 05/01/2017 - 15:21
Arms from at least 16 countries have flowed to paramilitary militias allied to the Iraqi government who have used them to commit serious human rights violations, rights group Amnesty International says.
Categories: Balkan News

Croatian ‘Salami King’ Awaits War Profiteering Trial - Thu, 05/01/2017 - 15:18
A well-known Croatian producer of salami and other meat products, Georg ‘Djuro’ Gavrilovic, will go on trial at a Zagreb court in May for alleged war profiteering.
Categories: Balkan News

Mystery Surrounds Croatia President's US Visit - Thu, 05/01/2017 - 15:00
The brief information the Office of the Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic has supplied about her latest visit to Washington has left the public pondering its purpose.
Categories: Balkan News

Serbia’s Rehabilitation of Chetnik General Postponed - Thu, 05/01/2017 - 13:48
A Serbian court postponed to February its decision on the rehabilitation of WWII Chetnik commander Nikola Kalabic, who was declared a war criminal by the Yugoslav Communist authorities.
Categories: Balkan News
