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European Union

Highlights - Statement by Anna Fotyga, Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

"I strongly condemn today’s dreadful terrorist attacks in Brussels, the capital of Belgium and the seat of many international organizations and institutions. I convey my deepest condolences to the families of the innocent victims and I wish a quick recovery to those injured."
"As Europeans we must stand united with Belgium in condemning and combatting terrorism in all its forms. The fight against terrorism should be global and, in the frame of its responsibilities, our subcommittee will remain committed to contribute enhancing international security."
Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP

Hearings - The review of the Non-Proliferation Treaty - 29-01-2015 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

The Subcommittee held a Public Hearing on the Review of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) which is due in 2015, with experts from think tanks, NGOs and the EEAS.
Location : Brussels, room Altiero Spinelli 1G2
Draft programme
Background documents
Background documents
Presentation by Rebecca Johnson, Director, Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy
Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP

Hearings - The crisis in Syria and the role of international and regional actors - 16-03-2016 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

The public hearing "The crisis in Syria and the role of international and regional actors: security implications for Europe" was held on 16 March with researchers closely working on the issue and a representative from the EEAS. The hearing provided a better understanding of the situation on the ground, a vital requirement for bringing the conflict to an end.
Location : Altiero Spinelli 3G-2
Presentation by Michael Benhamou
Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
