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European Union

Press release - European travel document: MEPs and ministers strike informal deal - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 17:09
A new standard European travel document to speed the return of non-EU nationals staying "irregularly" in EU member states without valid passports or identity cards was informally agreed by MEPs and EU ministers on Thursday evening. A key goal during the talks has been to increase third countries’ acceptance of the document through improved technical details. To enter into force, this informal deal needs to be formally endorsed by the full Parliament and the Council of Ministers.
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - European travel document: MEPs and ministers strike informal deal - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

European Parliament - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 17:09
A new standard European travel document to speed the return of non-EU nationals staying "irregularly" in EU member states without valid passports or identity cards was informally agreed by MEPs and EU ministers on Thursday evening. A key goal during the talks has been to increase third countries’ acceptance of the document through improved technical details. To enter into force, this informal deal needs to be formally endorsed by the full Parliament and the Council of Ministers.
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Hearings - The use of drones and the fight against terrorism - the impact on human rights - 30-06-2016 - Subcommittee on Human Rights - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

The objective of this hearing, on 30 June from 9.00-11.00, is to assess whether the use of drones complies with international law including respect for human rights and international humanitarian law. Issues related to civilian casualties and impact on affected communities, the question of transparency and accountability as well as the need for meaningful compensation mechanisms will also be addressed.
Location : PHS 4B001, BRUSSELS
Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP

Press release - MEPs call for more ambitious and consumer-focused energy targets beyond 2020

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 14:07
Plenary sessions : The EU's renewable energy target - 20% of total consumption by 2020 - has already been hit by many EU member states. But others lag behind and must do more, MEPs urge in a resolution, voted on Thursday, on the EU Commission's “renewables progress report." To achieve the EU's energy efficiency target - a 20% gain by 2020 – member states need to implement EU legislation faster, and in full, says a second resolution, also voted on Thursday.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - MEPs call for more ambitious and consumer-focused energy targets beyond 2020

European Parliament - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 14:07
Plenary sessions : The EU's renewable energy target - 20% of total consumption by 2020 - has already been hit by many EU member states. But others lag behind and must do more, MEPs urge in a resolution, voted on Thursday, on the EU Commission's “renewables progress report." To achieve the EU's energy efficiency target - a 20% gain by 2020 – member states need to implement EU legislation faster, and in full, says a second resolution, also voted on Thursday.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Palestinian President puts his state’s case to MEPs

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 13:17
Plenary sessions : “It is time for our people to live in freedom, without walls and checkpoints”, urged President of the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas in his address to MEPs on Thursday. He conveyed his people’s gratitude to the European Parliament for recognising a State of Palestine and criticised Israel for pursuing its occupation of Palestinian territories.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Palestinian President puts his state’s case to MEPs

European Parliament - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 13:17
Plenary sessions : “It is time for our people to live in freedom, without walls and checkpoints”, urged President of the Palestinian National Authority Mahmoud Abbas in his address to MEPs on Thursday. He conveyed his people’s gratitude to the European Parliament for recognising a State of Palestine and criticised Israel for pursuing its occupation of Palestinian territories.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Latest news - The next SEDE meeting - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

will take place on Thursday 30 June, 9:00-11:00 (room Paul-Henri Spaak 4B001) and 11:15-12:45 (room Altiero Spinelli 5E-2) in Brussels.

Organisations or interest groups who wish to apply for access to the European Parliament will find the relevant information below.

Further information
watch the meeting live
Access rights for interest group representatives
Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP

Press release - MEPs approve EU aid for 488 redundant construction machinery workers in Belgium

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:35
Plenary sessions : A proposal to grant Belgium €1,824,041 in EU aid to help find new jobs for 488 workers made redundant by construction machinery manufacturers in Wallonia was approved by MEPs on Thursday. A further 300 young unemployed people should also benefit from the aid, to come from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF).

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - MEPs approve EU aid for 488 redundant construction machinery workers in Belgium

European Parliament - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:35
Plenary sessions : A proposal to grant Belgium €1,824,041 in EU aid to help find new jobs for 488 workers made redundant by construction machinery manufacturers in Wallonia was approved by MEPs on Thursday. A further 300 young unemployed people should also benefit from the aid, to come from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF).

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - International divorces: new rules on whose courts settle property disputes

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:23
Plenary sessions : New rules for deciding which country’s courts should settle property disputes in divorce or death cases involving international couples or registered partnerships were approved by MEPs on Thursday. These rules should end parallel proceedings – costing around €1.1bn annually – in various member states whose courts have to settle such property disputes. They will apply in 18 EU countries which were willing to join this “enhanced cooperation” initiative.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - International divorces: new rules on whose courts settle property disputes

European Parliament - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:23
Plenary sessions : New rules for deciding which country’s courts should settle property disputes in divorce or death cases involving international couples or registered partnerships were approved by MEPs on Thursday. These rules should end parallel proceedings – costing around €1.1bn annually – in various member states whose courts have to settle such property disputes. They will apply in 18 EU countries which were willing to join this “enhanced cooperation” initiative.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Ending EU citizens' bank secrecy in Monaco

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:18
Plenary sessions : An EU deal with Monaco, which will make it harder for EU citizens to hide cash from the tax man in bank accounts there, was endorsed by Parliament in a vote on Thursday. Under the deal, the EU and Monaco will automatically exchange information on the bank accounts of each other's residents, starting in 2018 for information collected since 1 January 2017.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Ending EU citizens' bank secrecy in Monaco

European Parliament - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:18
Plenary sessions : An EU deal with Monaco, which will make it harder for EU citizens to hide cash from the tax man in bank accounts there, was endorsed by Parliament in a vote on Thursday. Under the deal, the EU and Monaco will automatically exchange information on the bank accounts of each other's residents, starting in 2018 for information collected since 1 January 2017.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Stop massacres in eastern Congo and bring perpetrators to justice, urge MEPs

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:16
Plenary sessions : MEPs urge all parties fighting in north-eastern Congo to put an “end to the violence, lay down their arms, release all children from their ranks and promote dialogue” towards a peaceful solution, in a resolution voted on Thursday, after a debate on Wednesday. "There can be no impunity for perpetrators", they add.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Stop massacres in eastern Congo and bring perpetrators to justice, urge MEPs

European Parliament - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:16
Plenary sessions : MEPs urge all parties fighting in north-eastern Congo to put an “end to the violence, lay down their arms, release all children from their ranks and promote dialogue” towards a peaceful solution, in a resolution voted on Thursday, after a debate on Wednesday. "There can be no impunity for perpetrators", they add.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - “Baltic plan”: first long-term fishing plan under new Common Fisheries Policy

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:15
Plenary sessions : The EU multiannual plan for managing Baltic Sea cod, sprat and herring stocks was approved in plenary on Thursday. This is the first new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) regional plan that takes account of interactions between species. It aims to ensure the sustainability of fisheries and offer fishermen better economic conditions in the long run. Parliament and Council negotiators reached an informal agreement on it in March.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - “Baltic plan”: first long-term fishing plan under new Common Fisheries Policy

European Parliament - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:15
Plenary sessions : The EU multiannual plan for managing Baltic Sea cod, sprat and herring stocks was approved in plenary on Thursday. This is the first new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) regional plan that takes account of interactions between species. It aims to ensure the sustainability of fisheries and offer fishermen better economic conditions in the long run. Parliament and Council negotiators reached an informal agreement on it in March.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Parliament names “Panama Papers” inquiry committee members

European Parliament (News) - Thu, 23/06/2016 - 12:11
Plenary sessions : The European Parliament named the 65 members of its “Panama Papers” Committee of Inquiry, into tax evasion and money laundering, on Thursday, after approving its remit on 8 June. The committee’s shorthand label will be “PANA”.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union
