Tweet #HLPF2018Thursday, July 12, 1:15pm EST
Bringing Words to Life: How Are the SDGs Supporting Peace, Justice, and Inclusion?
This event focuses on early successes of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development—not only in regards to SDG 16 but across the agenda (SDG16+)—to foster peace, justice, and inclusion at the local and national level.
Monday, July 16, 1:15pm EST
Fostering Entrepreneurship & Innovation to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
Taking place during the High-Level Political Forum, this event will discuss the role of entrepreneurship in realization of social and economic gains, and showcase success stories from entrepreneurs working on these issues.
Tuesday, July 17, 8:15am EST
Affordable Housing for All
This event examines ongoing and future government efforts to improve access to adequate housing, seeking to increase the awareness of UN member states of the challenges of housing from a more holistic perspective and their commitment to repositioning housing at the center of national development strategies.
Tuesday, July 17, 1:15pm EST
Reaching Internally Displaced Persons to Achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In this event, participants will discuss the link between development policies and internal displacement by sharing tangible examples of actions that governments, civil society, and the international community are taking to help implement the SDGs by including IDPs.
Further Reading
Policy Reports and Issue Briefs:
Global Observatory Articles:
On Friday, September 28th, IPI together with the Centre for Policy Research at United Nations University are cohosting a book launch event to discuss Negotiating Peace: A Guide to the Practice, Politics, and Law of International Mediation.
Remarks will begin at 4:45pm EST*
This book is the first and only practical guide to negotiating peace. In this ground-breaking book Sven Koopmans, who is both a peace negotiator and a scholar, discusses the practice, politics, and law of international mediation. With both depth and a light touch he explores successful as well as failed attempts to settle the wars of the world, building on decades of historical, political, and legal scholarship.
Who can mediate between warring parties? How to build confidence between enemies? Who should take part in negotiations? How can a single diplomat manage the major powers? What issues to discuss first, what last? When to set a deadline? How to maintain confidentiality? How to draft an agreement, and what should be in it? How to ensure implementation? The book discusses the practical difficulties and dilemmas of negotiating agreements, as well as existing solutions and possible future approaches. It uses examples from around the world, with an emphasis on the conflicts of the last twenty-five years, but also of the previous two-and-a-half-thousand. Rather than looking only at either legal, political or organizational issues, Negotiating Peace discusses these interrelated dimensions in the way they are confronted in practice as an integral whole with one leading question: what can be done?
H.E. Mr. Stef Blok, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dr. Sven M.G. Koopmans, Author of Negotiating Peace and former Senior Mediation Expert, United Nations
Mr. Terje Rød-Larsen, President, International Peace Institute
Ms. Teresa Whitfield, Director, Policy and Mediation Division, UN Department of Political Affairs
Mr. Robert Dann, Political Adviser and former Chief of the Mediation Support Unit
Mr. Adam Day, Head of Programmes, Centre for Policy Research at United Nations University
*If you are not logged into Facebook, times are shown in PST.
On Friday, September 28th, IPI together with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland are cohosting a policy forum during the UN High-Level Week to present the main conclusions and recommendations from the third Regional Conversations on “Investing in Peace and the Prevention of Violence in the Sahel-Sahara.” These conversations were organized in Algiers on June 24 and 25, 2018, by the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel, IPI, the FDFA of Switzerland, and the African Union’s African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT), with support from the government of Algeria.
Remarks will begin at 1:15pm EST*
Opening remarks:
H.E. Mr. Jürg Lauber, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS)
H.E. Ambassador El Haouès Riache, Ambassador and Counterterrorism Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Algeria
H.E. Mr. Larry Gbevlo-Lartey, African Union Special Representative for Counterterrorism and Director of the African Union’s African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT)
Ms. Lori-Anne Théroux-Bénoni, Director, Dakar Office, Institute for Security Studies, Senegal
Mr. Mohamed Anacko, President of Agadez Regional Council, Niger
Ms. Omezzine Khélifa, Executive Director, Mobdiun, Tunisia
Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, Senior Adviser, International Peace Institute (IPI)
Following similar Conversations in Dakar in 2016 and N’Djamena in 2017, the Algiers gathering aimed to further identify and strengthen local, national, and regional approaches to preventing violent extremism and addressing its causes in the Sahel-Sahara. The focus was on the gap between the state and its citizens, engagement by civil society, the role of the media and security and defense forces, and the contribution of culture, citizenship, and education to prevention. Participants in the Algiers conversation called for a multidimensional approach to prevention that involves all stakeholders. They formulated recommendations on actions practitioners from the region could take, both within states and through regional and subregional groupings, and in some cases with support from the UN and other partners.
*If you are not logged into Facebook, times are shown in PST.
On Thursday, September 27th, IPI together with the Government of Sweden are cohosting a Global Leader Series discussion with H.E. Margot Wallström, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.
Remarks will begin at 2:45pm EST*
Despite two decades of policy development and commitments intended to support women and girls affected by armed conflict, women’s participation in all levels of peace and security decision-making lags due to structural barriers, lack of access to political arenas, and even threats to women who attempt to participate in these processes. In efforts to build and sustain peace, there remains a widespread neglect of local-level women peacebuilders’ expertise, and formal peacemaking efforts continue to be resistant to women’s meaningful participation and to women’s rights. This problem persists despite increasing recognition that efforts to build and sustain peace are dependent upon the full participation of women and respect for their rights. This Global Leaders discussion will draw on the minister’s years as an advocate for women’s rights, including in conflict zones, and will include her insights on how the international community can better live up to its obligations to women and girls globally.
H.E. Ms. Wallström has been the Foreign Minister of Sweden since 2014. She has had a long career in politics, which began in 1979 when she first served as a member of the Swedish Parliament. Her ministerial career began in 1988 when she was appointed Minister of Civil Affairs, responsible for consumer, women, and youth matters. She subsequently assumed the position of Minister of Culture, and then Minister of Social Affairs. In 1998, she retired from Swedish politics to become Executive Vice-President of Worldview Global Media, a non-governmental organization based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. From 1999 until 2004, she served as European Commissioner for the Environment. In 2004, when the Barroso Commission took office, she was appointed its first vice president responsible for inter-institutional relations and communication.
Ms.Wallström has been an advocate for the rights and needs of women throughout her political career, perhaps most notably as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict from 2010 to 2012, and in her promotion of Sweden’s feminist foreign policy in her role as Foreign Minister. She is currently a member of the High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing, appointed by the UN Secretary-General in May 2015. She has received several honorary doctorates and awards for her work on sustainable development and climate change, and has also done extensive work to endorse a European Union-Africa partnership on renewable energy, and to champion equal opportunities. She was also co-founder of the European Union inter-institutional group of women and a key supporter of the 50-50 Campaign for Democracy by the European Women’s Lobby, where she worked to promote a more gender-balanced European Union.
This event will be moderated by Mr. Terje Rød-Larsen, President of IPI.
*If you are not logged into Facebook, times are shown in PST.
On Thursday, September 27th, IPI together with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are cohosting the eleventh annual Trygve Lie Symposium on “Human Rights Defenders: A Global Movement for Peace.”
Remarks will begin at 8:15am EST*
Speakers at this event include Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Kingdom of Norway, H.E. Ms. Ine Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Tunisia, H.E. Mr. Khemaies Jhinaoui, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, H.E. Ms. Michelle Bachelet, as well as other distinguished speakers. This conversation will be moderated by the President of the International Peace Institute, Mr. Terje Rød-Larsen.
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 20th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. Throughout 2018, various events and activities around the globe are being held to highlight the importance of these declarations at an increasingly crucial time for human rights, including the “stand up for human rights” campaign being organized by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
According to OHCHR, the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders tells us that we all have a role to fulfill as human rights defenders and emphasizes that there is a global human rights movement that involves us all.In November of last year, Norway, along with 75 other countries, co-sponsored the Human Rights Defenders UN Consensus Resolution in consultation with civil society, which was unanimously adopted by the UN General Assembly. This resolution recognized “the substantial role that human rights defenders can play in supporting efforts to strengthen conflict prevention, peace and sustainable development, including…in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
This year’s Trygve Lie Symposium will bring together high-level UN and government officials, experts, and civil society representatives to discuss and address how the international community can further promote the positive, important, legitimate, and necessary role of human rights defenders and how this work helps to create a world where sustainable peace is possible.
As we celebrate the anniversaries of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, presentations at this year’s Trygve Lie Symposium will reflect on the progress that has been made, new obstacles that those working to protect and defend human rights face, and the challenges that remain.
*If you are not logged into Facebook, times are shown in PST.
On Monday, September 17th, IPI in cooperation with the Norwegian Nobel Institute is pleased to invite you to a discussion on “The Nobel Peace Prize: Past, Present, and Future” featuring Dr. Asle Toje, a member of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
Remarks will begin at 1:15pm EST*
The Nobel Peace Prize is world-renowned as the most prestigious recognition of achievements in the pursuit of peace. This event will focus on the history of the prize, how it currently serves to contribute to the promotion of peace in today’s world and how it will do so in the future.
Asle Toje is the former Research Director at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo and a current member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. He is also an influential public intellectual and commentator. Since completing his PhD at Cambridge in 2006, Toje has lectured and taught at universities in Europe and beyond. His research focuses on the intersection of security studies and European studies. Among his scholarly works are America, the EU and Strategic Culture (2008); The European Union as a Small Power (2010); Neoclassical Realism in Europe (2012); and Will China’s Rise Be Peaceful? (2018).
The event will be moderated by Terje Rød-Larsen, President of IPI.
*If you are not logged into Facebook, times are shown in PST.
On September 10th, IPI together with the Office of the President of the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly cohosted an interactive discussion with members from the Team of External Advisors to the President of the General Assembly.
Session 2: A Stronger General Assembly for a Stronger United Nations
Session 1: The Future of a Rule-Based System: Multilateralism Under Threat
The Team of External Advisors to the President of the General Assembly is a pro bono group of sixteen globally respected individuals dedicated to multilateralism who have been remarkable in their service—both to their country and in the international arena. The team was formed with the aim of discussing and sharing views on strategic questions, including the scope and depth of the work and engagement of the UN, as well as the role of the General Assembly.
As the theme for the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly was “Focusing on People: Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for All on a Sustainable Planet,” the Team focused on peace, conflict prevention, and mediation. At the event at IPI on September 10th, members of the Team highlighted ideas and recommendations that emerged from their discussions with the President of the General Assembly throughout his term. These discussions were summarized in the Final Report of the Team of External Advisors, which will be available at the event. The meetings covered a wide range of topics, including global political issues, multilateralism, sustaining peace, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement on climate change, human rights and human dignity, and the future and reform of the United Nations.
Welcoming Remarks:
Mr. Terje Rød-Larsen, President of the International Peace Institute
Opening Remarks:
H.E. Mr. Miroslav Lajčák, President of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia
Session 1: The Future of a Rule-Based System: Multilateralism Under Threat
H.E. Ms. Susana Malcorra, Advisor to the President of Argentina, former Foreign Minister of Argentina, former Chef de Cabinet of the UN Secretary-General
H.E. Mr. Francisco José Pereira Pinto de Balsemão, former Prime Minister of Portugal and Chairman of the Board of the group IMPRESA
Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on the Sustainable Development Goals
Mr. Jean-Marie Guéhenno, former President and CEO of the International Crisis Group and former Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations
Mr. Nik Gowing, British Television Journalist and Co-author of Thinking the Unthinkable
Ms. Femi Oke, International Journalist and Co-founder of Moderate the Panel
Session 2: A Stronger General Assembly for a Stronger United Nations
H.E. Ms. Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary for Education and former Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Kenya, former Permanent Representative of The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya to the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Antonio Patriota, Ambassador of Brazil to Italy, former Foreign Minister of Brazil, and former Permanent Representative of Brazil to the UN
Professor Carlos Lopes, Professor at the University of Cape Town and former Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa
Mr. Nik Gowing, British Television Journalist and Co-author of Thinking the Unthinkable
On Wednesday, September 5th, IPI together with the Al-Babtain Foundation are cohosting a policy forum during the annual UN High-Level Forum entitled “The Culture of Sustaining Peace.” This event seeks to provide input into the high-level forum by building upon the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace adopted by the UN General Assembly in Resolution 53/243 in 1999.
Remarks will begin at 1:15pm EST*
Thanks in part to high-level discussions at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, 2018 has seen marked progress in understanding what it takes to sustain peace. Increasingly, international actors and analysts are looking at the positive elements of peace. Instead of asking, “What causes war and how can we fight it?” people are asking, “What makes a peaceful society and how can we build and sustain it?”. Exploring the connections between culture, peace, security, and development is key to answering this question.
In the multilateral system, the concept of the “culture of peace” originated in 1992 in a program of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The concept of “sustaining peace” came out of the 2015 Advisory Group of Experts Review of the Peacebuilding Architecture and was affirmed in dual resolutions by the UN General Assembly and Security Council on peacebuilding and sustaining peace in 2016. How do these two concepts relate? How can they work together? On the sidelines of the 2018 High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace, participants at this policy forum will discuss the connections between these two agendas and how they can be used to advance peace worldwide.
Welcoming Remarks:
Hon. Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia, Chair of the IPI Board of Directors
Opening Remarks:
H.E. Mr. Miroslav Lajčák, President of the UN General Assembly
Mr. Abdul Aziz Saud Al-Babtain, Director and Founder of the Al-Babtain Foundation
H.E. Mr. Masud Bin Momen, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the United Nations
H.E. Ms. Maria de Jesus dos Reis Ferreira, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Angola to the United Nations (TBC)
Mr. Fabrizio Hochschild, Assistant Secretary-General for Strategic Coordination, United Nations Executive Office of the Secretary-General
Ms. Rosa Emilia Salamanca, Director of the Corporación de Investigación y Acción Social y Económica (CIASE)
Hon. Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia, Chair of the IPI Board of Directors
Dynamic geopolitical shifts directly impact European countries’ perceptions of, and re-engagement with, UN peacekeeping, while broader international security threats are likely to influence how Europe engages with UN peacekeeping in the coming years.
In this context, the International Peace Institute’s (IPI) 2018 Vienna Seminar examined diverse perspectives on present and future European engagement in UN peacekeeping. It assessed lessons and experiences that could help better understand Europeans’ collective impact on the effectiveness of UN operations and strived to identify different roles European countries can assume in supporting the UN to tackle contemporary challenges across peacekeeping.
The 2018 seminar marked the forty-eighth iteration of IPI’s annual event and built upon the Vienna Seminar’s legacy of grappling with pressing concerns for UN peacekeeping. Participants discussed a range of interconnected issues concerning European engagement in UN peacekeeping, ranging from examining the nature of contemporary peacekeeping operations and the impact of global and European geopolitical shifts to identifying the modalities and impact of recent European contributions to specific UN missions.
Scenario-based learning for senior leadership teams in UN field missions can greatly improve strategic thinking, decision making, and crisis management in increasingly uncertain operational environments. IPI’s Scenario-Based Learning for Senior Leadership project therefore aims to develop eight training scenarios to be used by senior leadership in peace operations. To integrate these scenarios into existing training being undertaken by the United Nations, the International Peace Institute (IPI) and the UN Integrated Training Service (ITS) within the Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department of Field Support hosted a closed-door roundtable on July 11, 2018, as part of a continued collaboration between IPI and ITS.
Specifically, the event focused on the idea of developing an in-mission leadership retreat as a means of supporting current leadership teams approach challenges environments, the viability of such an idea, and practicalities involved. The meeting resulting in five main takeaways:
This event forms part of IPI’s project on Scenario-Based Learning for Senior Leadership Teams in UN Field Missions. Within this project, IPI, with support from the Government of Canada, is developing eight scenario-based-learning modules over the course of this year for UN leadership teams in field missions, as well as for tabletop exercises in UN headquarters and capitals. IPI believes that scenario-based learning for senior leadership teams in UN field missions can greatly improve strategic thinking, decision making, and crisis management in increasingly uncertain operational environments. IPI’s Scenario-Based Learning for Senior Leadership project therefore aims to develop eight training scenarios to be used by senior leadership in peace operations. The modules, which include addressing instances of sexual exploitation and abuse, difficult host-state relations, protection of civilians, a security crisis, issues of election support, among others, reflect real-world challenges that confront senior UN leadership teams in most missions. The modules will also address the main leadership skills required for managing complex multidimensional missions.
The overall objective of IPI’s engagement with senior leadership training is to better equip senior leadership within UN missions to manage contemporary crises, lead teams, make decisions while being confronted with competing objectives and priorities, and effectively deliver the mandate of the United Nations. This will ultimately improve senior leadership training and foster team building within missions.
Thursday, July 12, 1:15pm EST
Bringing Words to Life: How Are the SDGs Supporting Peace, Justice, and Inclusion?
This event focuses on early successes of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development—not only in regards to SDG 16 but across the agenda (SDG16+)—to foster peace, justice, and inclusion at the local and national level.
Monday, July 16, 1:15pm EST
Fostering Entrepreneurship & Innovation to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
Taking place during the High-Level Political Forum, this event will discuss the role of entrepreneurship in realization of social and economic gains, and showcase success stories from entrepreneurs working on these issues.
Tuesday, July 17, 8:15am EST
Affordable Housing for All
This event examines ongoing and future government efforts to improve access to adequate housing, seeking to increase the awareness of UN member states of the challenges of housing from a more holistic perspective and their commitment to repositioning housing at the center of national development strategies.
Tuesday, July 17, 1:15pm EST
Reaching Internally Displaced Persons to Achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In this event, participants will discuss the link between development policies and internal displacement by sharing tangible examples of actions that governments, civil society, and the international community are taking to help implement the SDGs by including IDPs.
Further Reading
Policy Reports and Issue Briefs:
Global Observatory Articles:
On Tuesday, July 17th, IPI is hosting a policy forum event entitled “Reaching Internally Displaced Persons to Achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Remarks will begin at 1:15pm EST*
Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are among the most vulnerable people in the world. Many are forced to leave their belongings and their work behind, and their physical and mental health is often affected by the events that led to their displacement. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which pledges to “leave no one behind” and specifically mentions IDPs as a vulnerable group that must be empowered through efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), provides an opportunity to put the particular plight of IDPs back on the radar of the international community.
This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. This anniversary provides an opportunity to reflect on what needs to be done and to foster multi-year action aimed at protecting IDPs and preventing and solving internal displacement (as highlighted in the Multi-stakeholder Plan of Action for Advancing Prevention, Protection and Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons 2018–2020).
In this event, participants will discuss the link between development policies and internal displacement by sharing tangible examples of actions that governments, civil society, and the international community are taking to help implement the SDGs by including IDPs.
*If you are not logged into Facebook, times are shown in PST.
On Tuesday, July 17th, IPI together with the Kingdom of Bahrain and co-organized by the Governments of Angola, Bulgaria, Malaysia, and Paraguay in collaboration with UN-Habitat and the UN Development Programme (UNDP), will cohost a policy forum event aimed at sharing experiences and strengthening political commitment to the provision of adequate housing for all.
Remarks will begin at 8:15am EST*
Opening remarks are anticipated from high-level UN officials and the event will feature remarks from ministerial-level heads of delegation from Angola, the Kingdom of Bahrain, Bulgaria, Malaysia, and Paraguay. These five countries, representing five different regions of the globe, are currently working with UN-Habitat and UNDP to strengthen housing policy frameworks and improve access to adequate and affordable housing. The collaboration of these five countries with UN-Habitat and UNDP is a unique example of a partnership seeking to catalyze efforts to achieve the SDGs.
The objective of this side event is to discuss ongoing and future government efforts to improve access to adequate housing and to achieve SDG Target 11.1: “By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services, and upgrade slums.” In addition, it aims to increase the awareness of UN member states of the challenges of housing from a more holistic perspective and their commitment to repositioning housing at the center of national development strategies.
Hon. Eng. Basim Bin Yacob AlHamer, Minister of Housing, Bahrain
Hon Ms. Ana Paula Chantre Luna de Carvalho, Minister of Territorial Planning and Housing, Angola
Hon. Mr. Nikolay Nankov, Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, Bulgaria
Hon. Ms. Maria Soledad Nunez Mendez, Executive Minister National Secretariat of Housing and Habitat, Paraguay
Hon. Ms. Zuraida Kamarudi, Minister of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government, Malaysia
Mr. Warren Hoge, Senior Adviser for External Relations, International Peace Institute
*If you are not logged into Facebook, times are shown in PST.
On Monday, July 16th, IPI together with the Kingdom of Bahrain, Tamkeen, Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) and the Kauffman Foundation are cohosting a policy forum on “Fostering Entrepreneurship & Innovation to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals.”
Remarks will begin at 1:15pm EST*
The role of the private sector is recognized throughout the 2030 Agenda and particularly in SDG 17 which highlights the need for an inclusive partnership. The 2030 Agenda explicitly calls on the private sector to use creativity and innovation to address sustainable development challenges.
The private sector is the key driver of economic development. A strong driver to achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) comes through the enablement of “Entrepreneurship”. Governments can greatly rely on the talent of innovators and entrepreneurs in the implementation of SDGs and to drive policy change to pave the way for break-through innovation. Government agencies, at all levels, play an important part in developing the right entrepreneurship eco-systems for their markets and cultures.
Taking place during the High-Level Political Forum, this event will discuss the role of entrepreneurship in realization of social and economic gains, and showcase success stories from entrepreneurs working on these issues.
Opening remarks:
Mr. Ahmed H. Janahi, Tamkeen
Ms. Safa Sharif, Tamkeen
Dr. Nasser Qaedi, Chief of Investment and Marketing, Tamkeen
Mr. Jonathan Ortmans, President, Global Entrepreneurship Network
Representative from Kauffman Foundation (TBC)
Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, Senior Adviser, International Peace Institute
*If you are not logged into Facebook, times are shown in PST.
On Thursday, July 12th, IPI together with Saferworld are cohosting an expert-level event on, “Bringing Words to Life: How Are the SDGs Supporting Peace, Justice, and Inclusion?” The event will take place at IPI on the margins of the United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF).
Remarks will begin at 1:15pm EST*
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development—and its crosscutting commitments to build peaceful, just, and inclusive societies—offers an unprecedented opportunity to strengthen and transform preventive action. However, the 2030 Agenda risks being seen as a disconnected policy framework that does not help those working for peace, justice, and inclusion at the national or local level to bring about meaningful change. Therefore, it is critical to showcase experiences from around the world that demonstrate the value of the 2030 Agenda in supporting existing initiatives and action to build inclusive and transparent institutions and expand access to justice at all levels.
Taking place during the 2018 High-Level Political Forum, this event seeks to showcase early successes in using these commitments—not only in Sustainable Development Goal 16 but across the agenda (SDG16+)—to foster peace, justice, and inclusion at the local and national level. Participants will also discuss how the UN and member states can learn from these experiences and better support those seeking to make the most of the 2030 Agenda to promote positive peace. The event format will encourage greater participation from all in attendance.
Opening Remarks:
Sandra Pellegrom, Head of Development, Humanitarian Affairs and Human Rights, Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Netherlands to the United Nations
Member-state representative (TBC)
Conversation Leads:
Abdijalil Afqarshe, Saferworld
Katy Thompson, UN Development Programme
Zainab Hassan, Somaliland Non-State Actors Forum
Dr. Abdulhammed Suliman, Peace Research Institute, University of Khartoum
Jimena Leiva Roesch, Research Fellow, International Peace Institute
*If you are not logged into Facebook, times are shown in PST.
While narratives around the conflict in Mali often focus on violent extremism and terrorist threats, particularly targeted attacks against the United Nations mission in the country (MINUSMA), there are increasing concerns related to the protection of civilians from different types of threats. Following the Secretary-General’s Strategic Review of MINUSMA and amidst the mandate renewal of the mission on Thursday, June 28th, the International Peace Institute (IPI) convened a closed-door roundtable entitled “Civilians at Risk: Threats and Drivers of Mass Atrocity in Mali.”
Co-hosted with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), the conversation was moderated by IPI Vice President Adam Lupel and gathered more than 40 participants, including academics and researchers, UN officials, diplomats, and representatives from the NGO community. Panelists included Namie Di Razza (IPI), Mollie Zapata and Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim (USHMM), Samuel Gahigi (UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations), Bruno Charbonneau (Centre FrancoPaix, University of Quebec in Montreal), and Alexandre Diebolt (French Permanent Mission to the UN). The discussion sought to identify the types of threats and physical violence faced by civilians, and how local, national, and international actors could address the risk of atrocities in the country.
Trends and risksAmong the factors of violence against civilians in Mali, experts identified the weakness of the central government, resource competition, predatory state practices, the rise of self-defense groups, tensions between and within communities, and the limited attention given to justice in the peace process. At the regional and macro-level, experts pointed to other key drivers including illicit trafficking, jihadist insurgency, and counter-terrorism operations.
Violent extremism was described as a growing concern. The threats posed by jihadist groups can take insidious, subtle and sophisticated forms, and are mostly indirect—through the use of mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs)—or targeted—through assassination or abduction of individuals accused of collaborating with Malian or international forces, or the harassment of communities resisting their control. On the other hand, counter-terrorism actors and their partners can also constitute a threat to civilians, due to collateral damage or, in certain cases, direct abuse of civilians perceived as colluding with terrorists. Experts highlighted issues of command and control among national security forces, which can lead to the commission of abuses by certain elements. Other threats to civilians include criminality and inter-communal tensions, which are aggravated in the context of radical extremism and counter-terrorism.
There was consensus among panelists that while all populations in Mali are potential victims of violence, the Fulani people are the most vulnerable, notably because of suspicions that they are either involved or in collusion with jihadist groups. Researchers identified two conflicts as particularly worrisome: tensions between Dogon and Fulani people in central Mali, and tensions between Tuareg and Fulani in the Ménaka region.
Participants highlighted the complexity of narratives in the country and the problematic use of labels and categories, some of which have a detrimental impact on the ground. Some suggested that framing the conflict as one of violent extremism and counter-terrorism may be doing more harm than good, as political motivations may underpin the usage of umbrella terms like “extremists” or “terrorists.” Others even noted that the use of rigid categories like “inter-communal violence” can do a disservice to analysis and conflict resolution efforts, especially when local communities attribute violence to ‘revenge’ or ‘settling of scores,’ rather than to “ethnic tensions.” Thus, experts stressed the importance of placing victims’ perspectives at the center of the analysis.
Exploring the protection of civilians (POC) toolkit in MaliRecommendations included the need for counter-terrorism actors to refrain from collaborating with ethnically aligned self-defense militias and other armed groups with poor human rights records, and to further integrate POC in their military doctrine.
There was consensus that MINUSMA’s POC strategy must be further refined and adapted to a dramatically-evolving security context in central Mali and to the specific challenges posed by violent extremism. MINUSMA should diversify the use of tools at its disposal, including non-military protective approaches such as community engagement and dialogue, while balancing these with possible unintended consequences for civilians themselves, such as retribution killings or abductions of civilians suspected of talking with UN staff.
Panelists mentioned the possibility to further explore the UN’s added value in preventing violent extremism and to better link protection with political strategies. They also highlighted the need to improve strategic communication and public information to emphasize distinctions between MINUSMA and CT actors, in a delicate context of cooperation between all international actors.
Participants also pointed to the limitations of international interventions that would only focus on security, and highlighted the need to address grievances related to governance and justice. At the national level, efforts related to the “extension of state authority” will have to take into account the lack of trust towards the state among certain communities. Thus, some experts highlighted that while supporting the presence and extension of state authority in the country, considering the quality and utility of state services for the population will be key to address the root causes of instability.
At the local level, traditional chiefs and the prevalence of a moderate Islam among communities were identified as possible sources of resilience—unifying forces between and within communities. Researchers suggested that the Malian government should pursue reform more inclusively in the center of the country, while USAID, the European Union, and other development actors could further support peacebuilding programs that build on local resilience and leverage potential bridges among communities.
Experts were unequivocal that only a Malian-led dialogue could drive critical reforms for the country and its citizens. The UN, whose strategic priority is to support the implementation of the 2015 Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, and other partners may provide assistance in linking local and national political processes. Participants agreed that a more inclusive national dialogue, which will require listening to, understanding, and incorporating local demands, is crucial to build sustainable peace.
The UN Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) completed its mandate on June 30, 2017, after more than thirteen years. One year later, the secretary-general is set to release his “comprehensive study of the role of UNOCI in the settlement of the situation” in the country. This presents an opportunity to examine the many stages or “lives” of a peacekeeping operation, something often overlooked.
This report aims not only to contribute to this learning process but also to go beyond the scope of the secretary-general’s study to examine the trajectory of UNOCI over the years. It provides a historical account of the various phases of the Ivorian crisis and examines how UNOCI evolved and adapted to the circumstances and how the Security Council dealt with the Ivorian dossier.
Based on this assessment, the report draws lessons from UNOCI for other peacekeeping missions. These include the challenges missions face when the consent of the host state is fragile, a permanent member of the Security Council is heavily involved, they have a mandate to certify elections, they take a robust approach to a crisis, they undertake both disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration and security sector reform processes, and the UN applies sanctions or arms embargoes.
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On June 24 and 25th, 2018, the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), the International Peace Institute (IPI), the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of Switzerland, and the African Union’s Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) organized the third regional conversations on the prevention of violent extremism: “Investing in Peace and Prevention of Violence in the Sahel-Sahara” in Algiers, with support from the Government of Algeria.
Formally opened by Abdelkader Messahel, Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the third edition of the regional conversations gathered eighty participants from the Sahel-Sahara region (North Africa, West Africa, and Central Africa), including political leaders and parliamentarians, civil society representatives (women’s and youth groups in particular), traditional and religious authorities, media representatives (in their capacity as experts), and representatives from governments and regional and international organizations.
Because the drivers of violent extremism exist at the local, national, regional, and global levels, it is now recognized that responses must also intervene at various levels. Participants thus focused on identifying preventive structures to addressing violent extremism and its causes in the Sahel-Sahara.
Four preventive structures were discussed: civil society organizations, in particular those led by women and youth; media coverage; security and defense forces; and finally the contribution of culture, citizenship, and education for prevention. Participants worked to formulate recommendations for preventive actions that could be implemented by practitioners in the region both within states and through regional and subregional groupings, in some cases with support from the UN and other partners, including support to new or existing mechanisms, processes, and initiatives at the local, national or regional level.
Participants also considered ways in which citizens, states, and their regional and international partners can most effectively work toward preventing violent extremism at the national and regional levels, taking into account the challenges and opportunities of the global context.
A key message of these conversations was that it is “better to include than exclude, better to engage than shun, in all prevention efforts.” Another lesson was the importance of local action. The various findings and recommendations from the two days of work underlined the complexity of violent extremism, and stressed the need to include prevention initiatives in a holistic and pragmatic approach focused on achieving concrete results. The third Regional Conversations further emphasized the importance of sharing and supporting the various successful experiences in order to strengthen the preventive approach in the treatment of violent extremism.
The third edition of the conference built on discussions previously held in Dakar (2016) and N’Djamena (2017) and also organized by UNOWAS, IPI and the FDFA.
Read the joint press communiqué (in French).
A meeting note in French, English and Arabic will follow.
On June 22nd, IPI together with United Nations University – Centre for Policy Research are cohosting an all-day policy seminar on “Governing Artificial Intelligence.”
Session V: Toward responsible governance of AI-How do we get there?
Session IV: Why Should We Design and Deploy Human-Compatible AI?
Session III: What would effective global public policy on AI look like?
Session II: Will AI bring sustainable development or unsustainable inequality?
Session I: Does the AI race threaten international peace and security?
This event fostered an informed discussion on the global public policy implications of AI. What opportunities and challenges does AI hold for humanity? What public policy puzzles emerge from the development and deployment of AI globally and in different political, economic, and social contexts? What role, if any, does the United Nations have to play in helping governments, industry, and civil society worldwide solve these policy puzzles?
Speakers at this event included leading experts and practitioners in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as senior representatives from, among others:
Harvard University
United Nations
World Economic Forum
On June 20th, IPI partnered with Challenges Forum and the UN Police Division to host a closed door roundtable , supported by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) and Global Affairs Canada. This meeting, on the eve of the UN Chief of Police Summit, brought together police leaders, police advisers, and UN staff to discuss the changing role of police in peacekeeping operations and how police leadership can address these challenges. Participants discussed the integral role that police play in peace operations, and how this role can be further strengthened by addressing issues surrounding police leadership.
Police have an integral role in peace operations, and effective police leadership is key to missions achieving their mandate and building and sustaining peace. To further understand the challenges facing police leadership in the field, the International Peace Institute (IPI), Challenges Forum, and UN Police Division, with support from the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) and Global Affairs Canada, organized a closed-door roundtable on June 20, 2018, on the eve of the UN Chiefs of Police Summit. This meeting brought together police leaders, police advisers, and UN staff to discuss the changing role of police in peacekeeping operations and how police leadership can address these challenges. Key takeaways from the discussion included the following: