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The International Peace Institute is an independent, non-profit organization working to advance solutions for a peaceful planet.
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IPI’s Lesley Connolly on the Importance of Connecting the Local to the Global in Sustaining Peace

lun, 19/11/2018 - 21:15

IPI Senior Policy Analyst, Lesley Connolly, discussed the importance of ensuring international actors are always working to support local actors in efforts to build and sustain peace in an interview conducted at the 2018 Geneva Peace Week, held in Geneva from November 5-9, 2018.

Ms. Connolly notes that those who are most directly impacted and living with the realities of violent conflict are the experts on the problem they face, and that they know best what solutions are needed to make peace possible for their communities. In order to truly sustain peace, local peacebuilders should be at the center, and in the lead, of all efforts in this regard. Ms. Connolly emphasized that unfortunately, local peacebuilding does not yet receive the recognition, support, or resources needed to achieve its full potential. Thus, as international actors, we need to use forums such as this one in Geneva to create awareness of the work of local peacebuilders are involved in, create the space to learn from these peacebuilders and create a better understand of the challenges they face, she said.

She concluded, by connecting the local to the global, together we are working to ensure that these messages meet the ears of the right people to ensure that all efforts are truly locally owned, regionally anchored and internationally supported.

Prince Turki: No Outside Investigation of Killing of Khashoggi

ven, 09/11/2018 - 22:23
Event Video: 

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Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia’s former intelligence chief, told an IPI audience on November 9th that the kingdom would never permit an international investigation into the death of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

“The kingdom is not going to accept an international tribunal to look into something that is Saudi,” he said. “And the Saudi judicial system is sound, it is up, it is running, and it will take its course.” Saudi Arabia, he said, will “never accept foreign interference in that system.”

Mr. Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist who had been living in self-exile for the past year in the United States and contributing articles to The Washington Post, was killed on October 2nd in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, where he had gone to obtain papers to marry his Turkish fiancée. Saudi officials at first claimed that he had left the consulate safely, but eventually acknowledged that  he had been murdered in a “premeditated” fashion.

The killers were members of a team of 15 Saudis who had flown to Turkey that day, and the episode called public attention to the possible involvement of the powerful young Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, because photographs showed that some of the team were known associates of his.

In turning aside suggestions from United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, human rights groups and others for independent outside investigators, Prince Turki said that Saudi Arabia was following the example of other countries that have refused to allow international tribunals to investigate acts by their citizens. He cited the abuse of prisoners by American troops and CIA staff at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq following the 2003 invasion, which the United States itself investigated.

He denied that there had been any attempted cover up, saying instead that what was originally reported to Saudi authorities was “misleading” because “those who perpetrated the crime wanted to hide what had happened and to justify what they had told to the authorities.”

He said he expected the kingdom to live up to its promise to “put all the facts on the table” and answer all outstanding questions, including what happened to Mr. Khashoggi’s body, which remains a mystery. He said that would be disclosed as “part of the reporting that we expect from the authorities.”

Prince Turki, who is now Chairman of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, was Director General of the General Intelligence Directorate, which is Saudi Arabia’s main foreign intelligence service, from 1977 to 2001. In 2002, he became Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Ireland and in 2005 Ambassador to the United States.

In both ambassadorial posts, Mr. Khashoggi was his media adviser, and the Prince said, “We had very friendly relations over the years.” He called his murder “a tragic occurrence” and cited a passage from the Koran that “‘the killing of an innocent man is like the killing of humanity,’ and I think his death falls into that category.”

Asked whether the controversy over Mr. Khashoggi’s killing had damaged Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at home, he said, “The more that he is attacked in the media and speculated upon by particularly Western media, the more he gets support among the people and among the Saudi [royal] family…They feel that he is unjustifiably victimized by this media.”

During the 40-minute Q&A session, he answered questions about Yemen, the rights of women, and the effect of the Khashoggi killing on international investment.

Prince Turki has been a member of IPI’s International Advisory Council for 12 years and was appearing at IPI as part of its Speaker Series.

IPI Senior Adviser for External Relations Warren Hoge moderated the discussion.

Related Coverage

Audio of Khashoggi’s killing given to U.S., Saudi, Europeans, Erdogan says,” Washington Post, November 10, 2018
Ex-Saudi spy chief: No independent Khashoggi investigation,” Associate Press, November 9, 2018
Former Saudi Official Rejects Outside Probe of Journalist’s Death,” Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2018
Download Press Review Report (in Arabic)

Nonviolent Action vs. Violent Extremism: The Strategic and Appealing Choice for Addressing Grievances

mar, 06/11/2018 - 17:29

On Thursday, November 8th, IPI together with the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), and the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN are cohosting a lunchtime policy forum event entitled “Nonviolent Action vs. Violent Extremism: The Strategic and Appealing Choice for Addressing Grievances.”

Remarks will begin at 1:15pm EST / 10:15am PST

In 2016, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon presented the UN Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism to the General Assembly. This plan lays out a policy framework and seven priority areas for to address the common drivers of violent extremism, including the lack of socioeconomic opportunity, marginalization, poor governance, and the violation of human rights. These grievances, coupled with a hunger for meaning and inclusion, can often lead individuals—particularly young people—toward violent extremism.

Opening remarks:
H.E. Ms. Mari Skåre, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN

Dr. Maria Stephan, Director, Program on Nonviolent Action, USIP
Ms. Noëlla Richard, Youth Policy Specialist, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, United Nations Development Programme
Mr. Michael Niconchuk, Senior Researcher, Beyond Conflict Innovation Lab for Neuroscience and Social Conflict
Dr. Nilofar Sakhi, Lecturer, Global Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Afghanistan Peace Process, George Mason University

Mr. Jake Sherman, Director, Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations, IPI

Closing remarks:
Ms. Leanne Erdberg, Director, Countering Violent Extremism, USIP

Addressing Contemporary Protection Challenges in Complex Crises

ven, 02/11/2018 - 16:26

On November 2nd, IPI hosted the latest event in its series featuring United Nations humanitarian coordinators and other senior humanitarian leaders. This discussion with Mr. Volker Türk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection at the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), focused on pressing contemporary protection challenges, as well as the forthcoming Global Compact on Refugees.

Given the complex nature of conflicts and other crises today, protecting refugees from violence and providing for their needs presents a number of challenges. An increase in armed conflicts has led to massive displacement, with 68.5 million internally displaced persons and refugees in dire need of humanitarian protection.

This event raised awareness of the challenges faced by the UN, states, and other actors in responding to a range of protection challenges for refugees. It also addressed the forthcoming Global Compact on Refugees and its importance for the protection of displaced populations.

Mr. Volker Türk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, United Nations Refugee Agency

Dr. Adam Lupel, Vice President, IPI

Book Launch: The Arabs at the Crossroad

lun, 29/10/2018 - 22:42


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An audience of ambassadors, government officials, dignitaries, religious leaders, young people and the media gathered at IPI’s regional office in Manama for the launch of a new book, The Arabs at the Crossroad. The book’s author, Special Envoy of the Royal Court, Samira Rajab engaged participants in a constructive debate on the most pressing issues in the MENA region, drawing on developments covered by the book.

Nejib Friji, Director of IPI-MENA, gave opening remarks. As the book provides insight into a number of the questions raised by members of the IPI Taskforce on Regional Integration in the Middle East, he said the launch was timely. The taskforce calls for critical assessment of where the region is heading, as well as, looks for ways to engage constructively with challenges.

Ms. Rajab elaborated on the “game of nations” described in the book, placing it in historical and political context. “In view of the formidable obstacles and knowledge barriers,” she said the book aimed to “shed some light” for Arabs and researchers alike.

She noted that in an environment of change, “cohesion and Arab integration as a single bloc force,” was important.

Mokhtar Ben Abdellawi, Professor of Philosophy and Arabic and Islamic Studies at Hassan II University in Morocco, stressed the need for integration and a multi-pronged approach to face the integration challenges in the MENA region.

Discussant Mahmood Sayed Daood, Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Bahrain, stated that “one of the singled out deficits in knowledge and education created generations with cultural shortfalls that affected the level of cultural, political and moral maturity.”

Reflecting on the recent wars in Iraq and Libya, which have thrown the MENA region into chaos, he lamented the absence of international law in those conflicts. He referred to the author’s calls for restoring the central role of the state, religion as a moderate creed, and regional order to achieve integration, cooperation and development.

The conversation continued with government officials and diplomats, including Hala Al Ansari, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Women. She called for a more thorough approach to solving the regional deficiencies, highlighting the pivotal roles of women and civil society in finding a way out of the multipronged crisis.

Abdullatif Al Mahmood, Head the Al-Fateh National Coalition, a main political party, said, “Arab thinkers and politicians should stop blaming the West and foreign forces for our failures. Our deficiencies are our own responsibility.”

Libyan Ambassador to Bahrain, Fawzi Taher Ahmed Abdelali, stressed that “looking for the roots of problems should be done within our political, cultural and intellectual circles, not abroad. Most of our problems are caused by our systems.”

Ahmed Rachid Khattabi, Moroccan Ambassador to Bahrain, emphasized that “the key role to finding solutions to our problems remains within the intellectual sphere.” Despite this, many intellectuals remain sidelined. He also stressed the need to reform educational programs that are not fit for purpose.

Egyptian Ambassador to Bahrain, Soha Ibrahim El Far, referred to the importance of regional integration. Such challenges should be met by all layers of society, she said, urging IPI to further analyze this through an inclusive process involving the private sector, youth and civil society.

Abdulla Al Moghabi, a representative of the Muslim Shia community and a member of IPI-MENA’s Interfaith Dialogue, criticized agenda-oriented religious figures who have “hijacked religion” to fan the flames of sectarianism and division.

Other discussants included Honorary Judge of the Constitutional Court, Noefel Ghorbel, and Fawzia Rasheed, a writer for Gulf Daily News (GDN).

The event was moderated by Nejib Friji.

Read the related coverage in Arabic and English here>>

Protecting Civilians in the Context of Violent Extremism: The Dilemmas of UN Peacekeeping in Mali

ven, 26/10/2018 - 23:05

Political map of Mali (Click for full graphic)

Violence associated with terrorist and extremist groups in Mali (Jan. 2017-Sept. 2018)(Click for full graphic)

In the non-permissive environments where they are often deployed, UN peace operations need to be increasingly creative to implement their mandate to protect civilians. They face particularly acute challenges in contexts marked by violent extremism, such as Mali, where attacks by terrorist groups have greatly constrained the capacity of peacekeepers to protect local populations.

This paper explores the operational challenges that the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) faces in implementing its protection mandate. It analyzes protection threats related to violent extremism in Mali and explores the protection strategy, tools, and activities developed by the UN mission to address those threats. It highlights some of the practical constraints of operating in a hostile environment and added complications related to the mission’s proximity to non-UN counterterrorism forces.

The Malian case demonstrates that each peacekeeping theater needs to be its own laboratory for POC and that approaches, tools, and mechanisms are not directly replicable from one UN mission to another. The report makes three recommendations to improve the delivery of MINUSMA’s protection mandate:

  1. Explore the full spectrum of military, police, and civilian tools;
  2. Ensure the independence of MINUSMA’s POC activities from counterterrorism agendas; and
  3. Design and articulate a political strategy that prioritizes POC.


Examining the Role of Conventional Arms Control in Preventing Conflicts and Building Peace

ven, 26/10/2018 - 01:08

On October 25th, IPI together with the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research and the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations cohosted an evening panel discussion on the role of conventional arms control in preventing conflicts and building peace.

Poor regulation of arms and ammunition is a key enabler of conflict and a means of sustaining it. Peace and sustainable development cannot be achieved without effective conventional arms control. Despite this, conventional arms control is rarely integrated into conflict prevention thinking and action. The Secretary-General’s Agenda for Disarmament calls for an examination of how disarmament and arms control can contribute to conflict prevention.

This event, held during the opening week of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly’s Committee on Disarmament, aims to improve understanding of the roles and impact of conventional arms in preventing and managing conflicts, as well as to examine approaches to better identify, utilize, and integrate conventional arms control measures and tools to sustain peace.

Opening remarks:
H.E. Mr. Yasuhisa Kawamura, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Representative of Japan to the United Nations​
H.E. Mr. Aidan Liddle, UK Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva
Dr. Renata Dwan, Director, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research

Ms. Alexandra Fong, Senior Political Affairs Officer, UN Department of Political Affairs
Mr. Thomas Kontogeorgos, Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Service, UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Mr. Himayu Shiotani, Programme Lead, Conventional Arms Programme, UNIDIR
Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, Senior Adviser, IPI
Mr. Jake Sherman, Director of the Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations, IPI

Engaging with Non-state Armed Groups to Protect Civilians: A Pragmatic Approach for UN Peace Operations

jeu, 25/10/2018 - 18:34

Engaging non-state armed groups (NSAGs) is an essential tool for the protection of civilians (POC), a priority mandate and core objective for peace operations. Beyond the use of force to prevent or stop armed groups from threatening local populations, multidimensional missions can use a wide range of unarmed strategies, such as dialogue and engagement, to counter hostilities from non-state actors.

This paper looks at how, when, and why UN missions engage with NSAGs. It gives an overview of current practice, drawing on the experiences of the missions in Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Mali. It then examines the risks of engaging NSAGs and how POC mandates can help missions navigate these risks. Finally, it looks at peace operations’ unique capacities to engage with NSAGs and how best to leverage them.

Civilian protection is ever more urgent, and engaging NSAGs is crucial to this work. A pragmatic approach, anchored in POC considerations, can help guide missions through potentially polarizing debates and safeguard UN principles while simultaneously allowing them to adapt more effectively to the challenges they face.


Women, Peace, and Security: The Potential for Transformation

jeu, 25/10/2018 - 02:04

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The year 2020 will mark the 20th anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS). Despite two decades of WPS policy development and commitments, women’s meaningful participation at all decision-making levels lags due to structural barriers, lack of access to political arenas, and even threats to women who attempt to participate in these processes. In efforts to build and sustain peace, there remains a widespread neglect for the expertise of local-level women peacebuilders, and formal peacemaking efforts continue to be resistant to women’s meaningful participation and to women’s rights.

To address these barriers, governments and the UN have recently been taking steps at the national and regional levels on women’s leadership, including by launching networks of women mediators and leaders. An October 24th evening reception at IPI brought together researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to discuss the potential of the WPS agenda, as well as existing challenges and ways to address them.

The event was co-hosted with the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN, the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI), and the Inclusive Peace & Transition Initiative (IPTI). It drew on the insights of participating women peacebuilders, and IPTI and IPI research. The discussion shed light on various initiatives at the national, regional, and international levels, and surfaced questions and issues for member states, the UN, and NGOs to consider as their work continues.

In opening remarks, Adam Lupel, IPI Vice President, noted that “women must be at the center of all peace efforts at large. We must recognize that this is not just a matter of developing policy and making formal commitments; it is about recognizing the structural barriers to participation and about taking action to remove them.”

Despite the remaining barriers to achieving the WPS agenda by 2020, Mari Skåre, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN, highlighted the importance of the progress the agenda had made so far. “Yes, there remain real hindrances for women’s participation, and yes, discrimination against women is one of the key hindrances we need to tackle,” she said. “I would like to say to you that we are transforming our societies: it’s not a matter of when or if we are doing it; we are doing it now. We see progress as a result of this work.” She emphasized that, “We need your leadership, your competence, to keep us accountable.”

Speaking from experience, Cathérine Samba-Panza, Co-Chair of the Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (FemWise), and the former president of the Central African Republic, said that when “faced with conflict, women are indeed in the first line.” She continued, stating that women are often “the first victims, and they know all the challenges, difficulties, and implications of the conflict.” But when it comes time for peace talks, and you look at the table, “They are not there.”

“Everywhere around the world, women have decided that they will no longer stay at this level as victims, they want to be around the table,” she said. “It’s not just about wanting to be at the table but wanting to bring solutions; and their voice is not heard; it is not taken into account.”

She said that in her country, “Women are brought to speak with armed groups to see what their grievances are and to try to address them. But when we arrive at the moment of peace talks, the women are no longer present.” She said that among political figures, armed groups, and militia leaders, she saw no women.

Norwegian Major General Kristin Lund, Head of Mission and Chief of Staff of the United Nations Truce Supervision, made reference to the value of networks of women mediators, saying that “the military are often the first responders, and it’s a tool that I think [mediator networks are] so important…That’s why I think education of our military leaders is very important.”

She reflected on her experience as the first female Force Commander of a UN peacekeeping operation. “I’ve been fighting all my life to go through that glass ceiling and when you get through, you have to make sure you inspire other women,” she said. “Now when I travel, gender is on the agenda.”

Thania Paffenholz, Director of the Inclusive Peace & Transition Initiative, asked about “how we can use our roles as women and learn in a positive transformative way.” She made note of the limitations of using quotas. “If you put a quota, you will not necessarily get feminists in,” she said, “There’s a danger that we are just changing the players and not the game. If we just add women and the system doesn’t change, we will not change.”

Moderator and IPI Research Fellow Sarah Taylor concluded by echoing a point from the day’s meeting of women mediators: “Adding women to a broken process does not fix a broken process,” she said. “The point is to try to fix the system and not to fix the women.”

Protecting Civilians and Managing Threats

lun, 22/10/2018 - 19:17

On Friday, October 26th, IPI together with the Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS) of the French Ministry of Defense and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands are cohosting a seminar on “Protecting Civilians and Managing Threats: Non-state Armed Groups, Violent Extremism, and the Role of UN Peace Operations.”

Remarks will begin at 10:15am EST / 7:15am PST

This seminar will explore difficulties faced by UN peace operations to protect civilians in complex environments, where creative solutions are needed to address non-state armed groups and violent extremism. It will provide the opportunity to present and discuss two IPI policy papers focusing on “engaging armed groups for the protection of civilians” and “protecting civilians in contexts of violent extremism and counter-terrorism.” Both papers will be published in October as part of IPI’s Protection of Civilians project.

Welcome Remarks
Dr. Adam Lupel, Vice-President, International Peace Institute
Gen. Thierry Lion, Senior Military Advisor, Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations
Rear Admiral (LH) Peter van den Berg, Senior Military Advisor, Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN

Opening Remarks
Mr. David Haeri, Director, Division of Policy, Evaluation and Training (DPET), UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department of Field Support TBC

Session 1: Engaging with armed groups for the Protection of Civilians

Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, Senior advisor, International Peace Institute

Mr. Ralph Mamiya, Non-resident Advisor, International Peace Institute, Former Protection of Civilians Team Leader, UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department of Field Support
Ms. Naomi Miyashita, Policy Planning Team Leader, Division of Policy, Evaluation and Training (DPET), UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Ms. Agnes Coutou, Peacekeeping and Protection Advisor, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Dr. Michael Semple, Practitioner Chair, Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Professor, Queens’ University Belfast
Mr. Adam Day, Head of Programmes, United Nations University – Centre for Policy Research

Keynote speaker:
Mr. Jack Christofides, Africa II Division, UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations

Session 2: Protection of Civilians in Contexts of Violent Extremism: the case of Mali

Mr. Jake Sherman, Director of the Center for Peace Operations, International Peace Institute

Dr. Namie Di Razza, Research Fellow, International Peace Institute
Mr. Samuel Gahigi, Mali Integrated Operational Team Leader, UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Dr. Alpha Oumar Ba-Konaré, Independent Expert, National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO Paris)
Dr. Marie-Joëlle Zahar, Non-resident Senior Fellow, International Peace Institute, Professor, University of Montreal
Ms. Chloe Marnay-Baszanger, Peace Missions Support Section, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Closing Remarks
Mr. Olivier Landour, Directorate general for International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS), French Ministry of Armed Forces (TBC)
Mr. Jake Sherman, Director, Brian Urquhart Center for Peace Operations, International Peace Institute

The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage and Fear in the Cyber Age

ven, 19/10/2018 - 01:45

On October 18th, IPI together with the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University cohosted a Distinguished Author Series event, featuring David E. Sanger, New York Times National Security Correspondent and author of The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage and Fear in the Cyber Age. The conversation was moderated by IPI Senior Adviser for External Relations Warren Hoge.

The Perfect Weapon is the startling inside story of how the rise of cyber weapons in all their forms – from attacks on electric grids to attacks on electoral systems – has transformed geopolitics like nothing since the invention of the atomic bomb. Cheap to acquire, easy to deny, usable for everything from crippling infrastructure to sowing discord and doubt, cyber is now the weapon of choice for American presidents, North Korean dictators, Iranian mullahs, and Kremlin officials. Even though the US has built up a powerful new Cyber Command, it has no doctrine for how to use it. When under attack—by Russia, China, or even Iran and North Korea—the government has often been paralyzed, unable to use cyber weapons because America’s voting system, its electrical system, and even routers in citizens’ homes have been infiltrated by foreign hackers. Deterring cyber attacks is far more complex than the Cold War effort to deter nuclear weapons, and in the end, a political solution, akin to the Geneva Conventions, may be needed if we are to avoid an era of constantly escalating cyber conflict.

Prioritizing and Sequencing Peacekeeping Mandates: The Case of MINUSCA

mer, 17/10/2018 - 21:29

In the past year, overall levels of violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) have decreased, and the UN mission (MINUSCA) has helped stabilize key areas through comprehensive, multidimensional efforts at the local level. Nevertheless, violence against civilians continues, attacks on humanitarian workers have increased, and national security forces lack the capacity to maintain security. Moreover, the various ongoing dialogue processes are uncoordinated and do not address critical questions.

In this context, the International Peace Institute (IPI), the Stimson Center, and Security Council Report organized a workshop on September 14, 2018, to discuss MINUSCA’s mandate and political strategy. This workshop offered a platform for member states and UN actors to develop a shared understanding and common strategic assessment of the situation in CAR. The discussion was intended to help the Security Council make informed decisions with respect to the strategic orientation, prioritization, and sequencing of the mission’s mandate ahead of its renewal in November 2018.

Participants considered MINUSCA to be among the most adaptive to demanding conditions and operational constraints. But despite these achievements, MINUSCA faces serious challenges to consolidating its gains and advancing a sustainable political process. Participants recommended that the Security Council adapt MINUSCA’s mandate to give the mission a stronger political role, broaden collective support for CAR’s security forces, and support processes that promote an inclusive national identity and representative state institutions.

Safeguarding Medical Care and Humanitarian Action in the UN Counterterrorism Framework

mer, 17/10/2018 - 21:00

On October 17th, IPI hosted a policy forum event entitled, “Safeguarding Medical Care and Humanitarian Action in the UN Counterterrorism Framework.”

Following UN Security Council Resolution 1371 (2001), the UN and its member states have developed what can be described as an international counterterrorism regime composed of laws, standards, rules, policies, and practices. However, there is growing evidence that the design and implementation of counterterrorism measures can adversely impact the provision of medical care and the conduct of principled humanitarian action in armed conflict. Whether inadvertently or not, these measures have impeded, and at times prevented, the provision of essential and lifesaving aid. This runs counter to the obligation under international humanitarian law to provide and grant access to medical assistance and impartial humanitarian aid, which needs to be taken into account in the design and implementation of counterterrorism laws and policies.

This enhanced awareness of how counterterrorism measures and their implementation may adversely impact the delivery of impartial humanitarian assistance in armed conflict zones, in particular looking at the current UN counterterrorism framework. This event also launched IPI’s report, “Safeguarding Medical Care and Humanitarian Action in the UN Counterterrorism Framework” and disseminated key findings from the research. Finally, it discussed recommendations and explored ways forward to help mitigate tensions between counterterrorism and humanitarian imperatives.

Opening remarks:
H.E. Mr. Jürg Lauber, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations

Ms. Alice Debarre, Policy Analyst, IPI
Mr. Christopher Harland, Deputy Permanent Observer and Legal Adviser, International Committee of the Red Cross Delegation to the United Nations
Dr. Agnès Callamard, Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions
Mr. Edward J. Flynn, Senior Human Rights Officer, United Nations Security Council, Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate
Mr. Aurelien Buffler, Head of the Policy Advice and Planning Section, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Dr. Adam Lupel, Vice President, IPI

Addressing the Humanitarian Situation in Lebanon

jeu, 11/10/2018 - 20:30

On October 11th, IPI hosted the latest event in its series featuring United Nations Humanitarian Coordinators and other senior humanitarian leaders from the field. This discussion with Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, United Nations Deputy Special Coordinator, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon, focused on the latest developments in Lebanon including the humanitarian and the economic situation. This event also addressed the impact that recent regional developments—including the crisis in Syria—have had on Lebanon, and the UN’s strategies for coping with an increasingly protracted refugee crisis.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, Lebanon has seen a huge influx of Syrian refugees, adding to the existing population of Palestinian refugees in the country. This influx puts an increasing strain on the country’s public services. Additionally, Lebanon is still recovering from the consequences of its own civil war, which ended in 1990, and from the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah. While promoting durable solutions in Lebanon is essential, the battle of Idlib in northern Syria has placed renewed attention on the conflict occurring next door, the regional impact of human suffering, and the immediate needs for protection, relief, and access to basic services.

This event raised awareness of the challenges faced by the UN and other humanitarian actors in Lebanon in delivering a multifaceted range of interventions, from emergency aid to development assistance. It shed light on how the UN can better put the humanitarian-development nexus into practice in support of refugees, displaced people, host communities, and other vulnerable groups.

Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, United Nations Deputy Special Coordinator, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon

Dr. Adam Lupel, Vice President, IPI

Leave No One Behind: Accelerating Action for People Caught in Crisis

ven, 05/10/2018 - 16:01

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Up to four in five fragile and conflict-affected states are unable to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to a new report by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and International Rescue Committee (IRC). David Miliband, President and CEO of the IRC, said that the SDG drive to end poverty is “off-track” because the solutions to tackle it have been designed for stable states, whereas these programs are not equally suited to fragile and conflict-affected states.

The organizations responsible for the report, together with British Filmmaker Richard Curtis, an SDG Advocate, co-sponsored a September 27th reception at IPI. The event brought together members of civil society, international government actors, and representatives of the the private sector for a screening of Mr. Curtis’ short film, created with the IRC to raise awareness for and promote action towards achievement of the SDGs.

In opening remarks, IPI President Terje Rød-Larsen said that no single actor alone can provide the necessary support to people in countries experiencing crises and highlighted the benefits of partnership that draws on the insight of multilateral actors, the capacity of national governments, along with the innovation of the private sector.

Mr. Miliband argued that it is possible to combine “serious issues and serious speakers” with “dynamism,” through platforms such as film. Over the next year, world leaders will gather to audit processes over SDGs, and he said, “We need to make sure they prioritize people in conflict situations,” and “make sure we drive the innovation to reach these people.”

One way forward, Edna Adan Ismail, former Foreign Minister of Somaliland, recommended, is through youth empowerment projects. “If children don’t have something to live for, if young people don’t have a means to develop their energies, ambitions, skills, and contribute to the development of a nation, we could also be facing problems,” she said. Citing Somaliland’s experience with its diaspora, she said, “Somaliland mastered the process of self-help in Africa.” Somaliland’s resilience, she suggested, could provide lessons for achieving the SDGs.

Mr. Curtis’ film, Our Future Under Fire, followed. The film, which he planned to show “wherever possible,” conveyed the message that the SDGs contain the answers to the “biggest crises we are dealing with,” he said.

The SDGs are also a “massive opportunity” for the private sector, said Rebecca Marmot, Global Vice President, Partnerships and Advocacy, at Unilever, next to take the stage. She argued that representation in media helps to make the goals relatable to “everyday problems” on the ground. We need to integrate these messages like we do consumer campaigns, she said, and to ask, “What kind of products and services do the private sector have that can help refugees?” One way, she said, is to “change the perception of refugees, try to provide them with opportunities, and try to give them free movement.”

Ed Skyler, Executive Vice President of Citigroup, said that Citi stands behind the SDGs as “worthy projects,” and that through his company’s business operations he strives to achieve gender equality, and to work on further ways that the private sector can help.

Elizabeth Stuart, Head of Growth, Poverty, and Inequality at ODI, elaborated on the findings of the joint ODI-IRC report. This, she said, would be the start of continuing partnership. But she made note of the fact that “at a time when largely things are getting better, things are getting much worse in fragile and conflict-affected states.” One striking example from the report was of a primary school in South Sudan, where 5,000 children were enrolled in a school with only 38 teachers, a 1:138 ratio. To address what needs to be done, she called for a high-level panel; flexible, long-term aid; and thorough understanding of and support to the SDGs.

Echoing the collective call to action, Sarah McGrath, Director of UN and International Financial Institutions in the Development Cooperation and Africa Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland, shared Ireland’s vision for the SDGs. In her country, she said, “commitment to leave no one behind must reach the furthest behind first.”

At a time when multilateralism has been called into question by authoritarian actors on the global stage, “we must not dismiss our belief in collective action,” she asserted. In the Irish mission, “hope underpinned our determination to change things for the better,” she said, and the SDGs are the “best way” to enact that hope and to “show that we can succeed.”

Women Mediators: Connecting Local and Global Peacebuilders

mer, 26/09/2018 - 23:03

On September 26th, IPI in partnership with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and the International Civil Society Action Network cohosted an event entitled “Women Mediators: Connecting Local and Global Peacebuilders”

Women activists and women’s organizations frequently contribute to conflict resolution and peacebuilding at the local level. However, they continue to be significantly underrepresented in formal peace processes. In fact, women made up just 2 percent of mediators in major peace processes from 1990 to 2017.

To stop violence and foster sustainable peace, global and regional efforts in support of peace must be linked to the locally rooted peace and mediation efforts of community peacemakers, particularly women. Local actors often have significant insight into conflict drivers and conflict solutions. In peace efforts at all levels, from the grassroots to the international, women in particular often have different experiences of conflict and different insights. They also often bring solutions and are able to foster trust and identify the steps needed to ensure the inclusion of all affected—women, men, boys, and girls. But these women often have even less access to formal processes than their male colleagues, as the evidence reflects.

The importance of civil society in sustaining peace is also evident in empirical research. Since the introduction of UN Security Council 1325 in 2000, the women, peace, and security agenda has developed through a collaboration among civil society, the UN, and governments. While the paradigm has been slow to shift, there is growing momentum and support for the full participation of women peacebuilders as mediators and negotiators in peace processes.

Opening Remarks:
Mr. Terje Rød-Larsen, President, International Peace Institute

H.E. Mrs. Adela Raz, Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
H.E. Ms. Ine Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Norway
Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon, Prime Minister’s Special Representative on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict, Minister of State for the Commonwealth and the UN at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, UK
H.E. Ms. Ana Maria Menéndez, Senior Adviser of the Secretary-General on Policy, United Nations
Ms. Rajaa Altalli, Co-Director of Center for Civil Society and Democracy CCSD
Ms. Fatima Abo Alasrar, Senior Analyst for the Arabia Foundation

Ms. Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini, Founder and Executive Director, ICAN


Investing in Peace and the Prevention of Violence in the Sahel-Sahara: Third Regional Conversations

mer, 26/09/2018 - 19:39

While there has been an increase in security responses to violent extremism in the Sahel-Sahara, these responses have shown their limits. At the same time, successful regional experiences building resilience and proposing concrete and credible alternatives to violence remain understudied and undervalued.

To promote regional conversations around such experiences, the International Peace Institute (IPI), the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and the African Union’s African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism co-organized a regional seminar in Algiers, Algeria, on June 24 and 25, 2018, with support from the government of Algeria. This meeting brought together more than 70 experts and practitioners from thirteen countries in North, West, and Central Africa to discuss the prevention of violent extremism from a regional perspective. This followed similar conversations organized in N’Djamena in 2017 and Dakar in 2016 and a previous seminar in Tunis in 2015.

These conversations highlighted the complexity of violent extremism and the need to view prevention initiatives holistically and pragmatically, with a basis in research on concrete results.

A Conversation with H.E. Gbehzohngar M. Findley, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Liberia

mer, 26/09/2018 - 16:03

On September 26th, IPI in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, cohosted a conversation with H.E. Gbehzohngar M. Findley, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Liberia, Global Leader Series.

Following Minister Findley’s presentation, there will be a discussion moderated by IPI’s senior adviser for external relations, Warren Hoge, with Sweden’s Permanent Representative to the UN and Chair of the Liberia Configuration of the UN Peacebuilding Commission, H.E. Mr. Olof Skoog, and the Assistant Secretary General and Director of the Regional Bureau for Africa of UNDP, Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa, on Liberia’s peacebuilding objectives and development priorities. The event will take place at IPI on Wednesday, September 26, 2018, from 8:15am to 9:45am.

Liberia’s presidential and legislative elections at the end of 2017 and the successful transfer of democratic power two months later marked a significant accomplishment in the country’s history. Following this peaceful transition and the end of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Liberia now embarks on the next stage of its development trajectory. As part of this process, President Weah and the Liberian government are finalizing the country’s new development framework, the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD). At this Global Leader Series event, Minister Findley will reflect on Liberia’s current opportunities and challenges while also addressing how best the international community can sustain and amplify its support to the country.

Action for Peacekeeping: Will Political Consensus Lead to Change in Practice?

lun, 24/09/2018 - 19:14

Secretary-General António Guterres launched the Action for Peacekeeping initiative (A4P) in March 2018 to galvanize member states to commit to peacekeeping and to translate statements of high-level political support into concrete actions. Since then, member states have signed a “Declaration of Shared Commitments on UN Peacekeeping Operations” in which they agree to adapt peacekeeping operations to meet contemporary challenges. But will this political consensus lead to actual change?

This issue brief assesses the political declaration across seven themes: political solutions, protection, safety and security, performance, partnerships, sustaining peace, and conduct of personnel. It argues that while some of member states’ commitments break new ground, many only reaffirm past agreements—and all require more concrete follow-up mechanisms. Ultimately, the success of the Action for Peacekeeping initiative depends on whether member states and the Secretariat honor their commitments and whether these commitments enable peace operations to help end conflicts and deliver sustainable peace.


IPI Hosts 13th Annual Middle East Dinner

lun, 24/09/2018 - 04:31

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On Sunday, September 23, 2018, IPI held its thirteenth Ministerial Dinner on the Middle East in its Trygve Lie Center for Peace, Security, and Development. The working dinner drew the participation of foreign ministers, United Nations officials, special representatives of the Secretary-General to countries in the region, heads of humanitarian agencies, and other high-level representatives from the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, and beyond.

The event was chaired by Terje Rød-Larsen, President of IPI, and co-hosted by the United Arab Emirates and Luxembourg, represented respectively by Anwar Mohammed Gargash, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, and Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg’s Minister of Foreign and European Affairs.

In a roundtable conversation, conducted under the Chatham House rule of non-attribution, participants exchanged views on the changing landscape in the Arab world, including Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Israel, and the Palestinian territories, and the large displacement of people in the region. Central to the discussion was the possibility of establishing a multilateral mechanism for regional cooperation for the Middle East and North Africa in coordination with European and international stakeholders.

Attendees included the foreign ministers of Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Spain; as well as Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, and Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al Zayani.

Also present were Ferid Belhaj, Vice President of the World Bank; Børge Brende, President of the World Economic Forum; Alistair Burt, United Kingdom Minister of State for the Middle East; Staffan de Mistura, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Syria; Rosemary A. DiCarlo, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs; Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship of Canada; Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary-General of the Council of Europe; Pierre Krahenbuhl, Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA); Ján Kubiš, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq and Head of UNAMI; Robert Malley, President and CEO of the International Crisis Group; Peter Maurer, President of the International Red Cross; David Miliband, President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee; Nickolay Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority; Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; Amr Moussa, Former Secretary-General of the League of Arab States; and Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia and Chair of the IPI Board of Directors.

