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Diplomacy & Crisis News

Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire begin history-making COVAX vaccination drives

UN News Centre - lun, 01/03/2021 - 21:49
As the first recipients of lifesaving COVID-19 vaccine doses through the UN-partnered COVAX initiative, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana began their vaccine rollouts on Monday, prioritizing frontline workers and vulnerable groups, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Russia responsible for Navalny poisoning, rights experts say

UN News Centre - lun, 01/03/2021 - 20:57
Russia is responsible for the poisoning and attempted killing of jailed opposition figure Alexei Navalny, two independent UN rights experts said on Monday, issuing an “open call” for an international investigation into the incident. 

The World Must Regulate Tech Before It’s Too Late

Foreign Policy - lun, 01/03/2021 - 20:50
We urgently need a global ethical consensus on how far technological advances can go.

Meet Today’s Masters of the Universe

Foreign Policy - lun, 01/03/2021 - 20:39
“The World for Sale” peels back the cover on the secretive—and sometimes shady—people who make the modern world go around.

Yemen pledging conference: Severity of suffering ‘impossible to overstate’ says Guterres 

UN News Centre - lun, 01/03/2021 - 19:36
The international response to Monday’s High-Level Pledging Event on Yemen has been described as “disappointing” by the UN chief, announcing that pledges totalled less than last year’s humanitarian response, and a billion dollars less than the figure raised in 2019.    

To Democratize Vaccine Access, Democratize Production

Foreign Policy - lun, 01/03/2021 - 18:52
U.S. and European COVID-19 shots aren’t enough. It is time to tap into Africa, Asia, and Latin America’s enormous production capacity.

Fate still unclear of ‘tens of thousands’ of civilian detainees in Syria 

UN News Centre - lun, 01/03/2021 - 17:39
The fate of tens of thousands of civilians being held in Syria’s “notorious” prisons or detention centres is still unclear, 10 years after the country’s civil war began, UN investigators said on Monday. 

In the City, the Bluffing Is Over

Foreign Policy - lun, 01/03/2021 - 15:57
During crisis after crisis, London’s financial giants cried wolf about leaving. Now the wolf is at the door.

Myanmar Protesters Return to Streets After Bloodiest Day Since Coup

Foreign Policy - lun, 01/03/2021 - 12:57
Amid a brutal crackdown, Aung San Suu Kyi has another offense added to her charge sheet.

Bangladesh: UN rights chief urges transparent probe into writer’s death, review of law under which he was charged

UN News Centre - lun, 01/03/2021 - 11:29
The UN's top human rights official on Monday called for transparent investigation into the death in custody of a writer in Bangladesh, who was held in pre-trial detention for nine months for publishing an article and sharing social media posts critical of the Government’s COVID-19 response. 

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Politique étrangère (IFRI) - lun, 01/03/2021 - 10:08
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Yemen: UN ceasefire monitoring mission condemns attack on civilians in Hudaydah

UN News Centre - lun, 01/03/2021 - 09:24
The United Nations Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA), on Sunday, strongly condemned an attack in Yemen that killed five civilians, including a woman and child. 

Si la rivalité sino-américaine tournait mal


What if? (5) Si la rivalité sino-américaine tournait mal». La chronique de Frédéric Charillon Frédéric Charillon  23 février 2021 à 12h45

« De part et d’autre du Pacifique se trouvent des faucons qui rêvent d’en découdre. Même sans imaginer de confrontation militaire, les terrains du rapport de force s’accumulent »


« Jusqu’ici tout va bien », pour reprendre le leitmotiv du film La Haine. L’Amérique de Joe Biden adopte une posture plus prévisible et un ton plus modéré que l’administration Trump face à Pékin. La Chine n’a pas intérêt à une confrontation avec des Etats-Unis toujours surpuissants. Donald Trump, tout en multipliant les pommes de discordes (Huawei, TikTok, tarifs douaniers…), n’a jamais coupé les ponts. Avec la nomination dans la nouvelle équipe diplomatique de quelques connaisseurs de la Chine déterminés à en contenir la montée en puissance (Ely RatnerKathleen HicksMira Rapp-HooperMelanie Hart), Joe Biden s’inscrit dans un consensus national bipartisan, mais insiste davantage sur la compétition que sur la confrontation. La trajectoire des deux grands rivaux reste donc sous contrôle. Les choses pourraient toutefois s’envenimer.

En premier lieu, un choc frontal n’est pas à exclure : si une montée préméditée aux extrêmes est peu probable, les occasions de dérapage ne manquent pas. Plus vraisemblable, l’augmentation des tensions indirectes qui, accumulées, finiraient par instaurer un climat de guerre froide aux inévitables conséquences économiques. Dans les deux cas l’Europe se retrouverait en position difficile, sans moyen de se distancier de la protection américaine, ni de résister aux tentations économiques chinoises.

Risques de choc frontal
Lire la suite dans L'Opinion

UNICEF urges repatriation of all children in Syria’s Al-Hol camp following deadly fire

UN News Centre - dim, 28/02/2021 - 19:43
The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Sunday urged all countries to repatriate and safely reintegrate their young nationals being held at Syria’s largest camp for refugees and internally-displaced, following a deadly weekend fire at Al-Hol camp which saw at least three children die, and another 15 injured.

Petits secrets entre amis à Sciences Po

Le Monde Diplomatique - dim, 28/02/2021 - 19:35
Accusé d'inceste, le politologue Olivier Duhamel est subitement passé de la lumière à l'ombre. Habitué des cérémonies officielles et des plateaux de télévision, il y est devenu persona non grata. À Sciences Po, certains connaissaient pourtant l'affaire depuis plusieurs années, et ils continuaient de (...) / , , , , , - 2021/03

Myanmar: UN condemns escalating violence in deadliest day of protests so far

UN News Centre - dim, 28/02/2021 - 16:09
In response to the killing of at least 18 protesters demonstrating against Myanmar’s military coup, the UN human rights office (OHCHR) on Sunday together with the UN chief, strongly condemned the “escalating violence” and called for an immediate end to the use of force.

The Last Fishermen of Kashmir

Foreign Policy - dim, 28/02/2021 - 12:00
Once teeming lakes are fast disappearing and with them, a lucrative career for tens of thousands of people in the region.

FROM THE FIELD: Adapting to survive and thrive in Ghana

UN News Centre - dim, 28/02/2021 - 11:05
In the West African country of Ghana, many people from farming backgrounds are forced to find new ways to survive, as droughts, floods and erratic weather patterns upend age-old agricultural practices.

First Person: Yemen ‘cannot even afford to worry about the coronavirus’

UN News Centre - dim, 28/02/2021 - 06:05
In Yemen, whose people are living through a long-running, brutal war, which has led to the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, COVID-19 is far from being a top priority, says the top UN refugee agency (UNHCR) official in the Arabian Peninsula country.

Alexeï Navalny, prophète en son pays<small class="fine"> </small>?

Le Monde Diplomatique - sam, 27/02/2021 - 19:29
Victime d'une tentative d'empoisonnement, l'opposant russe Alexeï Navalny se trouve aujourd'hui derrière les barreaux. Tout en appelant à sa libération, les chancelleries occidentales préparent l'adoption de nouvelles sanctions. Si le Kremlin n'entend rien céder aux pressions internationales, qu'il (...) / , , , , , , - 2021/03
