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Diplomacy & Crisis News

Direction des Ressources Heureuses

Le Monde Diplomatique - ven, 19/11/2021 - 18:29
Une ligne de démarcation structure le monde du travail. D'un côté, une aristocratie laborieuse dotée de bons revenus et de menus avantages qui cimentent son esprit de corps. De l'autre, les millions de sujets d'un marché du travail qu'en toute rigueur l'on ne saurait même plus qualifier de salariat. (...) / , , , , , , - 2016/10

Afghanistan’s farmers, herders desperate for seed, food and cash 

UN News Centre - ven, 19/11/2021 - 18:26
“Catastrophic and famine-like conditions” hang over Afghanistan’s farmers and herders, whose needs continue to worsen with the onset of winter, UN humanitarians said on Friday. 

How Delaware Became the World’s Biggest Offshore Haven

Foreign Policy - ven, 19/11/2021 - 18:13
Kleptocrats, criminals, and con artists have all parked their illicit gains in the state.

Safe sanitation for all benefits people and the planet: UN chief

UN News Centre - ven, 19/11/2021 - 17:38
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has urged countries to keep their promise to leave no one behind and deliver health and sanitation to all. 

Is Russia Preparing to Invade Ukraine?

Foreign Policy - ven, 19/11/2021 - 15:20
Moscow’s military buildup is raising eyebrows in Washington as Belarus ups the ante in its standoff with the EU.

Au Nicaragua, que reste-t-il du sandinisme<small class="fine"> </small>?

Le Monde Diplomatique - ven, 19/11/2021 - 15:02
« Nicaragua sandiniste ». Les deux mots collaient l'un à l'autre. Dans les années 1980, l'Amérique centrale traversait une période de révolutions et de contre-révolutions. En 1979, les insurgés sandinistes avaient réussi à renverser le dictateur Anastasio Somoza, longtemps qualifié dans la région d'« (...) / , , , , , , , , , , - 2016/09

How Sputnik V Helped Bring Down Argentina’s Peronists

Foreign Policy - ven, 19/11/2021 - 14:00
President Alberto Fernández was an early champion of the jab. Now he’s paying the political price.

Venezuela’s Opposition Readies New Election Push

Foreign Policy - ven, 19/11/2021 - 11:16
With other strategies worn out, opponents of President Nicolás Maduro are hoping to build power at the polls.

Kremlin Says Second Biden-Putin Meeting Is in the Works

Foreign Policy - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 23:32
Talk of a virtual summit comes as U.S. officials are increasingly alarmed by Russia’s military buildup near its border with Ukraine.

An Empty Pledge to Protect Rainforests

Foreign Policy - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 22:38
The COP26 deforestation commitment is disingenuous—and could harm the Congo Basin.

Interview: On brink of humanitarian crisis, there's 'no childhood' in Afghanistan

UN News Centre - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 22:30
For over 70 years, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has had a presence across Afghanistan – even as the Taliban secured power over the summer. 

Pentagon Quietly Puts More Troops in Taiwan

Foreign Policy - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 22:09
Deeper U.S. engagement comes as the wisdom of strategic ambiguity is increasingly questioned.

Madagascar: ‘World cannot look away’ as 1.3 million face severe hunger

UN News Centre - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 21:53
The international community must step up support to Madagascar, where more than one million people in the south are facing severe hunger, the top UN aid official there said on Thursday in a renewed appeal for solidarity and funding. 

India Needs a Big Nuclear Bet to Keep COP26 Promises

Foreign Policy - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 21:49
The United States can play a key role in civilian nuclear aid.

Biden Brings Out the Big Guns for NatSec Noms

Foreign Policy - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 20:20
Republicans are holding up top State Department picks.

Don't be afraid to be the change, fearless youngsters tell activists summit

UN News Centre - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 19:35
Young activists have been swapping inspiring stories at a UN-supported youth summit on Thursday in Geneva about how they’ve driven positive change for their communities and the environment – and how everyone can do the same.

Bouchers roumains pour abattoirs bretons

Le Monde Diplomatique - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 18:58
Avec le regain du chômage en Europe, la course à l'emploi favorise la mise en concurrence des salariés. En Bretagne, dans les abattoirs, les bouchers polonais ou roumains ont fait leur apparition. / Europe, France, Pologne, Roumanie, Agroalimentaire, Alimentation, Animal, Immigrés, Migrations, (...) / , , , , , , , , , , - 2011/11

Smart, sustainable maritime transport critical to global recovery: UNCTAD

UN News Centre - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 17:53
Although the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on maritime trade last year was less severe than expected, the knock-on effects will be far reaching and could transform the sector, the UN trade and development body, UNCTAD, said in its latest report, published on Thursday. 

Bachelet condemns killings of peaceful protesters in Sudan 

UN News Centre - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 17:32
At least 39 people have been killed by security forces in Sudan since the 25 October military coup, 15 of whom were reportedly shot dead on Wednesday, according to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.  

Drones, la mort qui vient du ciel

Le Monde Diplomatique - jeu, 18/11/2021 - 16:58
Dans leur traque des talibans et des cadres d'Al-Qaida, les Etats-Unis multiplient l'usage de drones, des avions sans pilotes qui provoquent de nombreuses pertes civiles. Leur usage déborde les champs de bataille pour servir à des fins sécuritaires jusque dans les banlieues européennes. / (...) / , , , - 2009/12
