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Sous-commission Droits de l'homme (DROI) - Parlement européen

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Lundi 29 novembre 2021 - 14:51 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Mon, 29/11/2021 - 16:31
Durée de la vidéo : 97'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Communiqué de presse - Violations des droits de l’homme par des groupes paramilitaires russes, en Somalie et au Cameroun

Thu, 25/11/2021 - 16:40
Jeudi, le Parlement a adopté trois résolutions évaluant les violations des droits de l’hommes commises par le groupe Wagner, les atrocités en Somalie et la situation au Cameroun.
Commission des affaires étrangères
Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Briefing - Femicide, its causes and recent trends: What do we know? - PE 653.655 - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Mon, 22/11/2021 - 00:00
Femicide is a violation of the basic human rights to life, liberty and personal security, as well as an obstacle to social and economic development. The term indicates the act of intentionally killing a female person, either woman or girl, because of her gender, and it is the end-result of combined risk factors existing at the level of the individual, interpersonal relations, community and society. This crime displays three prominent characteristics: women are disproportionately killed by men; victims have previously experienced non-lethal violence; the rate at which women are killed tends to remain steady over time. Estimates indicate that 87 000 women were intentionally killed in 2017, but the exact number is unknown and suspected to be higher. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the situation and reduced access to services. Femicide’s classification differs according to context, but most significantly includes: killing by an intimate partner or family member; honour, dowry and witch-hunting deaths; femicide-suicide; pre- and post-natal excess female mortality; infanticide; and deliberate neglect, rooted in a preference for sons over daughters. Collecting accurate data is a strategic goal and necessary to facilitate the design of effective policies.
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Briefing - Preventing, protecting, providing access to justice: How can states respond to femicide? - PE 653.656 - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Mon, 22/11/2021 - 00:00
Growing awareness of femicide has not universally translated into effective policy and programming. Though legislation relating to gender-based violence and/or femicide exists in many countries, both persist. A combined social, cultural, political and economic approach situates femicide prevention and responses at various levels, including changes in individual behaviour. Using the term ‘femicide’ more frequently at international forums is crucial not only to focus attention on the gendered nature of violence but also to act as a call for action. Situational studies reveal that political will to end femicide differs from country to country. Femicide together with the patriarchal norms and misogyny that precipitate it are not just extra-EU problems. Rather, they are of global concern, demanding a global response; in non-EU countries this response is often dependent on donor funding. We now know more than ever what works to reverse patterns of violence. These patterns can be broken by developing the capacity of women’s organisations and strengthening global feminist movements that work with national and local activist networks. Additionally, engaging men and boys in this process of transformation is vital if we are to address violence against women and girls and ultimately end femicide.
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Lundi 15 novembre 2021 - 18:00 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Mon, 15/11/2021 - 18:51
Durée de la vidéo : 49'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Lundi 15 novembre 2021 - 13:48 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Mon, 15/11/2021 - 16:00
Durée de la vidéo : 129'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Latest news - Next DROI meeting - 15 November 2021 - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Mon, 15/11/2021 - 13:53

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the President of the European Parliament has established a number of measures to contain the spread of the virus and to safeguard Parliament's core activities. The current precautionary measures do not affect work on legislative priorities.
Core activities are maintained to ensure the smooth running of the institution's legislative, budgetary, and scrutiny functions.

The next meeting of the Subcommittee on Human Rights will take place on Monday 15 November 2021 from 13.45 to 16.15 and from 16.45 to 18.45 in room Spinelli 3G3.

EP Calendar 2021
DROI Calendar of meetings 2021 - revised
Urgency Resolutions on human rights
Book by HR/VP Josep Borrell Fontelles on "European foreign policy in times of COVID-19"
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Other events - European Gender Equality Week - October 25-28, 2021 - 25-10-2021 - Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality - Committee on Foreign Affairs - Subcommittee on Human Rights - Subcommittee on Security and Defence - Committee on...

Thu, 04/11/2021 - 15:08
At the initiative of the FEMM Committee, the European Parliament held its second European Gender Equality Week during the last week of October 2021.

Following the success of the first European Gender Equality Week organised in October 2020, the European Parliament continued this important initiative and held the second European Gender Equality Week during the last week of October 2021. All parliamentary committees and delegations were invited to hold events addressing gender inequality issues in their areas of competence.

Below you will find more details of the events which took place during the European Gender Equality Week.

Location : European Parliament Brussels & remotely
Gender Equality Week 2020
Draft programme
EPRS: "Exploring gender equality across policy areas"
     Video presentation
Press release
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Jeudi 28 octobre 2021 - 09:00 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Thu, 28/10/2021 - 10:52
Durée de la vidéo : 108'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Mercredi 27 octobre 2021 - 14:26 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Wed, 27/10/2021 - 15:37
Durée de la vidéo : 66'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Hearings - Respect for minorities, beliefs and religions - 17-02-2020 - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Wed, 27/10/2021 - 15:09
This hearing will examine the state of international law on freedom of thought, conscience and religion and study lessons learned from past policies and actions that have contributed towards its protection. Participants will also discuss best practices of interreligious dialogue for promoting tolerance and fighting against discrimination based on religious motivations.
The EU must continue its efforts to protect freedom of thought, conscience and religion, without fostering a particular belief, both inside and outside its borders.
Location : Room: SPAAK 5B001
Draft Programme
Press release
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Mercredi 27 octobre 2021 - 10:02 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Wed, 27/10/2021 - 12:06
Durée de la vidéo : 123'

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Communiqué de presse - Alexeï Navalny reçoit le Prix Sakharov 2021 du Parlement européen

Wed, 20/10/2021 - 15:13
Les députés ont décerné le Prix Sakharov 2021 pour la liberté de l'esprit à Alexeï Navalny, politique russe d'opposition et militant anti-corruption.
Commission des affaires étrangères
Commission du développement
Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Source : © Union européenne, 2021 - PE
Categories: Union européenne
