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PravdaReport: Russian news and analysis
Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

US-Russia nuclear conflict: The impossible is possible

Tue, 24/03/2015 - 17:03
The Americans have been taking advantage of Russia's military reforms of recent decades. Those reforms were all about disarmament. Looking at our military-technical retreat, the opposing party is obliged to go on offensive, which they did. If they launch nuclear warheads at Russia - practically all of them will land on the Russian territory
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russia's new 4th generation Lada submarine to nullify USA's naval power

Wed, 18/03/2015 - 16:30
The new Russian submarine, Lada, will end the era of USA's reign at sea. The new subs will deprive Washington of its global geopolitical role. Russian submarines of Project 677 Lada with air-independent power plant will take the Russian undersea fleet to new frontiers. The arms complex of the submarine is unusually large
Categories: Russia & CIS

'Crimea: Way Back Home' as seen through Western eye

Tue, 17/03/2015 - 10:36
The most important thing that Western media saw in the documentary "Crimea: Way Back Home" that was shown on Russian television on Sunday, March 15, was Putin's readiness to set Russian nuclear forces on full combat readiness, if the West had taken effort to impede the referendum in the Crimea. Traditionally, Western media accuse Putin of lies
Categories: Russia & CIS
