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Read FP’s Coverage of Sunday’s Elections in Turkey

Foreign Policy - Sat, 23/06/2018 - 14:54
Turks will vote to elect not only a president but also a parliament—a first in the country’s history.

UN chief calls for ‘immediate end’ to escalation of fighting in southwestern Syria, as thousands are displaced

UN News Centre - Sat, 23/06/2018 - 03:46
The UN Secretary-General on Friday expressed his grave concern for thousands of civilians caught up in an escalation of fighting across southwestern Syria, close to the border with Jordan.

Stigmatized, shunned and shamed, International Widows’ Day draws attention to their unique needs

UN News Centre - Sat, 23/06/2018 - 02:00
The loss of a spouse or partner is often devastating, but for many women it is magnified by a “long-term struggle” for basic needs, human rights and dignity, according to UN Women, in a message to mark International Widows’ Day.

Erdogan Is Making the Ottoman Empire Great Again

Foreign Policy - Sat, 23/06/2018 - 00:05
Turkey is leveraging tradition to expand its power in Europe — but the history cuts both ways.

The Countries Where F-35 Sales Are Taking Off

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 22:28
Tracking the growing global fleet of stealth fighters.

Women's rights face global pushback from conservativism, fundamentalism – UN experts warn

UN News Centre - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 22:26
Women’s rights are under threat from a “backlash” of conservatism and fundamentalism around the world, a United Nation panel warned on Friday.

He Feared the CIA Would Delete a Document Detailing Its Torture Program. So He Took It.

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 22:20
On our podcast: A Senate investigator who exposed the agency’s torture secrets tells his story.

The Quiet Death of Tillerson’s ‘Redesign’ of State

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 22:20
Overhauling Foggy Bottom was once a centerpiece of the Trump administration’s reforms. Where did those plans go?

Latin America’s Center Cannot Hold If It Doesn’t Exist

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 20:57
Mainstream establishment parties across the continent have been replaced by populists offering easy and empty answers.

Xi and Kim’s Marriage of Convenience

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 20:50
The Chinese president is briefed on the Singapore summit during the North Korean leader’s third state visit.

Russia’s Muslim Strongman Is Winning the World Cup

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 20:49
Ramzan Kadyrov is using sports diplomacy to bolster his image.

Japanese law professor elected new judge at the International Court of Justice

UN News Centre - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 19:35
An international law professor from Japan has been elected to serve with the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, following the resignation of a sitting judge, earlier this month.

Les Etats-Unis inventent la délocalisation de la torture

Le Monde Diplomatique - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 18:15
Alors que l'armée américaine a reconnu la mort d'une trentaine de prisonniers confiés à sa garde en Afghanistan et en Irak, la CIA multiplie les opérations de « sous-traitance », envoyant des captifs dans les geôles du Maghreb ou du Proche-Orient, où la torture continue d'être d'usage courant. / Égypte, (...) / , , , , , , , , , , , - 2005/04 La question, les questions

US migrant children policy reversal, still ‘fails’ thousands of detained youngsters: UN rights experts

UN News Centre - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 18:13
The United States government decision to end its border policy of forcibly separating migrant children from their parents, does not help thousands of youngsters already in detention, who should be released and reunited with their families, a group of UN rights experts said on Friday.

Don’t Trust Anybody About Turkey’s Elections

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 17:40
The one thing that's clear about Erdogan's re-election bid is that everything is unclear.

OPEC Agrees to Boost Oil Output

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 17:09
The oil cartel vowed to add 1 million barrels a day to markets. It won’t add quite that much.

Human rights chief calls for international probe on Venezuela, following ‘shocking accounts of extrajudicial killings’

UN News Centre - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 17:09
In Venezuela, “credible, shocking accounts of extrajudicial killings” and impunity for perpetrators, indicate that the rule of law “is virtually absent”, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said on Friday, in a call for an international inquiry into the alleged violations.

The West Is Letting Libya Tear Itself Apart

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 16:23
Calling for elections in the absence of stable institutions while competing for diplomatic and economic influence won’t rebuild the country — it will destroy it.

Délits d'initiés sur le marché universitaire américain

Le Monde Diplomatique - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 16:15
Une fois de plus, les deux candidats à l'élection présidentielle américaine ainsi que leurs colistiers sont millionnaires en dollars. Le sénateur John Kerry est plus opulent encore que son collègue et fortuné colistier, M. John Edwards. M. George W. Bush, lui, est issu d'une riche famille de la (...) / , , , , - 2004/11 Masques

Hindu dissident: “Bangladeshi government supports killing in the name of political Islam”

Foreign Policy Blogs - Fri, 22/06/2018 - 15:27

In an exclusive interview, Shipan Kumer Basu, the President of the World Hindu Struggle Committee, has claimed that for the Bangladeshi government, there is a direct link between the murder of Bangladeshi opposition figures as well as minorities and the promotion of Islam: “As soon as the month of Ramadan began, the Bangladeshi law enforcement agencies started to murder people in the name of abolishing the drug business. They targeted most of the opposition leaders and critics of the government. Since Sheikh Hasina is desperate to come back to power in this way, more people will be killed. The people of the country are very concerned and angry in this dire situation. Moreover, many believe that ISIS stands behind the killing of intellectuals in Bangladesh and that Sheikh Hasina is sponsoring them with looted bank money.”

Basu claimed that so far, three intellectuals have been killed: Shahjahan Bachchu, Suman Zahid and another unidentified intellectual: “People are not leaving home. The atmosphere is not festive like the season demands. As a result, the prices have increased. The government’s corruption and the murder of Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and other indigenous people continues unabated. Nobody is getting justice. The oppression of the minorities is increasing in Bangladesh. There are more and more cases of homes getting vandalized, temples being attacked, crematoriums being seized, different shops being closed down, the forcible conversion of Hindu girls, rape, sexual harassment, etc. Sadly, most of the government leaders are involved with these horrific incidents.”

“I have heard rumors that a crematorium belonging to Hindus was leased among the local Awami League leaders,” Basu stated. “1,326 Hindu students of two upzilas of Noakhali district have not yet received textbooks. The home of Rabindranath Gosh, founder and president of Bangladesh Minority Watch, was attacked and demolished by an assailant recently. Hindu lawyers are also not safe in Bangladesh, especially if they work to advance human rights.”

“Recently, two Hindu lawyers have been harassed,” Basu noted. “One of the victims is Samir Chowdhury. According to his daughter, he has been framed for a crime that he did not commit by the government merely in order to impede his work to advance human rights. In addition, a land grabber recently occupied the homes of Hindu families in Mymenshingh. And even though 20 million Hindus still live in Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina recently placed a Muslim in charge of the Hindu Welfare Trust, which impedes the rights of Hindus in Bangladesh in the same way that having a Muslim school principle in Iranian Jewish schools serves a similar purpose.”

According to the Annual Report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, there has been a spike in attacks upon minorities in Bangladesh and that these incidents are frequently followed by the seizure of Hindu lands, the Dhaka Tribune reported: “Local governments and police often fail to investigate violent attacks that accompany land grabs because their colleagues are implicated.” Basu alleged that such behavior by the Bangladeshi government is religiously motivated.

Basu claimed that the Bangladeshi government is doing everything to advance political Islam in Bangladesh to the detriment of minority religions: “Awami League Organizing Secretary Khalid Mahmoud Chowdhury reported that no one has playing a significant role in promoting political Islam in Bangladesh without the Awami League. He claimed that the Awami League serves Islam and politics in the name of BNP-Jamaat Islam. They have corrupted Islam via terror in the name of religion. In this way, they want to introduce Islamic rule in Bangladesh. Proof of this is the fact that the 300-seat parliament refuses to give the responsibility of a full minister to a single Hindu.”

While General Secretary of the Awami League Obaidul Quder claimed that his political party is the best friend of the Hindu people, Basu claims the reality is the opposite of what he claims: “How many Hindu women have been raped under the rule of the current government? Can anyone tell me? A helpless Hindu minority woman and her infant daughter were recently raped by Awami League leaders in the Kishorgonj district of Bangladesh. The police filed a hassle case instead of a rape case against the accused. Is this an example of the Awami League’s friendship with the Hindu people?”

The post Hindu dissident: “Bangladeshi government supports killing in the name of political Islam” appeared first on Foreign Policy Blogs.
