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Diplomacy & Crisis News

Batna dans le vertige des peurs et des frustrations

Le Monde Diplomatique - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 18:42
Au cœur des Aurès, Batna est une ville soumise à l'état d'urgence comme l'ensemble de l'Algérie, prise dans le vertige des peurs et des frustrations. Murs d'incompréhension et violences, angoisse du chômage et dégradation des conditions d'existence révèlent une société accablée par le poids des (...) / , - 1993/03

‘Massive and protracted’ humanitarian crisis in DR Congo can be ‘beaten back’ if donors step up

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 18:42
“Urgent and sustained funding” for a Government-led response to what is now a “massive and protracted” humanitarian crisis across the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is required, said the head of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UN relief chief on Thursday.

International Relations Theory Doesn’t Understand Culture

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 18:09
The main schools of thought still cling to an outdated understanding of how civilizations work.

A Rising China Is Driving the U.S. Army’s New Game Plan in the Pacific

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 17:23
New missiles and large-scale exercises part of long-term strategy to deter Beijing.

Marking international day, UN experts call for urgent action to end racial discrimination, in wake of New Zealand anti-Muslim attack

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 17:14
States must take urgent action, to “stem the tide of hate and discrimination” and ramping up of “ethno-nationalist populism”, which helped fuel the deadly shootings in two New Zealand mosques last Friday by a self-declared white supremacist, several top UN officials and human rights experts have stressed, marking the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Le champ sémantique du populisme

Le Monde Diplomatique - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 16:41
/ Politique, Idéologie, Idées, Nationalisme, Démocratie, Médias - Politique / , , , , , - Politique

Idai disaster: Stranded victims still need rescue from heavy rains as UN scales up response

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 15:54
Dire conditions persist in vast areas of southern Africa affected by Cyclone Idai as heavy rain continues to cause “massive destruction”, the UN said on Thursday, while aid teams scale up efforts to reach those most in need.

K-Pop’s Sexual Assault Scandal Is the Tip of the Iceberg

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 14:10
Celebrities’ crimes are pushing South Korea’s reckoning with misogyny.

White Supremacism Isn’t Insanity

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 11:11
If you want to stop terrorists like New Zealand’s mosque shooter, the first step is to try to understand what they’re saying.

Why Europe Should Reject Theresa May’s Brexit Extension

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 10:26
If Britain remains in the European Union due to a botched Brexit, its demands for special treatment will end up wrecking the EU.

‘Growing alarm’ over Fall Armyworm advance, with cash crops ‘under attack’ across Asia

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 02:00
The Fall Armyworm pest is continuing to sweep across the globe, having moved eastwards from their native Americas, onto Africa, before arriving in Asia only last summer, where they now threaten to cost farmers from India to Thailand, billions of dollars in lost production. 

Trump’s Space Force Gets the Final Frontier All Wrong

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/03/2019 - 01:07
A new space race may be on, but the United States should opt for peaceful exploration rather than military presence.

Venezuela: ‘A worrying destabilizing factor in the region’, Bachelet tells Human Rights Council

UN News Centre - Wed, 20/03/2019 - 22:40
Expressing deep concern at the “magnitude and gravity of the human rights impact” of Venezuela’s current crisis, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said on Wednesday that the country had become “a worrying destabilizing factor in the region.”

UN court increases sentence of former Bosnian-Serb leader to life imprisonment

UN News Centre - Wed, 20/03/2019 - 21:53
A United Nations appeals court on Wednesday increased the 40-year sentence initially imposed on Radovan Karadžić, former leader of the Republika Srpksa region of Bosnia and head of the Bosnian-Serb Army, to life imprisonment.

Uncle Joe Is Ready to Run the World

Foreign Policy - Wed, 20/03/2019 - 21:44
Joe Biden is the only candidate for the White House with a foreign-policy philosophy that’s proven to work.

Iraq Prepares to Evict U.S. Troops

Foreign Policy - Wed, 20/03/2019 - 21:32
Pro-Iran factions are pushing for the move just as the Islamic State is starting to hit back.

Libya stands at a ‘critical juncture’, UN mission head tells Security Council

UN News Centre - Wed, 20/03/2019 - 20:44
Predicting that the “days ahead will prove foundational to the years ahead for Libyans and the region”, the top United Nations official in the country told the Security Council on Wednesday, that it was no exaggeration to describe the oil-rich nation as having reached “a crucial juncture”.

Trump Wants NATO’s Eyes on China

Foreign Policy - Wed, 20/03/2019 - 19:38
The Trump administration says countering Beijing’s cyber and commercial power should be a priority for the alliance.

Les dangers d'une monnaie unique

Le Monde Diplomatique - Wed, 20/03/2019 - 18:39
Telle qu'elle est définie et programmée dans le traité de Maastricht, l'Union économique et monétaire (UEM) est avant tout l'expression d'un choix politique en faveur d'une complète intégration européenne. Ce choix intervient à un moment où les contraintes économiques au sein des Douze semblent rendre (...) / , - 1992/09

Boeing’s Crisis Strengthens Beijing’s Hand

Foreign Policy - Wed, 20/03/2019 - 18:25
In its trade standoff with the United States, China’s Ace could be the 737 Max.
