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Diplomacy & Crisis News

The Real Lessons of the Trump-Kim Love Letters

Foreign Policy - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 20:46
What the 27 mostly unpublished missives tell us about the future of U.S.-North Korean diplomacy.

John Kerry Wants the ‘Greatest Economic Transformation Since the Industrial Revolution’

Foreign Policy - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 20:07
But others question the “market-based” approach of Biden’s chief climate envoy.

Why The World’s Governments Should Pay Polluters

Foreign Policy - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 19:37
Britain’s decision to compensate slaveholders was unjust, unpalatable—and effective.

End ‘rampant’ police brutality, promote tolerance: UN human rights experts

UN News Centre - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 19:06
Expressing alarm over “rampant police brutality against peaceful protesters worldwide”, more than 40 UN-appointed human rights experts on Friday called for an end to the violence, urging Governments to promote dialogue, tolerance and diversity. 

What in the World?

Foreign Policy - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 18:54
This week in FP’s international news quiz: climate change red flags, a looming Taliban takeover, and one risky helicopter landing.

Russia’s Battle for the Black Sea

Foreign Affairs - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 18:50
Why Moscow’s moves could determine the future of navigation 

The Realist Guide to Solving Climate Change

Foreign Policy - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 18:44
Put aside all your idealistic fantasies about the world’s biggest crisis, and here’s what’s left.

Malaysia’s Sexist Citizenship Law Is Keeping Families Apart

Foreign Policy - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 18:32
Malaysian mothers can’t automatically pass on their nationality to foreign-born children. The pandemic has worsened the law’s ill effects.

DR Congo: ‘Widespread and systematic’ violence linked to clashes over gold

UN News Centre - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 17:27
Rival armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are carrying out horrific sexual attacks against women and girls, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) warned on Friday.

Childhood cancer care in Africa hit hard by pandemic

UN News Centre - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 17:23
Nearly 30,000 children in sub-Saharan Africa are believed to have died from cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO). 

Fast-moving Afghanistan crisis ‘has hallmarks of humanitarian catastrophe’

UN News Centre - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 16:40
Afghanistan is on course to witness its highest ever number of documented civilian casualties in a single year since records began, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Friday.

The ‘Global Policeman’ Is Not Exempt From Justice

Foreign Policy - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 16:29
Confronting the violence of U.S. policing requires an international perspective.

La grande détresse de l'économie libanaise

Le Monde Diplomatique - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 16:08
En plongeant le Liban dans un marasme généralisé, l'invasion israélienne de juin 1982 a dévoilé la friabilité de son économie. Pourtant, que de fois n'avait-on pas entendu « experts » libanais et « observateurs » étrangers chanter ce « miracle », quotidiennement renouvelé jusque dans la guerre ? Mais (...) / , , , , - 1985/01

The State Department’s Visa-Issuing Authority Is in Crisis

Foreign Policy - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 15:55
How “the worst consular system in the world” was turned around—and why it needs to happen again.

UN health agency urges support for new COVID-19 origins studies

UN News Centre - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 14:00
The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged all countries “to put differences aside” in order to speed up efforts to understand where and how the COVID-19 virus started – including the unproven suggestion that it was manufactured in a laboratory.

Latin America’s Drive to Integrate Venezuelan Migrants Earns Praise

Foreign Policy - Fri, 13/08/2021 - 14:00
A U.N. official calls efforts in the region “a model of solidarity.”

Afghanistan: UN chief following escalation in fighting ‘with deep concern’

UN News Centre - Thu, 12/08/2021 - 22:39
With Taliban fighters continuing to gain ground in Afghanistan, the UN Secretary-General is following events “with deep concern” said the UN Spokesperson on Thursday, including the battle for Herat and Kandahar, the country’s second and third largest cities.  

Top UN envoy points to fresh hope for democratic Somalia

UN News Centre - Thu, 12/08/2021 - 21:30
Political strides are breathing new hope into the country’s fragile State-building process, driven by an electoral agreement signed by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, and the heads of Somalia’s federal member states, a senior UN official told the Security Council on Thursday.

Youth must be included in disarmament and non-proliferation

UN News Centre - Thu, 12/08/2021 - 21:15
With 40 per cent of the global population under 25, the international community has a special responsibility to ensure young people can share their perspectives and concerns about existential threats to current and future generations, UN disarmament chief Izumi Nakamitsu said on Thursday.

Youth need ‘seat at the table’ to lead struggle for better future: Guterres

UN News Centre - Thu, 12/08/2021 - 18:38
Young people are on the “frontlines of the struggle to build a better future”, the UN chief said on Thursday, International Youth Day.
