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Balkans Occidentaux

WARM Festival 2016

Courrier des Balkans / Bosnie-Herzégovine - Sat, 02/07/2016 - 13:30

Sarajevo 26 June - 2 July
WARM is an international foundation working on the world's contemporary conflicts. The WARM Festival is dedicated to war reporting, war art, war memory. WARM is bringing together people – journalists, artists, historians, researchers, activists – with a common passion for "telling the story with excellence and integrity".
WARM FESTIVAL VENUES Kino Meeting Point- Welcome Desk & Accreditations, Film Screenings, Conferences, Press Events, Festival Café Academy of (...)

Categories: Balkans Occidentaux

WARM Festival 2016

Courrier des Balkans - Sat, 02/07/2016 - 13:30

Sarajevo 26 June - 2 July
WARM is an international foundation working on the world's contemporary conflicts. The WARM Festival is dedicated to war reporting, war art, war memory. WARM is bringing together people – journalists, artists, historians, researchers, activists – with a common passion for "telling the story with excellence and integrity".
WARM FESTIVAL VENUES Kino Meeting Point- Welcome Desk & Accreditations, Film Screenings, Conferences, Press Events, Festival Café Academy of (...)

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Categories: Balkans Occidentaux
