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SSR Resource Center

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A non-profit, non-partisan think tank dedicated to the study of security transitions in fragile, failed and conflict-affected states.
Updated: 7 years 10 months ago

Law Enforcement and Perverse Effects: The Evolution of the Central American Maras

Thu, 18/02/2016 - 21:00
Crime and law enforcement are often entwined in a co-evolutionary process by which the actions of one prompt behavioral changes by the other that demand new strategies from the initial actor. While this dynamic is often recognized and anticipated by both law enforcement and criminal groups, it frequently yields perverse effects – unintended (and generally
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

News Roundup: 8 February – 14 February 2016

Mon, 15/02/2016 - 15:00
Want to keep up to date on the SSR field? Once a week, the CSG’s Security Sector Reform Resource Centre project posts pertinent news articles, reports, projects, and event updates on SSR over the past week. Click here to sign-up and have the SSR Weekly News Roundup delivered straight to your inbox every week!   Centre for Security
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

News Roundup: 1 February – 7 February 2016

Mon, 08/02/2016 - 14:54
Want to keep up to date on the SSR field? Once a week, the CSG’s Security Sector Reform Resource Centre project posts pertinent news articles, reports, projects, and event updates on SSR over the past week. Click here to sign-up and have the SSR Weekly News Roundup delivered straight to your inbox every week!   SSR Resource Centre
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Local and External Perceptions of Security Sector Reform in Guinea-Bissau

Fri, 05/02/2016 - 16:28
For almost ten years, the small West African country of Guinea-Bissau has been subject to security sector reform as part of international peacebuilding interventions. Since gaining independence in 1973-74, the former Portuguese colony has been characterized by political instability, coups d’état, military overthrow attempts, and the interference of military factions within politics.   —– This
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

News Roundup: 25 January – 31 January 2016

Mon, 01/02/2016 - 15:20
Want to keep up to date on the SSR field? Once a week, the CSG’s Security Sector Reform Resource Centre project posts pertinent news articles, reports, projects, and event updates on SSR over the past week. Click here to sign-up and have the SSR Weekly News Roundup delivered straight to your inbox every week!   SSR Resource Centre
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Haiti and the Democracy-Public Security Interface

Wed, 27/01/2016 - 16:12
If the ability to hold credible, peaceful elections is a key litmus test of a country’s progress towards democratic consolidation, the latest evidence from Haiti is far from encouraging. The electoral cycle that began in August 2015 – following months of delays and governance by presidential decree – was meant to renew Haiti’s democratic institutions,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Reading List – Security Sector Reform in Haiti

Tue, 26/01/2016 - 23:10
With Haiti President stepping down without a successor in February 2016, and with security governance and security governance being key issues at both the national and local levels, the SSR Resource Centre created this SSR Country Snapshot to highlight key recent publications published by the Centre for Security Governance.     Last Updated: February 2016 On
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

News Roundup: 18 January – 24 January 2016

Mon, 25/01/2016 - 16:17
Want to keep up to date on the SSR field? Once a week, the CSG’s Security Sector Reform Resource Centre project posts pertinent news articles, reports, projects, and event updates on SSR over the past week. Click here to sign-up and have the SSR Weekly News Roundup delivered straight to your inbox every week!   SSR Resource Centre
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
