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Updated: 2 weeks 5 days ago

Putin's Russia: From 'gas station' to major global player

Tue, 07/03/2017 - 16:43
John McCain spoke of Russia as a "gas station country." Russia the gas station has developed into a country that could allegedly show influence on the course and the outcome of the presidential election in the US. Western "partners" acknowledge that solving major international problems without the participation of Russia is impossible
Categories: Russia & CIS

Putin admits failure of Russian anti-doping system

Wed, 01/03/2017 - 11:36
Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the anti-doping system in Russia has failed entirely. One should admit it, find the guilty and build a new system, he said. "We must listen, despite all those blunders in the work of the independent commission, we must listen to what the commission has done, to the results of its work," Putin said
Categories: Russia & CIS

Nemtsov march turned into crazy quilt about nothing

Mon, 27/02/2017 - 16:10
On Sunday, February 26, a number of events took place in several cities of Russia in memory of Boris Nemtsov, who was assassinated on February 17, 2015. It was obvious in advance that the marches and demonstrations would be held in a political key, because there was a reason for it. The event was a political action
Categories: Russia & CIS

No time for rally: Why Russians dislike protests

Wed, 22/02/2017 - 15:13
Two-thirds of Russian citizens (67 percent) believe that demonstrations and protest actions are ineffective in influencing policies of the authorities. If people do not see rallies as a way to solve their problems, what other leverage can they use? Experts do not see anything strange about the fact that people lose interest in rallies
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russia will never give away either Crimea or Kuril Islands

Tue, 21/02/2017 - 13:20
Polish historian Andrzej Zapalovsky believes that US President Trump is bargaining on US interests, not only in relation to Ukraine but on other issues. According to the historian, the sentiments inside the circles close to the US administration are changing because Russia could get away with its actions without being punished accordingly for them
Categories: Russia & CIS

After WWII, the United States took over from Hitler and the Third Reich

Fri, 17/02/2017 - 17:18
Russia is the only real obstacle for Americans in the world. It is only Russia that can technically destroy the USA. The Americans had created a convenient world order for themselves at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. Now they are convinced that Russia wants to reform their world order. The Americans still wants to be another exceptional nation
Categories: Russia & CIS

Putin: NATO wants Russia to confront the West

Thu, 16/02/2017 - 16:58
Speaking about relations with the West, President Putin noted that Western countries tirelessly provoke Russia to make the Russian administration confront the West. He recalled that during the NATO summit in July 2016 in Warsaw, Russia was recognized as a major security threat for the alliance for the first time since 1989
Categories: Russia & CIS

USA will seize Kuril Islands immediately if Russia delivers them to Japan

Wed, 15/02/2017 - 08:54
If Russia delivers South Kuril Islands to Japan, they will fall under obligations of the United States in accordance with the fifth article of the Japanese-US treaty of mutual cooperation and security guarantees. In a nutshell, the USA will have to protect the islands like the entire territory of Japan
Categories: Russia & CIS

China admits Putin becomes master of judo in international politics

Tue, 14/02/2017 - 16:50
Chinese publication Huanqiu Shibao wrote in a recent publication that Russian President Putin has become one of the biggest stars of world politics at the time when many Western leaders were grimly leaving the political arena. Over the past 30 years, Russia has experienced three historical eras of Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin
Categories: Russia & CIS

Ten years of Putin's Munich speech: He came, he saw, he conquers

Fri, 10/02/2017 - 17:51
Ten years ago, on February 10, 2007, Vladimir Putin delivered his landmark speech at a security conference in Munich, Germany. The "Munich speech" has since then become a program of Russia's foreign policy. Ten years later, it appears that the picture of the world order, which Putin described in Munich, remains most viable today
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russia to test hypersonic Zircon missiles earlier than originally planned

Thu, 09/02/2017 - 11:16
In the spring of 2017, Russia may test a Zircon hypersonic missile for the first time. The launch is said to be conducted within the scope of the global non-nuclear deterrence strategy. ICBMs of this capacity will be able to contain USA's plans for the deployment of the global missile defense system
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russia's public debt amounts to 11 trillion: Time to panic?

Tue, 07/02/2017 - 19:39
Russia's public debt amounted to 11.1 trillion rubles or 13.2% of GDP as of 2016. The Finance Ministry expects that the national debt will reach 14.7% of GDP by the end of 2017 and by the end of 2019 - 15.7%. Is this number critical for economy? Can it affect living standards of Russian citizens? To whom does Russia have to pay its debt?
Categories: Russia & CIS

Admiral Kuznetsov: Ship of shame or ship of glory?

Mon, 06/02/2017 - 17:57
The aircraft carrier group of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation returns to its base in Severomorsk. The mission to Syrian shores lasted for nearly four months. The mission of the Russian aircraft carrier group to Syria generated quite a controversy. Suffice it to recall the scandal around the entry of Russian warships to Spanish ports
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russia's secret shield: Perimeter, aka Dead Hand

Thu, 02/02/2017 - 21:53
Recent reports about the analysis that US military departments conduct into consequences of nuclear strikes on Russia and China have generates heated discussions in the world. The nuclear potential of China remains classified. According to experts' estimates, it does not exceed the power of a quarter of a thousand of warheads
Categories: Russia & CIS

Why the West should not lift sanctions from Russia

Wed, 01/02/2017 - 21:57
As of 2016, Russia has reached 90 percent of self-sufficiency in vegetables. The domestic production of greenhouse vegetables has increased by 8% - to 691,000 tons. Russia's food embargo had affected the domestic restaurant industry. Surprisingly, however, Russia has demonstrated an impressive culinary revolution unfolding
Categories: Russia & CIS

Generation of 1990s ready to take Russia to depopulation

Tue, 31/01/2017 - 20:11
Russia faces the danger of depopulation: the generation of the 1990s has entered the childbearing age. This generation is too small in size and is unlikely to ensure natural reproduction of the Russian population. Russia experienced a monstrous decline in the birth rate during the 1990s. Nowadays, the phenomenon may occur again
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russia fully prepared for possible nuclear attack

Thu, 26/01/2017 - 10:26
The Russian military have received an opportunity to see everything that happens in the air and in space from the coast of Morocco to Spitzbergen and to the east coast of the United States. The second station was put into operation near Armavir in 2009. The station monitors the events happening from North Africa to India
Categories: Russia & CIS

'Trump is like Putin.' Russian opposition scared

Tue, 24/01/2017 - 21:02
Russian liberals share a skeptical, to put it mildly, attitude to US President Donald Trump. In 2000, when Bush won the American election, many were giggling, saying that it was nothing special, some fool won the election, a Democrat today, a Republican tomorrow, and it was only the stable system of transfer of power that was important
Categories: Russia & CIS

Russia-USA: Bargain or cooperate?

Mon, 23/01/2017 - 22:01
Obama has destroyed USA's relations with Russia. Will Donald Trump try to restore them? Russia needs cooperation, rather than bargaining with the USA. Judging from the fact that the Americans will not be present at the Syria talks in Astana, Trump wants to cooperate - he would not have missed an opportunity to bargain on Ukraine and Syria otherwise
Categories: Russia & CIS

Can Ukraine take the Crimea from Russia? Will The Hague help?

Fri, 20/01/2017 - 16:31
Ukraine filed a lawsuit against Russia at the International Court of Justice. Kiev intends to hold Russia accountable for committing acts of terrorism and discrimination during its illegal aggression against Ukraine. Can anyone imagine that the UN Security Council may decide to deploy troops in the Crimea to meet Ukraine's requirements?
Categories: Russia & CIS
