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Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

MMI Engineering Appoints Caroline Field and Richard Look for Resilence Practice

Tue, 30/05/2017 - 13:16
Caroline Field has joined MMI Engineering (MMI) as a Resilience Practice leader.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

ARTEMIS PRO for Commercial and Search-and-Rescue Divers

Tue, 30/05/2017 - 11:58
ARTEMIS PRO is a handheld underwater computer that incorporates a target detection sonar, DVL, camera, dive-light, acoustic positioning, data modem and GPS navigation aids, which are designed to assist commercial and search-and-rescue divers in locat…
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Speedcast-Secure Communications Networks and IT Infrastructure for Navy Operations

Tue, 30/05/2017 - 10:23
Speedcast International Limited, a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, designs secure integrated IT and communications solutions to optimise mission-critical networks for defence clients.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Blueprint Subsea Announces its Oculus M1200d and M370s Multibeam Imaging Sonars

Fri, 26/05/2017 - 17:41
Blueprint Subsea has announced its Oculus M series of multibeam sonar units, which are a new generation of versatile imaging sonar solutions developed for use in a versatile range of underwater applications.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

3W-180 SRE Hybrid Wankel Presented at XPONENTIAL Trade Fair

Fri, 26/05/2017 - 15:36
3W-International will present the 3W-180 SRE Hybrid Wankel for the first time at this year's XPONENTIAL Trade Fair in May to increase the company's range of drive products for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Deals this week: Booz Allen Hamilton, Northrop Grumman, Israel Aerospace Industries

Fri, 26/05/2017 - 01:00
The US Navy awarded a $96.1m contract to Booz Allen Hamilton Inc to provide secure communication systems required for the upgrade of its tactical communication networks.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

BMT to provide consultancy support for Norway's submarine acquisition programme

Fri, 26/05/2017 - 01:00
BMT Defence Services (BMT) has secured a new deal to deliver consultancy support for Norway's new submarine acquisition programme.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Future aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford undergoes sea acceptance trials

Fri, 26/05/2017 - 01:00
The US Navy's USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) Ford-class aircraft carrier has departed Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, in order to undergo its second set of sea trials.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

NSAG to supply IPMS system for Australian Navy's AOR vessels

Fri, 26/05/2017 - 01:00
Joint venture (JV) company Navantia SAGE Automation Group (NSAG) has secured a new contract to deliver integrated platform management systems (IPMS) for the Royal Australian Navy's (RAN) auxiliary oiler replenishment (AOR) ships.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Lockheed Martin Canada to replace combat management system for Chile’s Type 23 frigates

Thu, 25/05/2017 - 01:00
Lockheed Martin Canada has secured a new contract from the Chilean Navy (Armada de Chile) for replacement combat management systems (CMS) and select subsystems for its three Type 23 frigates.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Raytheon to supply variable depth sonar for US Navy LCS vessels

Thu, 25/05/2017 - 01:00
The US Navy has awarded a contract to Raytheon for the delivery of its new variable depth sonar (VDS) system, which is an anti-submarine solution designed for the littoral combat ship (LCS) class.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Leidos to help sustain Distributed Common Ground System – Navy (DCGS-N)

Thu, 25/05/2017 - 01:00
Global science and technology company Leidos has secured a new prime contract from the US Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) Systems Center Atlantic in the US.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Vulcano Logistic Support Ship (LSS)

Wed, 24/05/2017 - 01:00
Vulcano logistic support ship (LSS) being built by Fincantieri for the Italian Navy is scheduled to be commissioned in 2019.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Saudi Arabia requests $250m naval blanket order training programme from US

Wed, 24/05/2017 - 01:00
The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of a possible foreign military sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a navy blanket order training programme.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Schiebel Camcopter S-100 completes flight trials in Norway

Wed, 24/05/2017 - 01:00
Schiebel's Camcopter S-100 unmanned air system (UAS) has successfully completed flight trials at Andøya Test Center (ATC) in Norway.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Oshkosh Defense to supply additional P-19R ARFF vehicles to USMC

Wed, 24/05/2017 - 01:00
The US Marine Corps (USMC) has awarded a new delivery order valued at more than $33m to Oshkosh Defense for the delivery of additional 54 P-19R aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) vehicles.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

SENER to Participate in European Space Agency's Euclid Mission

Tue, 23/05/2017 - 16:08
The SENER engineering and technology group is participating in the Euclid mission run by the European Space Agency (ESA) to study the expansion of the universe.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

US Navy's LCS 12 completes sea acceptance trials

Tue, 23/05/2017 - 01:00
The US Navy's newest Independence-class littoral combat ship (LCS) USS Omaha (LCS 12) has successfully completed its sea acceptance trials before being delivered to the navy.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Deals this week: Lockheed Martin, Rolls-Royce, Boeing

Fri, 19/05/2017 - 01:00
The US Navy's Strategic Systems Programs has awarded a $64.68m contract to Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company to support weapon systems integration under the common missile compartment (CMC) programme.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

British Royal Navy's HMS Grimsby arrives for refit in Rosyth, Scotland

Fri, 19/05/2017 - 01:00
The British Royal Navy's Sandown-class minehunter HMS Grimsby is set to undergo a full refit programme at Rosyth Royal dockyard in Scotland.
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
