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Influential. Investigative. Independent. EUobserver is a online non-profit news outlet reporting on the European Union.
Updated: 3 days 16 hours ago

Europe's new space port seeks to launch reusable rockets

Mon, 16/01/2023 - 07:00
Europe's first mainland satellite launch port is taking shape amid promises to launch reusable rockets. But the Sami, a local indigenous population, are increasingly worried about the spreading of the militarisation of the Arctic.
Categories: European Union

[Investigation] How EU funded bike infrastructure is used to 'greenwash' new tarmac

Wed, 04/01/2023 - 07:25
Despite millions poured in, EU countries are failing to reduce car use. But by adding an environmental dimension, countries covered by cohesion policy can continue road building with EU funds and file it under measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Categories: European Union

[Magazine] EU and ASEAN must step up digital connectivity ties amid rising geopolitical tensions

Wed, 04/01/2023 - 07:00
The digital sphere is particularly complex with a diverse range of actors and stakeholders. Working closely with each other and other like-minded partners in the Indo-Pacific, the EU and ASEAN can be voices of moderation.
Categories: European Union

[Investigation] How EU funds for bike infrastructure are being misused

Tue, 03/01/2023 - 07:25
An investigation into the use of EU cohesion funds to build dysfunctional bicycle infrastructure in Czechia, Lithuania, Malta and Romania. Part one of three.
Categories: European Union

Defending democracy by mocking Brussels? The viral 'Schuman Show' pulls it off

Tue, 03/01/2023 - 07:25
The Schuman Show, a political satire and live comedy show about the EU, has been making waves in Brussels in the last year with sold-out shows.
Categories: European Union

[Magazine] The outdated myths and exciting reality of 'Digital Africa'

Tue, 03/01/2023 - 07:00
A look at the history of the digital transformation taking place in Africa proves that the continent is certainly not backward. Africa has always been progressive and is currently in the midst of an exciting and disruptive digital revolution.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] How NOT to write an op-ed

Mon, 02/01/2023 - 07:25
EUobserver receives tens of thousands of words of unsolicited opinion pieces every day — for one daily slot. So, how do you differentiate your piece from the crowd of others, and actually get published?
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Disabled people still feel like second-class citizens in EU

Mon, 02/01/2023 - 07:00
My frustration grew about the price that disabled people pay to participate, to have a voice. We put our health, our income and even our lives on the line just to do things that non-disabled people take for granted.
Categories: European Union

[Magazine] Spyware scandals in Europe are 'much worse than Watergate'

Mon, 02/01/2023 - 07:00
The illicit use of spyware in Europe is worse than the Watergate scandal which brought down US president Richard Nixon — yet EU authorities are ignoring the danger, MEP Sophie in 't Veld tells Wester van Gaal.
Categories: European Union

Serbia pulls down Kosovo barricades, easing crisis

Fri, 30/12/2022 - 15:54
Serbia and Kosovo have stepped back from the brink of violence after ethnic Serbs began dismantling roadblocks in northern Kosovo.
Categories: European Union

[Editorial] The stories you should have read in 2022

Fri, 30/12/2022 - 15:53
I won't bore you with platitudes about what a momentous year this has been, you'll probably have enough of those conversations tomorrow at your New Year's Eve. So here are our favourite stories of the year, in no particular order.
Categories: European Union

[Analysis] Will a green industrial arms race with the US spur EU's energy transition?

Fri, 30/12/2022 - 07:25
In response to the US Inflation Reduction Act, the EU has announced its own package of counter-subsidies. The question is whether a green industrial arms race will speed up the transition to clean energy or derail it.
Categories: European Union

[Feature] EU files: How to get them, how to leak them, and what's the point?

Thu, 29/12/2022 - 07:25
Leaked EU papers are clickbait for Brussels media, but how do journalists get them and what are they good for?
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Wishing for a kinder capitalism in 2023

Thu, 29/12/2022 - 07:00
If small and medium-sized businesses can kickstart the world's economy, we need to ensure that job creators are chasing the right goals—and at the right pace.
Categories: European Union

[Magazine] Worse than 'deep fakes' — disinfo's new and more-powerful apps

Thu, 29/12/2022 - 07:00
Forget "old-fashioned" deep fakes, the challenge to democracy posed by "fully-synthetic media" which can be created seemingly out of thin air is much greater.
Categories: European Union

[Analysis] When the EU found the political will to act on rule of law

Wed, 28/12/2022 - 07:25
In 2012, it was against Orbán's Hungary that the EU first proposed to suspend cohesion funds under strengthened budgetary rules, after Budapest failed to step up efforts to end the country's excessive government deficit. Then Orbán toed the line.
Categories: European Union

[Magazine] How does 'Digital Strategic Autonomy' really work?

Wed, 28/12/2022 - 07:00
Buzzwords like 'strategic' and 'autonomy' have long been heard among Brussels' policy-makers, think-tankers, and academics. However, the concept has only become a real priority recently, bringing the geopolitical role of the EU to the top of the agenda.
Categories: European Union

[Magazine] Forecasting and profiling, or bias and discrimination?

Wed, 28/12/2022 - 07:00
A showdown is likely among MEPs and governments over the EU Commission's proposal on Artificial Intelligence and fundamental rights. The legislation, likely to be agreed next year, will be key in fighting discrimination in the virtual and real world.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] The Spitzenkandidat is back

Wed, 28/12/2022 - 07:00
The most stubborn misbelief about the EU's inability to deal with its illiberal regimes in Poland and Hungary is the idea that the EU doesn't have the legal tools to deal with these democratic backsliders. It does and always has.
Categories: European Union

EU spends €387k on a metaverse, throws low-attendance gala

Tue, 27/12/2022 - 07:25
A metaverse gala event organised for the European Commission on Thursday (29 November) attracted a handful of confused ballon-like avatars. The gala was a part of €387,000 metaverse project, financed by the European Commission's foreign aid department.
Categories: European Union
