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Updated: 1 week 6 days ago

A credible future beyond growth has to be feminist

Wed, 17/05/2023 - 11:04
Half of the world's work is unpaid, and women carry out most of it. According to estimates, activities like cooking, cleaning, collecting food or caring for children and the elderly may be valued at up to 60 percent of GDP.
Categories: European Union

Growing fear EU firms in Russia will be forced to fund war

Wed, 17/05/2023 - 07:00
EU countries are preparing to help their companies to exit Russia, amid a growing risk they will be taxed to fund Putin's war.
Categories: European Union

[Interview] Matthias Schmelzer: 'Changing to an electric car isn't enough'

Wed, 17/05/2023 - 07:00
EUobserver sat down with the economist and historian Matthias Schmelzer to talk about his recent work on degrowth, why growth is such a powerful paradigm, and how to imagine a world not based on ever-increasing consumption and waste.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] The secretive EU body that likes to say 'no'

Tue, 16/05/2023 - 14:53
With the significant influence it can have on EU legislation, it is disturbing that the Regulatory Scrutiny Board is allowed to operate largely in secret. EU citizens and even MEPs have no insight into how the RSB reaches its decisions.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Post-election: Turkey's problems are more than just Erdoğan

Tue, 16/05/2023 - 11:43
My hopes of reclaiming Turkey for liberal democracy were shattered on Sunday. An opportunity to close the doors of the hell of autocracy slipped through our grasp.
Categories: European Union

[Exclusive] MEP luxury pension held corporate assets in tax havens

Tue, 16/05/2023 - 11:43
While the European Parliament was demanding a clamp down on tax havens, many of its own MEPs were using their monthly office allowances to finance a luxury pension scheme that held corporate assets in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and elsewhere.
Categories: European Union

[Analysis] How does a 32-hour working week sound?

Tue, 16/05/2023 - 10:44
Four-day workweek pilots are springing up everywhere — do they work? And for whom? Is it possible to scale up these models in an EU that is primarily committed to growth?
Categories: European Union

Plans take shape for EU anti-money laundering hub

Mon, 15/05/2023 - 19:02
Detailed plans are taking shape for the EU's new anti-money laundering agency, which is to have a beehive of secure offices around a massive meeting room.
Categories: European Union

EU: Wage-earners will 'bear brunt' of inflation in 2023

Mon, 15/05/2023 - 17:51
The European Commission raised its economic growth forecast but notes that inflation will continue to eat into household income while the contribution of corporate profits to price pressure is expected to remain high in 2023.
Categories: European Union

[Letter] An open manifesto for a post-growth EU

Mon, 15/05/2023 - 12:37
We, the undersigned academics and civil society organisations, see the geopolitical crisis as an opportunity to disengage from the socially and ecologically harmful growth competition and instead embrace a wellbeing cooperation.
Categories: European Union

ECB too lax in supervising credit risk, auditors find

Mon, 15/05/2023 - 11:08
European Central Bank supervisors are too lax in supervising how they manage credit risk, the EU Court of Auditors has found.
Categories: European Union

[Interview] Joseph Stiglitz: 'Excessive zeal' of central banks on inflation

Mon, 15/05/2023 - 07:00
EUobserver sat down with Joseph Stiglitz to talk about his recent work on sustainable growth and how to design an economy that is conducive to rapid decarbonisation.
Categories: European Union

[Agenda] Keeping China at arm's length is in focus This WEEK

Mon, 15/05/2023 - 06:59
The G7 aims to send a signal to China by announcing a joint effort to counter "economic coercion," with the EU hoping to avoid becoming a "vassal" in a US-China clash, as French president Emmanuel Macron said recently.
Categories: European Union

[Editorial] Editor's weekly digest: Thanks for responding

Sat, 13/05/2023 - 09:00
We asked our readers to tell us what they think about us. Here's what they think about us. And all the articles you should not have missed this week.
Categories: European Union

Majority of EU states in 2022 did not resettle a single refugee

Fri, 12/05/2023 - 15:35
A majority of EU states failed to resettle refugees last year, reneging on their past promises to help evacuate a total of 20,000 people vetted by the UN refugee agency.
Categories: European Union

EU looks beyond Russia war to Chinese 'new world order'

Fri, 12/05/2023 - 15:01
Sanctions and hard talk can do little to stop China becoming ever more dangerous to Europe, an EU analysis has indicated.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Stop the unscientific discrimination of blood donors

Fri, 12/05/2023 - 13:04
It is problematic that many EU countries have rules that basically exclude men who have sex with men from the possibility to be blood donors. These bars are not evidence based.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] What even is economic resilience — and does it matter?

Fri, 12/05/2023 - 11:28
GDP is an unreliable indicator of economies' capacity to thrive in times of change. And the over-reliance on GDP won't get our economies on track to meet environmental and social goals when crises hit.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] AI Act — leaving oversight to the techies will not protect rights

Fri, 05/05/2023 - 11:23
EU lawmakers intend to cede responsibility for "high risk" AI technology to two little-known technical standards organisations.
Categories: European Union

Debt crisis undermines climate action in the Global South, report finds

Fri, 05/05/2023 - 07:00
Researchers have collected evidence showing that without significant debt relief, many developing countries will not be able to invest in a green future, risking another "lost decade" for those countries.
Categories: European Union
