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Influential. Investigative. Independent. EUobserver is a online non-profit news outlet reporting on the European Union.
Updated: 4 days 6 hours ago

EU: Russia's withdrawal from Black Sea grain deal 'unjustified'

Mon, 17/07/2023 - 16:58
Reacting to Russia's withdrawal from the Black Sea grain deal, EU foreign relations chief Josep Borrell said the decision is "completely unjustified" — and that Russia is yet again "weaponising the hunger of the people".
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] Digital euro — opportunity, or solution in search of a problem?

Mon, 17/07/2023 - 12:51
The worthwhile objectives of a digital euro have increasingly baked the interests of the banks into the design, following the arguments of the banking lobby.
Categories: European Union

[Agenda] EU aims to revive cooperation with Latin America This WEEK

Mon, 17/07/2023 - 07:00
The EU-CELAC summit will take place in Brussels this week, after after eight years of hiatus. But disagreements over the condemnation of Russia's war in Ukraine have complicated the finalisation of the joint agreement.
Categories: European Union

EU leadership returns to Tunisia for second time in a month

Fri, 14/07/2023 - 16:01
European Commission president Ursula Von der Leyen is returning to Tunis along with the prime ministers of Italy and the Netherlands, Giorgia Meloni and Mark Rutte.
Categories: European Union

EU pledge to ban toxic chemicals in everyday products risks unravelling

Fri, 14/07/2023 - 13:05
Internal documents reveal that commitments to ban the most harmful chemicals from everyday products like toys, cosmetics, and detergents are poised to remain empty promises.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] How Poland and Romania are using €4bn in EU funds for gas

Fri, 14/07/2023 - 12:12
Some EU governments are still looking to use EU public money to finance new fossil gas projects — despite their climate obligations.
Categories: European Union

EU agrees to cut spending for 2024, despite investment needs

Fri, 14/07/2023 - 10:17
Although final fiscal rules are uncertain and eventual budget cuts will likely be subject to negotiation between the commission and individual member states, Thursday's announcement points to a general tightening of the purse in Europe.
Categories: European Union

[Feature] Is Europe sleeping on the roll-out of night trains?

Fri, 14/07/2023 - 07:00
Re-launching sleeper trains in Europe might help save the environment — but it won't be easy. EUobserver embarked on a journey aboard the new night train from Berlin to Brussels, and sheds light on the attractions and obstacles.
Categories: European Union

EU pressing China to pledge Taiwan peace

Thu, 13/07/2023 - 17:42
The EU and US are urging Beijing to pledge to non-aggression in the South China Sea, amid heightened tension on Taiwan.
Categories: European Union

Commission and MEPs clash over corporate tax-reporting rules

Thu, 13/07/2023 - 16:50
The scope of the 2021 corporate tax transparency directive is a major point of contention between the EU Commission, which wants to maintain what has already been agreed, and MEPs, who are calling for member states to go further.
Categories: European Union

MEPs' integrity vote skirts binding anti-corruption reforms

Thu, 13/07/2023 - 16:46
MEPs on Thursday passed another integrity resolution on the European Parliament that is unlikely to have any practical effect. The non-binding resolution is among a series of similar declarations passed by the European Parliament since the 'Qatargate' scandal.
Categories: European Union

The oil-chief boss of COP28 lays out climate summit plan

Thu, 13/07/2023 - 16:15
Ministers and negotiators from 30 countries met in Brussels to prepare for crucial climate talks called Cop28, which will take place in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in November.
Categories: European Union

Timmermans thanks climate activists for nature vote victory

Thu, 13/07/2023 - 11:22
Frans Timmermans also called out the EPP's "falsehoods and manipulation", which he said reminded him of the "totalitarian approach" which celebrates "ignorance as strength."
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] EU-Latin America summit will be an environmental car crash

Thu, 13/07/2023 - 11:02
European chemical giants like Bayer and BASF will be the main beneficiaries of the deal, and have been financing think tanks in the EU and Brazil to promote the deal.
Categories: European Union

[Investigation] Revealed: The EU lobbying of the so-called 'Consumer Choice Center'

Thu, 13/07/2023 - 07:00
The "anti-science" Consumer Choice Center, which is linked to the Koch fossil-fuel network, has suggested that Europe should "shelve all their climate ambitions [and] refine more oil".
Categories: European Union

EU states need to step up rescues, says EU commissioner

Wed, 12/07/2023 - 19:37
The European Commission says EU states need to step up on search and rescues, following the 14 June sinking of a fishing trawler off Greece that likely drowned over 500 people.
Categories: European Union

UN meeting urges Russia to respect EU probes on Nord Stream blast

Wed, 12/07/2023 - 19:30
Russia's latest attack on EU national-level probes into last year's Nord Stream 2 blast fell on largely deaf ears at the UN Security Council on Tuesday.
Categories: European Union

Wanted: 1m signatures for EU tax on super-rich

Wed, 12/07/2023 - 18:00
A group of activists, economists, politicians, and even some billionaires, have registered an initiative calling on the EU to introduce an tax on the very rich to fund social and environmental transitions — is it feasible?
Categories: European Union

Nature restoration law survives, but critics slam bittersweet win

Wed, 12/07/2023 - 16:19
MEPs adopted the Nature Restoration Law — in a major blow for the European People's Party (EPP) and far-right groups which were seeking the full rejection of the text. However, scientists call it a bittersweet victory.
Categories: European Union

[Opinion] The human cost of AI in EU-Africa's migration surveillance

Wed, 12/07/2023 - 12:42
Border management has become a full-fledged business sponsored by the EU taxpayer. But surveillance technologies deployed in north Africa for fighting human trafficking, smuggling or anti-terrorism are often used by authoritarian governments to curtail civic space.
Categories: European Union
