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US can no longer be relied on | T24 - Turkey

Thu, 02/09/2021 - 12:29
Categories: European Union

Debate: EU vaccination targets reached: now what?

Thu, 02/09/2021 - 12:29
Despite all the complaints about the slow pace of vaccination in the EU, the European Commission's goal of vaccinating 70 percent of adults by the end of the summer has now been achieved. The vaccination rates among individual member states vary widely, however, with only 17 percent vaccinated in Bulgaria and 27 percent in Romania, for example. This and other factors are dampening the enthusiasm in the commentary columns.
Categories: European Union

Debate: German elections: SPD in the fast lane

Thu, 02/09/2021 - 12:29
Two weeks ago the SPD caught up with the CDU/CSU and they were neck and neck in the polls for the first time since 2017. With less than four weeks to go before Germany's parliamentary elections, the downward trend for the CDU/CSU is continuing. While the SPD under chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz is polling at up to 25 percent, the CDU/CSU is trailing behind at around 21 percent, with the Greens at roughly 18 percent. Europe's press speculates on the consequences of an SPD election victory.
Categories: European Union

Debate: What should the EU's refugee policy be?

Thu, 26/08/2021 - 12:22
Many politicians are warning that there will be more refugees from Afghanistan, but given the situation in the region and the blocked escape routes, it is not clear how many people will arrive in Europe in the short term. However the EU is also under pressure at its borders with Belarus, Morocco and Turkey. Commentators describe the options for a coherent European refugee policy.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Afghanistan: what is the take away from Nato's failure

Thu, 26/08/2021 - 12:22
Nato began its mission in Afghanistan 20 years ago. Today, most experts consider the strategy of building a democratic state on the basis of military support to have failed. More than 3,500 troops belonging to Nato and its allies lost their lives in Afghanistan. The press discusses whether Nato should shift its focus to new goals and how Europe should position itself in the process.
Categories: European Union

Focus on defence | Magyar Hírlap - Hungary

Thu, 26/08/2021 - 12:22
Categories: European Union
