Updated: 2 weeks 5 days ago
Thu, 05/10/2023 - 12:15
For weeks, EU member states have been negotiating a reform of the bloc's asylum system which primarily foresees more stringent measures. Now the states have agreed on a common stance on the EU Commission's proposals for a Crisis Regulation. Under the new rules, in the event of sudden increases in the number of arrivals migrants can be detained for longer periods under conditions similar to detention. Europe's press focuses on national interests.
Thu, 05/10/2023 - 12:15
Schoolchildren in England will have to leave their mobile phones at home in future. The Conservative government has announced a blanket ban on mobile phones in schools in a bid to prevent distractions, disruptions and bullying. The response in the press is divided.
Thu, 05/10/2023 - 12:15
Bedbugs have been a nuisance in a number of French cities for decades. Now the topic is taking on political dimensions. Members of the country's National Assembly argued over what measures should be taken to counter the problem on Tuesday - a test tube full of bugs was brought into the parliament as a visual aid - with some demanding drastic measures. The government will hold an emergency meeting on Friday. Commentators warn against making a mountain out of a molehill.
Thu, 28/09/2023 - 12:15
Slovakia's parliamentary elections on Saturday could bring former prime minister Robert Fico back into power. The populist politician, who is under investigation on suspicion of criminal activities, has vociferously positioned himself against support for Ukraine. Fico's Smer party has a narrow lead in the polls over liberal Progresívné Slovensko led by MEP Michal Šimečka. Europe's press stresses the importance of this vote.