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Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET) - European Parliament

Highlights - Hearing of Commissioner designate Hoekstra - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Thu, 28/09/2023 - 16:50
On 2 October, ENVI Committee, in association with AFET, DEVE and ITRE Committees, will hold the hearing of Mr. Wopke Hoekstra, Commissioner designate for Climate Action, as part of the process to replace Executive Vice- President Frans Timmermans, following his resignation from the European Commission on 22 August.
During the hearing, Members will ask a series of questions to Mr Hoekstra, in order to evaluate his qualifications to carry out the specific tasks assigned. As a new member of the College, the hearing will also evaluate his general competence, European commitment and personal independence.
Live streaming Wopke Hoekstra hearing
Meeting agenda
Documents related to the evaluation of Wopke Hoekstra as commissioner-designate for Climate Action
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

Latest news - Next AFET Committee meetings - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Wed, 27/09/2023 - 11:59
Members of the AFET Committee will meet on:

Thursday, 5 October in CHURCHILL 100 (Strasbourg)

Vote jointly with the Committee on Budgets on the report on the Establishing the Ukraine Facility

Meeting will be webstreamed.
AFET-SEDE-DROI meetings 2023
Meeting documents
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

OPINION on the ongoing negotiations on a status agreement on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) in Mauritania - PE749.910v02-00

Tue, 26/09/2023 - 15:43
OPINION on the ongoing negotiations on a status agreement on operational activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) in Mauritania
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Jan-Christoph Oetjen

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

DRAFT REPORT on the role of the European Parliament and its parliamentary diplomacy in the EU’s foreign and security policy - PE753.617v01-00

Tue, 26/09/2023 - 09:13
DRAFT REPORT on the role of the European Parliament and its parliamentary diplomacy in the EU’s foreign and security policy
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Jordi Solé

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

AMENDMENTS 56 - 119 - Draft opinion Laying down measures to strengthen solidarity and capacities in the Union to detect, prepare for and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents - PE753.576v01-00

Fri, 22/09/2023 - 14:35
AMENDMENTS 56 - 119 - Draft opinion Laying down measures to strengthen solidarity and capacities in the Union to detect, prepare for and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Dragoş Tudorache

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

AMENDMENTS 1 - 233 - Draft report Implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe - PE752.887v01-00

Thu, 21/09/2023 - 15:43
AMENDMENTS 1 - 233 - Draft report Implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Committee on Development
Michael Gahler, Pedro Marques, Charles Goerens, Tomas Tobé

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

Opinion on Establishing the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’) and amending Directive 2003/87/EC, Regulations (EU) 2021/1058, (EU) 2021/1056, (EU) 2021/1057, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) 2021/1060, (EU) 2021/523, (EU) 2021...

Thu, 21/09/2023 - 14:43
Opinion on Establishing the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’) and amending Directive 2003/87/EC, Regulations (EU) 2021/1058, (EU) 2021/1056, (EU) 2021/1057, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) 2021/1060, (EU) 2021/523, (EU) 2021/695, (EU) 2021/697 and (EU) 2021/241
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Nathalie Loiseau

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Sakharov Prize 2023: nine nominations announced

Wed, 20/09/2023 - 15:33
MEPs and political groups presented their candidates for the Sakharov Prize 2023 on Wednesday. The vote on the three finalists will take place in October.
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Committee on Development
Subcommittee on Human Rights

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

OPINION on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2024 - PE749.970v02-00

Wed, 20/09/2023 - 13:53
OPINION on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2024
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Carina Ohlsson

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

DRAFT REPORT on the EU strategy on Central Asia - PE752.889v01-00

Mon, 18/09/2023 - 15:48
DRAFT REPORT on the EU strategy on Central Asia
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Karsten Lucke

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

DRAFT REPORT on eU-Japan relations - PE752.823v01-00

Fri, 15/09/2023 - 14:17
DRAFT REPORT on eU-Japan relations
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Reinhard Bütikofer

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

DRAFT REPORT on a European Parliament recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy concerning EU-US relations - PE752.865v01-00

Thu, 14/09/2023 - 18:04
DRAFT REPORT on a European Parliament recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy concerning EU-US relations
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Tonino Picula

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Human rights breaches in Guatemala, Azerbaijan and Bangladesh

Thu, 14/09/2023 - 13:43
On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted three resolutions on the human rights situations in Guatemala, Azerbaijan and Bangladesh.
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Human Rights

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

Highlights - Sakharov Prize: Presentation of the nominees - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Thu, 14/09/2023 - 12:50
The nominees for this year’s Prize will be presented by the political groups in a joint meeting of the Committees on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and on Development (DEVE) and the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) in Brussels on 20 September, 14:30-15:30. Each year, the Parliament awards the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to honour exceptional individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. In 2022, the Prize was awarded to the Brave People of Ukraine.
The AFET and DEVE Committees will vote on a shortlist of three finalists on 12 October and the Conference of Presidents will take a decision on the final laureate on 19 October.
Sakharov Prize - Presentation of the nominees - Webstreaming link
Sakharov Prize website
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

AMENDMENTS 1 - 93 - Draft report Implementation report on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement - PE752.874v01-00

Thu, 14/09/2023 - 12:27
AMENDMENTS 1 - 93 - Draft report Implementation report on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Committee on International Trade
Andreas Schieder, Seán Kelly

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union

AMENDMENTS 1 - 185 - Draft report The situation of children deprived of liberty in the world - PE752.855v01-00

Thu, 14/09/2023 - 11:02
AMENDMENTS 1 - 185 - Draft report The situation of children deprived of liberty in the world
Committee on Foreign Affairs
María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: European Union
