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Updated: 2 weeks 6 days ago

UNITED STATES : Air Force Research Laboratory seeks to cyberproof its electronic warfare sensors

Mon, 24/04/2023 - 06:00
On 7 April, the Pentagon launched a call for tenders for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), which is at
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SAUDI ARABIA/FRANCE : Tough preparations underway ahead of French defence minister's visit to Riyadh

Mon, 24/04/2023 - 06:00
The military part of the Franco-Saudi strategic partnership is central to ongoing talks between French chief of defence staff Thierry
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ITALY/RUSSIA/SYRIA/TAIWAN : Taiwanese in Milan, Damascus and the Arab League, Russian customs chief

Mon, 24/04/2023 - 06:00
Italy/Taiwan - Taipei uses business to renew political dialogue in Milan According to information gathered by Intelligence Online, the Italian
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ARMENIA/FRANCE : French military diplomacy treads carefully in South Caucasus

Mon, 24/04/2023 - 06:00
Paris may soon appoint a defence attaché in residence at the French embassy in Yerevan, Intelligence Online understands. While such
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CHINA/RUSSIA : Russian and Chinese coast guards draw closer in North Pacific

Mon, 24/04/2023 - 06:00
Russia's internal intelligence service, the FSB, and the Chinese Coast Guard are negotiating a memorandum of understanding on "the application
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UNITED KINGDOM : Carleton-Smith, ex-head of British special forces, pivots to private diplomacy with Inter-Mediate

Mon, 24/04/2023 - 06:00
In early April, the former head of Britain's special forces and ex-commander of the Special Air Service (SAS) Mark Carleton-Smith joined
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FRANCE : French OSINT touts GDPR compliance to rival growing US competition

Fri, 21/04/2023 - 06:00
There were a good number of new US open source intelligence (OSINT) providers - at least enough to worry their
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BAHRAIN/FRANCE : French paratrooper and boxing enthusiast punches weight for Bahraini princes' business

Fri, 21/04/2023 - 06:00
A new balance of power is emerging in Bahrain's security circles between Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa (IO,
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BAHRAIN : Sheikh Salman's progression from crown prince to Bahraini security state kingpin

Fri, 21/04/2023 - 06:00
The 6 April meeting in Manama between CIA director William Burns, and the king of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al
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CHINA/JAPAN : Japan's system of military surveillance for Chinese students draws interest in the West

Fri, 21/04/2023 - 06:00
China specialists in the French Parliament concerned with the problem of foreign interference in French universities are studying a method
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RUSSIA/UKRAINE : Donetsk takes a page from Russia's anti-terrorist playbook

Fri, 21/04/2023 - 06:00
Georgi Sepashvili, the minister of state security for the self-proclaimed republic of Donetsk (IO, 20/02/23), has been piecing together the
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IRAN/MYANMAR : The Jasmine Hotel, a luxurious Myanmar sanctuary where sanctions-hit Pasdaran and Junta meet

Fri, 21/04/2023 - 06:00
Lately, the calm that pervades the luxurious Jasmine Hotel, with its spa and bar in the heart of Naypyidaw, has
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UNITED STATES : Legal clash between a UK investigative firm, a disgruntled ex-executive, an angry client and her lover has movie-calibre twists

Fri, 21/04/2023 - 06:00
In a legal case that reads like a soap opera, London-based investigative firm Conflict International (CI) filed a counterclaim on
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UAE/RUSSIA : Russian vulnerabilities reseller Operation Zero tries its luck in the Gulf

Thu, 20/04/2023 - 06:00
The Russian reseller of unreferenced vulnerabilities, also known as zero-day, Operation Zero (IO, 27/10/22), is taking a close interest in the Middle East, and especially in the United Arab Emirates. The company, headed by Russian hacker Sergei Zelenyuk, has been
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UKRAINE : ICM Group acts as relay for international SIGINT firms in Ukraine

Thu, 20/04/2023 - 06:00
According to information we have gathered, international SIGINT specialists are relying on Ukrainian ICM Group to get local contracts and
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MALAYSIA : Leonardo and Airbus wage battle for Malaysian skies

Thu, 20/04/2023 - 06:00
Malaysian parastatal aviation firm Hornbill Skyways has just won contracts for the provision of helicopter services between the mainland and
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TAJIKISTAN : Social media posts by Tajik president's grandson unsettle ruling circles as leadership succession looms

Thu, 20/04/2023 - 06:00
Video of a bland speech by Tajikistan's long-time President Emomali Rahmon was posted late last month on Instagram by Buzkashi_1111, a handle
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UZBEKISTAN : State veteran Zelimkhan Haydarov still holds sway in Tashkent power games

Thu, 20/04/2023 - 06:00
Senior state official Zelimkhan Haydarov and his allies scored another victory last month, when on 23 March his protégé Shavkat
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RUSSIA/UNITED KINGDOM : London leak at heart of Russian prosecutor's plan to capture FESCO assets

Thu, 20/04/2023 - 06:00
As we understand, a confidential London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) decision dated April 2022 relating to the assets of
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UAE/UNITED STATES/FRANCE/ITALY/RUSSIA : Ntech cofounders worried, Rakia Group in Europe, Convexum in US Congress, Interpol looks to the sea

Thu, 20/04/2023 - 06:00
Moscow: NtechLab founders' distance from firm not so clean cut By granting an interview to Reuters published on 30 March,
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