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Updated: 3 weeks 2 hours ago

Bangladesh/China/India : Beijing strengthens military footprint on Indian border with Bangladesh's help

Tue, 15/08/2023 - 06:00
Several People's Liberation Army (PLA) military vehicles have been spotted on numerous occasions near the Indo-Bangladesh border on the Bangladeshi
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

CHINA/INDIA/UNITED STATES : Guoanbu securing non-Chinese passports for its agents

Mon, 14/08/2023 - 06:00
Intelligence Online's sources in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh have confirmed that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is continuing to expand westwards, increasing its activities in Upper Siang district, having already stabilised its position in Anjaw district, on the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

LITHUANIA/MOLDOVA/UKRAINE : Lithuania providing Kyiv and Chisinau with security materiel

Mon, 14/08/2023 - 06:00
As well as a large quantity of medical products and school supplies, for the past year, the Lithuanian central project
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

RUSSIA : Behind-the-lines mobilisation sees boom in new drone operator courses at Russian universities

Mon, 14/08/2023 - 06:00
Thousands of young Russians are preparing to join one of the new drone operation courses offered by more than 10
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ISRAEL/UNITED STATES : Crackdown on cyber intelligence spells boon for lobbyists in Washington

Mon, 14/08/2023 - 06:00
The decision from the US Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to add the Greece-based entity Intellexa and
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France/Lebanon/United States : Washington counts on General Joseph Aoun to maintain its local investment in Lebanon

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 06:00
A new spate of attacks on banks in Lebanon in mid-July by customers desperate to withdraw their savings is the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

MONACO : Prince Albert forced to play spymaster to purge Monaco

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 06:00
Image 7 has, according to our sources, won a contract to steer Monaco's strategic communication. Its mission, which CEO Anne Méaux
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POLAND : Inspector Lounge, Russian-speaking VIPs' meeting point in Warsaw

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 06:00
Despite only opening its doors on this year's Valentine's Day, at 37 Zielna Street in the business district of Warsaw, Inspector
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE/LEBANON/UNITED STATES : Washington counts on General Joseph Aoun to maintain its local investment in Lebanaon

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 06:00
A new spate of attacks on banks in Lebanon in mid-July by customers desperate to withdraw their savings is the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

CHINA/RUSSIA : Russian customs service's ex-chief fosters Russia-China business links

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 06:00
Andrey Belyaninov, who used to head Russia's Federal Customs Service, the FTS, is often to be seen at business events
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED KINGDOM : Lawyer Cadman, behind Syrian torture trials, eyes lawfare opportunities

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 06:00
In a move that will have displeased London lawyer Toby Cadman, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) recently postponed the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE : Intelligence service providers flock to France's Cyber III tender despite funding doubts

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 06:00
The 31 July deadline for submitting bids to the French Interior Ministry for its major four-year cyber investment plan, Cyber
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FRANCE/SYRIA/UNITED STATES : Lafarge targeted by new lawsuit in the US from families of Islamic State victims

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 06:00
In a court filing seen by our sister publication La Lettre A, lawyer Joshua D. Branson lodged a complaint in
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

BRAZIL/FRANCE/INDIA/NORTH KOREA/UNITED KINGDOM/UNITED STATES : Young Voices helps conservative US writers and foreign dissidents become champions of America

Fri, 28/07/2023 - 06:00
Young Voices, a Washington, DC talent agency, recently announced it had selected participants for a project it runs to support
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

RUSSIA : Moscow strives to make up for lost time in intelligence integration

Thu, 27/07/2023 - 06:00
Moscow is currently pulling out all the stops to make up for its technological inferiority in the intelligence integration field. It has learned lessons from its initial failures and the structural weaknesses in its intelligence management systems. The capture of
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CHINA/SOUTH KOREA/UNITED STATES : Washington and Beijing ready to relaunch military dialogue in host country

Thu, 27/07/2023 - 06:00
Keen to renew military dialogue, the US and China are currently discussing for delegations from their respective defence departments meeting before
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CHINA/MYANMAR : With M Tower, Norinco's agent keeps in with Myanmar military

Thu, 27/07/2023 - 06:00
Yangon's new high-rise M-Tower has further boosted the relationship between its constructor Mottama Holdings' boss U Yang Ho and Myanmar's
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EUROPE/UKRAINE : The network securing the European External Action Service in Kyiv

Thu, 27/07/2023 - 06:00
In order to maintain Brussels' presence in Kyiv, the private security company Argus Group has had its contract to provide
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE : French coastguards aim to boost surveillance capacity with big data analytics

Thu, 27/07/2023 - 06:00
The French customs and indirect duties department, the DGDDI, aims to set up a national surface situation analysis centre that
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

AFRICA/FRANCE/UNITED STATES : French border police go airborne, Air Attack and CARBON 01 in Ouagadougou, Kosiba back after bracket f downfall

Thu, 27/07/2023 - 06:00
Paris: Border police keen for airborne surveillanceThe French Central Directorate of the Border Police, or DCPAF, whose mission is to
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