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Updated: 2 weeks 2 days ago

SAUDI ARABIA/YEMEN : Riyadh's allies help it hold on to Marib

Fri, 09/07/2021 - 08:00
Intelligence Online's sources say Saudi Arabia recently received advice from Emirati and Pakistani military strategists (IO, 02/06/21) on how to resist the Houthi rebel offensive on Marib (IO, 24/02/21), the Yemeni government's last stronghold in the north of the country,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED KINGDOM/UNITED STATES : Geollect continues roll with British intelligence and military

Fri, 09/07/2021 - 08:00
Geollect, a British geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) newcomer mentored by GCHQ, has been picked by the ministry of defence to provide the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UKRAINE/UNITED STATES : Army of US consultants weigh in on Ukrainian privatisations

Fri, 09/07/2021 - 08:00
Ukrainian embassies have been hosting "expert discussions" to promote the investment opportunities opening up in the country thanks to the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

CHINA/JAPAN : Takeo Akiba to juggle escalating security concerns with China

Fri, 09/07/2021 - 08:00
Prime minister Yoshihide Suga's newly appointed national security advisor, Takeo Akiba, embodies the delicate new posture Japan is trying take on
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES/IRAQ/IRAN : Former spy Michael Pregent prospers as anti-Iran activist

Fri, 09/07/2021 - 08:00
In a civil court case in Washington DC on 24 June, the Iranian government was found guilty of the deaths
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FRANCE/RUSSIA/GUINEA : Russian adviser with ties to Paris helps out Guinean prime minister

Fri, 09/07/2021 - 08:00
Guinean prime minister Ibrahima Kassory Fofana has, as we understand, hired consultant Alexandra Kamenskaya to handle his communication policy both in Russia
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

AUSTRALIA/UNITED KINGDOM : Independent Diplomat to advise Pacific Islands on UN-led cyber process

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has recently contracted Independent Diplomat to implement its cyberdiplomacy in the United Nations. The British firm, founded by Carne Ross and currently headed by Reza Afshar wich both are Foreign, Commonwealth &
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

GERMANY : Utimaco also tempted by a stock exchange listing

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
German lawful interceptions specialist Utimaco is looking for ways to raise fresh funds, according to our information. It could bring new
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

RUSSIA/UKRAINE : Yevgeni Yurchenko is the Donbass's new coal industry strongman

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has been consulting in all directions in recent weeks in an attempt to find allies in
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

CHINA : Guoanbu's latest think tank ramps up security talks

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) centennial on 1 July was accompagnied by a flurry of discussions on national security. These
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

MOLDOVA : Moldovan intelligence services caught in rivalry between pro-EU and pro-Russian camps

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
Continuing to shape the country's political and security administration in her own image, Moldova's new president Maia Sandu made the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES : Mobius Consulting to provide intelligence analysis to Missile Defense Agency

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
Mobius Consulting's contract to provide intelligence and counter-insider threat analysis to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) announced on 22 June,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

AUSTRALIA/UNITED KINGDOM : Independent Diplomat to advise Pacific Islands on UN-led cyber process

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has recently contracted Independent Diplomat to implement its cyberdiplomacy in the United Nations. The British firm, founded by Carne Ross and currently headed by Reza Afshar wich both are Foreign, Commonwealth &
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

GERMANY : Utimaco also tempted by a stock exchange listing

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
German lawful interceptions specialist Utimaco is looking for ways to raise fresh funds, according to our information. It could bring new
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

RUSSIA/UKRAINE : Yevgeni Yurchenko is the Donbass's new coal industry strongman

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has been consulting in all directions in recent weeks in an attempt to find allies in
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

CHINA : Guoanbu's latest think tank ramps up security talks

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) centennial on 1 July was accompagnied by a flurry of discussions on national security. These
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

MOLDOVA : Moldovan intelligence services caught in rivalry between pro-EU and pro-Russian camps

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
Continuing to shape the country's political and security administration in her own image, Moldova's new president Maia Sandu made the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES : Mobius Consulting to provide intelligence analysis to Missile Defense Agency

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:00
Mobius Consulting's contract to provide intelligence and counter-insider threat analysis to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) announced on 22 June,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES/RUSSIA : EY report helps Moscow property developer Terra Invest win discovery application in New York

Wed, 07/07/2021 - 08:00
On the basis of a report from EY and witness statements, a New York court admitted Russian property company Terra Invest's application for a discovery procedure on 23 June. The company, which is embroiled in a legal conflict with its
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EUROPE : Founded by former Carabinieri, bitCorp consolidates its position in the Italian cyber intelligence market

Wed, 07/07/2021 - 08:00
Currently in the throes of a major restructuring, with talks currently in progress on a possible takeover of legal interceptions
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
