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Updated: 2 weeks 5 days ago

SAUDI ARABIA/UNITED STATES/FRANCE : PR magnate Richard Attias has big plans in Riyadh and beyond

Wed, 01/02/2023 - 08:00
The French-Moroccan entrepreneur Richard Attias has been poring over plans to expand his business to advise French firms wanting to
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES/FRANCE/UNITED KINGDOM : Ergo, Vantage, G3, Silverbridge, Audere, Amarante, GEOS, Baubigeat Zeller

Wed, 01/02/2023 - 08:00
Washington - Ergo brings in a Navy SEAL As well as hiring former CIA China specialist Travis Whitworth (IO, 01/02/23),
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES/UKRAINE : Intelligent Waves takes Owl to court over secret Air Force lab contracts

Wed, 01/02/2023 - 08:00
On 13 January, the US cybersecurity company Intelligent Waves (IW) filed suit before the Virginia Eastern District Court against US
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

RUSSIA : Financial incentives and social perks aplenty to attract new Russian intelligence talent

Wed, 01/02/2023 - 08:00
The Russian defence ministry is working on a decree to be submitted to the parliamentary lower house, the Duma, for
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UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/LEBANON : Saad Hariri gets business backing from UAE master spy Tahnoon bin Zayed

Tue, 31/01/2023 - 08:00
Former Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri is closely involved in the management of new Abu Dhabi-based investment company Nerve Investment, according to information obtained by Intelligence Online. The company was set up at the end of last year as a
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EUROPE/BELARUS : Belarusian opposition's lobbying rubs European Council the wrong way

Tue, 31/01/2023 - 08:00
For several weeks now, the Court of Justice of the European Union has been overturning EU Council decisions to impose
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UNITED STATES : Former FBI official Charles McGonigal's indictment: what went on behind the scenes

Tue, 31/01/2023 - 08:00
On January 23, the US Justice Department unsealed the indictment of Charles McGonigal, former head of the FBI's counterintelligence unit
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UNITED STATES : ODNI suffers political fallout from Biden classified documents discovery

Tue, 31/01/2023 - 08:00
Under bipartisan criticism from Congress after the revelation that President Joe Biden kept classified documents in the garage of his home,
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FRANCE : France's Bull must do without its former defence ministry digital strategy chief

Tue, 31/01/2023 - 08:00
Retired General Jean-Jacques Pellerin lost a Paris administrative court appeal on 12 January in which he had hoped to overturn a defence
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FRANCE : Anti-corruption agency pleads for closer collaboration with intelligence services

Tue, 31/01/2023 - 08:00
Questioned on 26 January by the parliamentary enquiry commission on
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UKRAINE : Zelensky's inner circle reshuffle shakes up its business networks

Tue, 31/01/2023 - 08:00
The corruption scandal that led to the departure of several deputy ministers and governors on 24 January has given the
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UNITED STATES/RUSSIA : Pentagon gets battle ready in the Arctic

Mon, 30/01/2023 - 08:00
Earlier this month, the US Department of Defence (DoD) teams working on a draft Arctic Strategy since September were joined in person by the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Navy Admiral Christopher Grady. The direct involvement of this
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SAUDI ARABIA/UNITED STATES : Zahid Group at heart of new US-Saudi defence channel

Mon, 30/01/2023 - 08:00
Zahid Industries' grand inauguration of its defence production facility on 16 January is a first step in the ambitious goal
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ISRAEL/JORDAN/NORWAY/RUSSIA : Russian defectors, Netanyahu takes Shin Bet head to Amman, US spy integration procedures reviewed

Mon, 30/01/2023 - 08:00
Norway/France/Russia: Russian defector's story challenged Cannes-based campaigner and businessman Vladimir Osechkin has been acting as spokesman for Andrei Medvedev -
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE : France's Benoit Puga tests private sector waters at Geomines and Erys

Mon, 30/01/2023 - 08:00
Stepping down as grand chancellor of France's Légion d'Honneur on 31 January, General Benoit Puga, ex-presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande's former
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FRANCE/ITALY/TURKEY : Ankara bids to get into space observation's major league with Impro

Mon, 30/01/2023 - 08:00
Impro, the young company distributing Turkish defence ministry satellite images, signed a partnership agreement on 20 January with its preferred
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UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/UNITED STATES : US PR firm Edelman's contract with Masdar reconnects it with UAE

Mon, 30/01/2023 - 08:00
With the restructuring of the UAE publicly owned renewables company Masdar completed in December, Sultan Al Jaber, its multi-role director, is looking to raise
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RUSSIA : Alexander Khinshtein, the deputy pushing the national guard's legislative needs

Mon, 30/01/2023 - 08:00
United Russia majority party MP Alexander Khinshtein temporarily put his journalist's hat back on during Russian Press Day on 19
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UNITED STATES/UKRAINE : Mozart Group's internal strife tarnishes reputation of American volunteers in Ukraine

Fri, 27/01/2023 - 08:00
Mozart Group, an organisation of American volunteers who are training the Ukrainian army (IO, 12/01/23), is hanging its dirty laundry out
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SAUDI ARABIA : Nabil Barakat, ex-Thales agent in Gulf, courts Saudi conglomerate Ajlan & Bros

Fri, 27/01/2023 - 08:00
Nabil Barakat, the US agent of Jordanian-Palestinian origin who heads Wamar International and Oriole Capital Group (OCG), recently proposed working with Saudi Arabian
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