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Press release - Parliament commemorates the liberation of Auschwitz 75 years ago

mer, 29/01/2020 - 18:13
Senator-for-life Liliana Segre shared her experience of the evil inflicted in Auschwitz and the duty to bear witness, in a ceremony to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Opening - January II plenary session

mer, 29/01/2020 - 17:38
President Sassoli opened the January II plenary session in Brussels.

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Article - Parliament pays tribute to the victims of the Holocaust

mer, 29/01/2020 - 17:19
MEPs held a ceremony to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz.

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - The Future of Europe: Declaration by EU Presidents Sassoli, Michel and von der Leyen

mer, 29/01/2020 - 15:43
The Presidents of the European Parliament, European Council and European Commission will make statements on the future of Europe this Friday, 31 January at 11.00 in the Parlamentarium.

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - EU Presidents to discuss the EU’s future at the Jean Monnet House

mar, 28/01/2020 - 11:36
The Presidents of the three main EU institutions will meet on Thursday in Bazoches to debate the future of the EU as well as current geopolitical challenges.

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Article - In Parliament this week: Brexit, better pay for women, Holocaust remembrance

lun, 27/01/2020 - 17:16
Along with a vote on the UK withdrawal deal, this week MEPs will tackle the gender pay gap, call for a common charger for electronic devices and mark 75 years since the end of the Holocaust.

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Article - Verhofstadt on future EU-UK relations: “We should be ambitious”

lun, 27/01/2020 - 14:35
Ahead of the vote on the EU-UK withdrawal agreement on 29 January, we talked to Parliament’s Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt.

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Agenda - The Week Ahead 27 January – 02 February 2020

ven, 24/01/2020 - 12:16
Plenary session and committee meetings, Brussels

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Summit with Western Balkans speakers on Tuesday

ven, 24/01/2020 - 11:47
Speakers from the Western Balkans parliaments will gather at the European Parliament, under President Sassoli's patronage, to discuss European prospects for their region.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Brexit: the Withdrawal Agreement passes the first European Parliament test

ven, 24/01/2020 - 07:23
The Constitutional Affairs Committee agreed on Thursday to recommend that the EP plenary should approve the UK withdrawal terms.
Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Croatian Presidency outlines priorities to EP committees

jeu, 23/01/2020 - 14:55
Ministers are outlining the priorities of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU to parliamentary committees, in a series of meetings.
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Committee on Budgets
Committee on Culture and Education
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Committee on International Trade
Committee on Fisheries
Committee on Regional Development
Committee on Transport and Tourism

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Article - Show us the money for new policy proposals, MEPs tell budget commissioner

jeu, 23/01/2020 - 11:49
The European Commission needs to clarify how it plans to fund new policy proposals for the EU's budget for 2021-2027, said the budget committee.

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Artificial intelligence: EU must ensure a fair and safe use for consumers

jeu, 23/01/2020 - 10:45
MEPs want a strong set of rights to protect consumers in the context of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making.
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Source : © European Union, 2020 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Article - LUX Prize winner: "Petrunya is an example of cinema's power to change things"

mer, 27/11/2019 - 18:13
“God Exists, her name is Petrunya” has won this year’s LUX Film Prize. Director Teona Mitevska talked to us about the power of her story of a woman defying the system and winning.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Top story - New European Commission - Parliament elects Ursula von der Leyen’s Commission

mer, 27/11/2019 - 17:23
The European Parliament approved on 27 November 2019 the new European Commission headed by Ursula von der Leyen.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - EU budget 2020 approved: investing more in climate, jobs and the young

mer, 27/11/2019 - 13:48
For next year’s EU budget, MEPs have secured better support to protect the climate, boost research, infrastructure investments and help the young.
Committee on Budgets

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - "God Exists, Her Name Is Petrunya” wins the Parliament’s 2019 Lux Film Prize

mer, 27/11/2019 - 13:33
“God Exists, Her Name Is Petrunya”, by Teona Mitevska, has won the 13th LUX Film Prize, President Sassoli announced in Strasbourg on Wednesday.
Committee on Culture and Education

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Parliament approves €4.5 million in EU aid to Greece after cyclone damage

mer, 27/11/2019 - 13:03
On Wednesday, MEPs said yes to EU Solidarity Fund aid worth €4.5 million to help reconstruction in western Crete, severely hit by exceptional weather in February.
Committee on Budgets

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Parliament elects the von der Leyen Commission

mer, 27/11/2019 - 12:53
Following the conclusion of the hearings process, Parliament approved the new Commissioners, presented to plenary by Commission President-elect von der Leyen on Wednesday.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Article - Infographic: find out more about the new European Commission

mer, 27/11/2019 - 12:35
The newly elected European Commission boasts more women than ever and plenty of political experience. Check out our infographic for all the details.

Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Catégories: European Union
