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Press release - EU farm policy reform: Parliament and Council strike a deal

lun, 28/06/2021 - 19:05
Parliament’s and Council’s negotiators reached an informal political agreement on three EU laws that will govern the 2023-2027 EU farm policy, on Friday.
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Press statement

lun, 28/06/2021 - 18:42
Statement on conclusion of 2018 administrative enquiry in respect of the EP office in Athens

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Background - EU farm policy reform as agreed by the Parliament and Council

lun, 28/06/2021 - 17:58
On Friday, 25 June 2021, Parliament, Council and Commission negotiators reached an informal political deal on the EU Farm policy from 2023 onwards.
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Agenda - The Week Ahead 28 June – 04 July 2021

ven, 25/06/2021 - 11:54
Committee and political group meetings, Brussels

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Latest on EU lessons learned from the COVID-19 public health crisis

ven, 25/06/2021 - 10:05
MEPs will quiz Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas on the Commission’s recent interim evaluation of the EU's response to the pandemic.
Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - EU countries should ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health

jeu, 24/06/2021 - 18:35
MEPs urge member states to protect and further enhance women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in a report adopted on Thursday.
Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Strong support for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s integration into the European Union

jeu, 24/06/2021 - 18:35
In a report adopted on Thursday, Parliament welcomes Bosnia and Herzegovina’s commitment to advancing on its EU path, but demands further substantial reforms.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Lessons learnt from the Commission’s 2020 rule of law report

jeu, 24/06/2021 - 18:35
Parliament’s assessment of the Commission’s 2020 report on the rule of law provides ways to improve the mechanism so that it can better protect EU values.
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - EU farm policy reform: Council must be more flexible - we cannot waste more time

ven, 28/05/2021 - 13:11
Council’s lack of flexibility threatens security for EU farmers, Agriculture Committee Chair Norbert Lins warned, calling on Council to return to proper negotiations.
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Biodiversity: MEPs demand binding targets to protect wildlife and humans

ven, 28/05/2021 - 11:43
An EU Biodiversity Law is needed to set the biodiversity governance framework until 2050, the Environment Committee agreed on Friday.
Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Agenda - The Week Ahead 31 May – 06 June 2021

ven, 28/05/2021 - 11:33
Committee and political group meetings, Brussels

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Article - Travel safely with the EU Digital Covid Certificate

jeu, 27/05/2021 - 16:23
Find out how the new EU Digital Covid Certificate will allow you to travel safely and easily in Europe during the pandemic.

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Conference on the Future of Europe: inaugural Plenary, Citizens' event in June

mer, 26/05/2021 - 18:21
The Executive Board today approved the calendar of Plenary meetings and European Citizens' Panels, with the series of events starting next month.
Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Czech PM conflict of interest: MEPs want investigation into rule of law breaches

mer, 26/05/2021 - 16:45
The Commission’s audit findings confirm the ongoing conflict of interest of Czech Prime Minister Babiš that Parliament raised in several resolutions and discharge reports.
Committee on Budgetary Control

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Civil Liberties Committee endorses EU Digital Covid Certificate

mer, 26/05/2021 - 16:33
The certificate will facilitate free movement without discrimination and contribute to the EU’s economic recovery.
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Brexit: €5 billion to help EU countries mitigate social and economic impact

mar, 25/05/2021 - 19:03
The Brexit Adjustment Reserve should primarily support the countries and sectors worst affected by the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU.
Committee on Regional Development

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Article - Sassoli on forced Minsk landing: response must be strong, immediate, unified

mar, 25/05/2021 - 12:27
David Sassoli called for a strong EU response to Sunday’s forced landing of a Ryanair flight in Minsk and the immediate release of those being held by Belarus.

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Press Conference by President Sassoli on COVID-19, climate change and Russia

lun, 24/05/2021 - 15:03
Following his address to heads of state or government during the EU summit on Monday, EP President Sassoli will hold a press conference on Tuesday at 10.00.

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - European Parliament Press Kit for the European Council of 24-25 May 2021

lun, 24/05/2021 - 13:03
In this press kit, you will find a selection of the European Parliament’s press releases that show MEPs’ priorities in relation to topics on the summit agenda.

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Article - Coming up: Covid-19 certificate, Brexit, biodiversity

ven, 21/05/2021 - 18:03
MEPs will discuss the EU digital Covid-19 certificate to facilitate safe travelling, the 2030 biodiversity strategy and help to counter the consequences of Brexit in the coming week.

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP
Catégories: European Union
