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EU says pesticide giants breached law over withheld brain toxicity studies

mar, 18/07/2023 - 19:06
Agrochemical giants Bayer and Syngenta are in breach of legal obligations for withholding information on the brain toxicity risk of pesticides, the European Commission said on Tuesday (18 July).
Catégories: European Union

Europe’s missing plan on quantum cybersecurity threats

mar, 18/07/2023 - 18:45
Europe must prepare for a future in which powerful quantum computers are commercially available, allowing hackers to decode previously-encrypted material, experts and industry practitioners have urged, while calling for an action plan.
Catégories: European Union

EU-Mercosur trade deal: Clashes over agriculture, sustainability persist

mar, 18/07/2023 - 18:33
EU and South American leaders reiterated their ambition to finalise an agreement by the end of 2023, though sustainability and agricultural market access concerns continue to pose challenges. 
Catégories: European Union

EU-Latin America summit exposes rift over condemnation of Russia war in Ukraine

mar, 18/07/2023 - 18:25
A summit between European, Latin American and Caribbean leaders on Tuesday (18 July) highlighted a rift over how to condemn Russia’s war in Ukraine as, until the last minute, they haggled over the final wording of the summit communiqué. Latin...
Catégories: European Union

AI the next big challenge for the digital skills gap, EU’s Schmit says

mar, 18/07/2023 - 17:53
Artificial Intelligence and related fields like cybersecurity will further fuel the growing need for highly qualified talents and basic digital skills in the European Union, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, told EURACTIV in an interview.
Catégories: European Union

‘Hidden deal’ vs ‘conspiracy’: Two opposing views of France’s Uber Files report

mar, 18/07/2023 - 17:49
Uber and President Emmanuel Macron had a "hidden deal" going on when he was economy minister, France's parliamentary committee looking into the Uber files case wrote in a highly critical report published on Tuesday (18 July), drawing criticism of a "conspiracy" from pro-Macron deputies.
Catégories: European Union

Thessaloniki: A place for bottom-up democracy?

mar, 18/07/2023 - 17:08
The citizens of Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece, are increasingly feeling the need to take part in decisions affecting their life and their city. What role could citizen-led processes, such as participatory budgeting, play in bringing the inhabitants...
Catégories: European Union

The Brief — What is Team Europe anyway?

mar, 18/07/2023 - 16:23
The phrase ‘Team Europe’ started cropping up in Commission press releases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, it seemed like nothing more sinister than the latest addition to the lexicon of euro-jargon, a clunky but harmless phrase designed to describe cases where the EU and national governments were working together.
Catégories: European Union

MEPs to vote on buying multi-million euro building – without knowing the price

mar, 18/07/2023 - 16:21
MEPs are set to vote on a plan to lease and buy a building next to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, but without knowing the purchase price in the latest twist in a lengthy, and increasingly murky, battle between the Parliament’s leaders. 
Catégories: European Union

Guilty until proven innocent – The flawed logic of the EU’s proposed child safety law

mar, 18/07/2023 - 15:29
The European Commission’s proposed child sexual abuse law pursues the important goal of combatting child sexual abuse material online, but the proposal’s aims risk being undermined by the threat it poses to fundamental rights and the rule of law, writes...
Catégories: European Union

Is it time to put European cars on a diet?

mar, 18/07/2023 - 13:06
A new study suggests that the best way to curb demand for key metals used in the production of batteries is to reduce car size. But are European motorists willing to shun SUVs in favour of more modest vehicles?
Catégories: European Union

Russia strikes Ukraine grain port after exiting export deal

mar, 18/07/2023 - 13:01
Russia struck Ukrainian ports on 18 July, a day after pulling out of an UN-backed deal to let Kyiv export grain, and Moscow claimed gains on the ground in an area where Ukraine said Russian forces were back on the offensive.
Catégories: European Union

EU-Morocco fisheries deal stuck pending court decision on self-determination claim

mar, 18/07/2023 - 12:19
A millions-worth fisheries deal between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco expired due to a dispute over its legality and the inclusion of Western Sahara's representatives in the negotiations pending a decision from the EU’s highest court.
Catégories: European Union

Halting of grain deal ‘no good news’ for Spanish presidency, EU executive

mar, 18/07/2023 - 12:12
Russia's termination of the initiative to export its grain via the Black Sea route is "no good news", according to a Spanish EU presidency representative, who echoed concerns of the EU executive, as European farmers sounded alarm bells over what could possibly be the worst arable crop harvest since 2007.
Catégories: European Union

Data Act: European Mobility Still Needs Sector-Specific Rules [Promoted content]

mar, 18/07/2023 - 12:00
For for the Data Act to deploy its full potential of fostering consumer choice and data-driven innovation in the wider mobility sector, FIGIEFA emphasises that sector-specific rules for access to in-vehicle data should be proposed by the Commission this year.
Catégories: European Union

Far-right VOX tries to promote Spain’s ‘civilising’ role in Latin America

mar, 18/07/2023 - 07:32
In today's edition of the Capitals, find out more about the different beliefs EU countries have on Sweden's NATO accession, Italy's Salvini wanting to help out, and so much more.
Catégories: European Union

Kosovo’s absence from EU-Western Balkan meeting raises eyebrows

mar, 18/07/2023 - 07:23
Both Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi were absent from an informal gathering of regional leaders in Tirana on Monday, with the latter denying claims they were not invited or even refused entry. The meeting...
Catégories: European Union

One in four Serbs do not want LGBTI+ colleagues

mar, 18/07/2023 - 07:22
Almost a quarter of Serbs do not want members of the LGBTI+ population as colleagues, while close to one in three does not want to be friends with them, Protection of Equality Commissioner Brankica Janković told EURACTIV, reacting to the...
Catégories: European Union

Romanian president satisfied with political resignations amid elderly care scandal

mar, 18/07/2023 - 07:21
The elderly care home scandal in Romania has prompted two political resignations, which Romanian President Klaus Iohannis deems enough for now, but not everyone is convinced. However, the social democrats are pushing for some resignation from the liberals. Last week,...
Catégories: European Union

More Brits than ever say Brexit was wrong choice: YouGov survey

mar, 18/07/2023 - 07:17
The proportion of Britons who say Brexit was a mistake hit a new record high this month, a survey from pollsters YouGov showed on Tuesday (18 July).
Catégories: European Union
