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Niger junta revokes military deals with France

ven, 04/08/2023 - 06:51
Niger's junta revoked a raft of military cooperation agreements with France on Thursday (3 August) - a decision that could drastically reshape a fight against Islamist insurgents in the region after the ouster of President Mohamed Bazoum last week.
Catégories: European Union

Zelenskyy decries corruption at recruitment centres

ven, 04/08/2023 - 06:34
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday (3 August) decried "revolting" practices exposed during an audit of Ukraine's military recruitment centres and pledged to fix the system by placing in charge people who understood the meaning of war.
Catégories: European Union

Pope, in Portugal, warns half a million young Catholics of social media snares

ven, 04/08/2023 - 06:05
One of the biggest crowds ever seen in Portugal mobbed Pope Francis as he rode in an open vehicle to a rally where he told young Catholics from all over the world to beware the false happiness lurking in social media.
Catégories: European Union

Migrant boat rescue missions do not encourage crossings: study

ven, 04/08/2023 - 05:48
Humanitarian operations to rescue migrants attempting the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean Sea do not encourage further crossings, a modelling study said on Thursday (3 August).
Catégories: European Union

EU bans drone sales, hits ‘propagandists’ in new Belarus sanctions

ven, 04/08/2023 - 05:35
The EU on Thursday (3 August) banned drone sales to Belarus and added prominent state TV presenters to its sanctions list over Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Minsk's crackdown on opposition.
Catégories: European Union

Rights groups seek ‘credible’ probe into Greece migrant shipwreck that killed hundreds

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 15:12
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch on Thursday (3 August) called for a "credible" probe into a migrant shipwreck off Greece in June in which hundreds died, saying that contrasting accounts by the Greek coastguard and survivors "were extremely concerning".
Catégories: European Union

Berlin split over EU ‘forever chemicals’ ban it helped propose

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 13:41
German economy and climate minister Robert Habeck has expressed reservations regarding an EU-wide ban of “forever chemicals” (PFAS), despite the fact that it was first proposed by his own government, alongside other EU countries.
Catégories: European Union

EU elections: Macron slams French opposition parties as ‘ambiguous’ on Europe

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 13:38
Both left- and ring-wing political forces have been “ambiguous” on their stances towards the EU, making them unfit to sit in the European Parliament after the 2024 EU elections, France’s Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday (2 August).
Catégories: European Union

China faces an uphill climb while the West needs to make unpopular choices

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 09:00
While G7 nations must overcome a market efficiency gap, China must overcome a technology effectiveness one, write Jacob Gunter and Antonia Hmaidi.
Catégories: European Union

Niger coup is ‘failure of Europe’, former French ambassador says

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 08:00
The coup in Niger is mostly caused by the neocolonial relationship between France and the African continent, former French ambassador Gérard Araud told EURACTIV in an interview, slamming the EU’s lack of unity towards a clear Africa strategy.
Catégories: European Union

In Chamonix, tourism adapts to melting ice and snow

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 08:00
Perched in the French Alps at the foot of Mont Blanc, the iconic town of Chamonix confronts global warming by encouraging tourism professionals to adapt to changing conditions and promote local culture.
Catégories: European Union

Microsoft says Russia-linked hackers behind dozens of Teams phishing attacks

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 06:48
A Russian government-linked hacking group took aim at dozens of global organizations with a campaign to steal login credentials by engaging users in Microsoft Teams chats pretending to be from technical support, Microsoft researchers said on Wednesday (2 August).
Catégories: European Union

Tesla welcomed in India while China’s BYD stopped cold

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 06:31
Tesla has had a red-carpet welcome from India for its proposal to invest in the country, while its largest rival in electric vehicles, China's BYD, has been stopped cold by increased scrutiny from New Delhi.
Catégories: European Union

Mongolia to deepen cooperation with US on rare earths

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 06:15
Mongolia will deepen cooperation with Washington to mine rare earths, the country's Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene said on a visit to Washington on Wednesday (2 August).
Catégories: European Union

Zelenskyy puts hope in Jeddah meeting, peace summit

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 06:05
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday (2 August) he hoped a Ukraine "peace summit" could be held this autumn, and that this week's talks in Saudi Arabia were a stepping stone towards that goal.
Catégories: European Union

Poland adopts modified ‘Russia influence’ panel

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 05:34
Poland on Wednesday (2 August) adopted an amended version of a panel to probe "Russian influence", after an avalanche of EU and US criticism of the move, widely seen as targeting the opposition.
Catégories: European Union

EU warns that Russia aims to create new dependencies with cheap grain

jeu, 03/08/2023 - 05:18
The European Union has warned developing countries that Russia is offering cheap grain "to create new dependencies by exacerbating economic vulnerabilities and global food insecurity," according to a letter seen by Reuters on Wednesday (2 August).
Catégories: European Union

Russia strikes Ukraine’s Danube port, sending global grain prices higher

mer, 02/08/2023 - 16:05
Russia attacked Ukraine's grain ports in the early hours of Wednesday (2 August), including an inland port across the Danube River from Romania, sending global food prices soaring as Moscow ramps up its use of force to reimpose a blockade of Ukrainian exports.
Catégories: European Union

Military recruiting shortage gums up Germany’s ‘Zeitenwende’ plans

mer, 02/08/2023 - 15:49
Despite significant efforts, the number of applicants to join the German military has continued to dwindle this year, with the German defence minister stressing recruitment must be as high a priority as material procurement for the Bundeswehr.
Catégories: European Union

EU’s final stretch before June 2024

mer, 02/08/2023 - 14:01
With less than one year to go until next June’s European elections, the EU institutions and member states are facing a race against time to conclude negotiations on a raft of key laws before the pre-election purdah period starts next spring.  
Catégories: European Union
