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EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

lun, 20/07/2015 - 16:20

In this section you will find video coverage of events illustrating the relations between the EU and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Download this video here.

Catégories: European Union

Justice and Home Affairs Council - July 2015

lun, 20/07/2015 - 14:54

EU Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs meet in Brussels on 20 July 2015 to discuss migration, focusing on resettlement, relocation and the designation of certain countries as safe countries of origin.

Download this video here.

Catégories: European Union

President Tusk visits Armenia

lun, 20/07/2015 - 10:53

Donald TUSK, President of the European Council, visits Armenia on 20 July 2015 to follow-up on the results of the Eastern Partnership summit held in Riga on 21-22 May 2015.

Download this video here.

Catégories: European Union

EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina

jeu, 16/07/2015 - 17:49

BiH is a potential candidate country for EU accession following the Thessaloniki European Council, June 2003. On 16 June 2008, the Parties signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement.

Download this video here.

Catégories: European Union


mer, 15/07/2015 - 17:44

The aim of the EU training mission in Mali (EUTM Mali) is to help improve the military capacity of the Malian Armed Forces in order to allow, under civilian authority, the restoration of the country's territorial integrity.

Download this video here.

Catégories: European Union

Agriculture and Fisheries Council - July 2015

lun, 13/07/2015 - 13:27

EU Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries meet on 13 July 2015 in Brussels, to discuss a proposal for a regulation on the possibility for the member states to restrict or prohibit the use of genetically modified food and feed on their territory, as well as market evolutions, including the impact on the EU market of import ban on EU agricultural products imposed by Russia in August 2014.

Download this video here.

Catégories: European Union

EU NAVFOR Atalanta

mer, 08/07/2015 - 15:00

The EUNAVFOR-Atalanta military operation was launched in December 2008 to help deter, prevent and repress acts of piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia.

Download this video here.

Catégories: European Union
