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Influenceurs fitness : quand le sport devient dangereux pour la santé

L`Humanité - ven, 26/07/2024 - 08:17
Les créateurs de contenus dédiés au sport n’ont de cesse de partager sur leurs réseaux sociaux des conseils au sujet de la pratique sportive et la nutrition, souvent sans qualification. Les professionnels du coaching et les nutritionnistes s’alarment face au danger que peuvent représenter ces vidéos.
Catégories: France

Duralex : le tribunal de commerce d'Orléans s'apprête à sceller le sort de la verrerie

La Tribune - ven, 26/07/2024 - 08:15
Quel avenir pour la « tour Eiffel de la vaisselle » ? Le tribunal de commerce d'Orléans rendra sa décision concernant le sort de Duralex, verrerie connue dans le monde entier, ce vendredi, à 10h, au cours d'une audience publique.
Catégories: France

Paris 2024 : « Nous proposerons jusqu’à 50 heures de direct », promet le directeur des sports de France Télévisions

L`Humanité - ven, 26/07/2024 - 08:06
Le directeur des sports de France Télévisions, Laurent-Éric Le Lay, revient pour « l’Humanité » sur la couverture télévisuelle des jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris. Soucieux de passer un cap en termes d’ambition, il évoque les moyens déployés par le service public pour préparer l’événement et le marquer de son empreinte.
Catégories: France

56 fillérrel izmosabb a forint: 392,33 HUF = 1 euró

Bumm.sk (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - ven, 26/07/2024 - 08:00
MTI: Erősödött a forint a főbb devizákkal szemben péntek reggel a nemzetközi bankközi devizapiacon. Hét órakor az euró árfolyama 392,33 forintra gyengült a csütörtök kora esti 392,89 forintról. A svájci frank jegyzése 410,98 forintról 410,14 forintra csökkent, a dolláré pedig 361,79 forintról 361,33 forintra süllyedt.

Djoann Fal, le Toulonnais surdoué de la tech se met au vert à Singapour

La Tribune - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:55
Dans une région du monde, l'Asie du Sud-Est, où les réseaux sociaux offrent toutes les fonctions de la vie quotidienne, Djoann Fal a fait fortune grâce à GetLinks, le concurrent de LinkedIn qu'il a créé pour les métiers de la tech. A peine 30 ans et déjà millionnaire, connu à Singapour comme le « Mark Zuckerberg » français, le tycoon varois se tourne également aujourd'hui vers le capital-risque dans les énergies vertes, avec de beaux projets notamment avec TotalEnergies.
Catégories: France

Production de biogaz : la trajectoire n’est pas bonne, alerte l'Etat

La Tribune - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:47
Le Secrétariat général à la planification écologique juge la cible de 44 térawattheures de biométhane injectés dans le réseau à l'horizon 2030 « très ambitieuse » au regard du rythme de développement des méthaniseurs, qui connaît un véritable trou d'air. L'organe, placé sous la houlette du Premier ministre, ne remet pas en cause cette cible, mais questionne le modèle français, caractérisé par des petites installations plus coûteuses.
Catégories: France

G20 agree to work on Brazil’s ‘billionaire tax’ idea, implementation seen difficult

Euractiv.com - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:39
The world's 20 biggest economies (G20) agreed on Thursday (25 July) to work together to ensure the ultra rich are effectively taxed, in a declaration that seeks a balance between national sovereignty and more cooperation on tax avoidance.
Catégories: European Union

Több pénzt ígérnek a fegyveres erők tagjainak a szakminisztereik

Bumm.sk (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:30
Jövőre magasabb lakhatási hozzájárulást kaphatnak a fegyveres testületek tagjai, és javaslat készül egyszeri 5000 eurós hűségpénz, illetve toborzási hozzájárulás jóváhagyásáról – jelentették be csütörtöki közös sajtótájékoztatójukon a három érintett szaktárca – igazságügyi, belügyi és védelmi minisztérium – vezetői.

Russian drone debris found in Romania, NATO says no sign of intentional attack

Euractiv.com - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:22
Romania said it found Russian drone fragments on its territory on Thursday (25 July) and NATO said it saw no sign of an intentional attack on the alliance's territory after Moscow troops fired 38 long-range drones into Ukraine overnight.
Catégories: European Union

Macédoine du Nord : la faillite de l'hôpital public

Courrier des Balkans / Macédoine - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:21

Au mois de mai, tous les blocs opératoires du Centre hospitalier Mère-Teresa de Skopje ont dû fermer. Toutes les opérations non vitales ont été repoussés. Certains patients empruntent de l'argent pour se faire opérer dans des cliniques privées.

- Articles / , , , ,
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

Macédoine du Nord : la faillite de l'hôpital public

Courrier des Balkans - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:21

Au mois de mai, tous les blocs opératoires du Centre hospitalier Mère-Teresa de Skopje ont dû fermer. Toutes les opérations non vitales ont été repoussés. Certains patients empruntent de l'argent pour se faire opérer dans des cliniques privées.

- Articles / , , , ,
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

Climat : les JO de Paris 2024 sont-ils vraiment les jeux « les plus écologiques de l'Histoire » ?

La Tribune - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:07
PARIS 2024. Ce devait être la promesse du Comité d’organisation des JO de Paris dès 2017 : faire de ces jeux d'été les plus écologiques de toute l'histoire de la compétition. Mais les ONG environnementales ont pointé plusieurs lacunes. Interrogé par La Tribune, le Comité d'organisation se défend de ces accusations. Décryptage.
Catégories: France

Forró, napos, száraz péntek

Bumm.sk (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:00
Itt-ott köddel kezdődött a péntek (7. 26.) reggel. A Szlovák Hidrometeorológiai Intézet (SHMÚ) előrejelzése szerint meleg, száraz, derűs/enyhén felhős időjárás várható. Napközben helyenként átmenetileg megnövekedhet a felhőzet.

Comment la transition énergétique met en concurrence les filières du bois

La Tribune - ven, 26/07/2024 - 07:00
Du bois pour se chauffer, pour construire des logements ou pour faire voler des avions ? L'accès à la ressource va être de plus en plus disputé entre tous ces secteurs. Si une hiérarchie des usages n'est pas établie, les territoires forestiers pourraient en être privés.
Catégories: France

Jetmaking industrial problems overshadow orders at Farnborough air show

Euractiv.com - ven, 26/07/2024 - 06:49
The world's largest air show fizzled out on Thursday (25 July) with a solid new Saudi jetliner order unable to dispel the gloom over recent problems in producing planes fast enough to meet demand.
Catégories: European Union

India’s Partnership with ASEAN

The National Interest - ven, 26/07/2024 - 06:35

On July 26, 2024, in Vientiane, Laos, the foreign ministers from the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and India will meet, marking a significant landmark in their relationship. This gathering highlights the increasing significance of their partnership and emphasizes India’s role in enhancing its connections with ASEAN countries while maintaining ASEAN centrality in the Indo-Pacific region.

The relationship between India and ASEAN is not new. Both regions have interacted for centuries. These relations have been well established and upgraded in the last few decades. The ASEAN-India Strategic Partnership is setting the course for integration in trade, security, and investment and establishing educational and cultural exchanges.

The year 2024 has seen a major transformation in the Indo-Pacific region’s geopolitics. China’s rise in the region and its assertive behavior in the South China Sea have triggered regional tensions, underlining the imperative for a rule-based order. In light of this, the ASEAN centrality cannot be dismissed since it is the primary driver for regional dialogue and cooperation.

India has varied interests in the Indo-Pacific region. In terms of economics, ASEAN is one of India’s most important trading partners, with bilateral trade between the two reaching over $100 billion. Strategically, the organization is an extremely significant area for India’s Act East Policy (AEP), Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI), and Security and Growth for all in the Region (SAGAR).

It should be emphasized that in order to enhance its relationship with ASEAN and support ASEAN centrality, India needs to focus on a number of key areas. India must increase trade and investment among the member states of ASEAN. For instance, it can take part in ASEAN digital transformation efforts and other infrastructure projects like the ASEAN-India Connectivity Plan. 

Considering the Indo-Pacific geographical area, collaboration between India and ASEAN members regarding the protection of their sea lanes is needed. Joint naval exercises, sharing intelligence, and initiatives aimed at capacity building can contribute to regional security and stability. 

Building cultural bridges with others and nurturing people-to-people relations create a sound basis for long-term cooperation. This may involve exchange programs in education, tourism drives, or even cultural festivals to enhance communication as well as build goodwill. 

When it comes to climate change, India’s role is crucial since it can actively and fully participate in addressing issues within the region. A shared commitment to sustainability can be built through joint investments in renewable energy sources, natural disaster prevention projects, and environmental preservation activities done together with neighbors.

With the world moving towards the age of new technology, India also has a chance to form alliances with ASEAN countries to help push innovation and digitalization. Programs of joint research and development, technology transfers, and the organization of capacity-building programs can be used to drive economic growth and development. For instance, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will enter into collaborative agreements with the central banks of four ASEAN Countries—Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Thailand—to enable the retail purposes of cross-border payments.

Maintaining ASEAN Centrality

ASEAN’s centrality is essential in maintaining a balanced and inclusive regional system in the Indo-Pacific. In order to support this principle, India must interact with ASEAN-led mechanisms such as the East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), and the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting with Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, and the United States (ADMM+). This would enable India to help build regional norms and address common challenges through its participation in those platforms. India should also advocate for an Indo-Pacific region that is multipolar and dominated by no one power. This means facilitating dialogue and cooperation between every stakeholder in the region, including the United States, China, EU, Japan, and Australia. India has pledged to maintain a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific, which accords with the ASEAN vision of centrality.

Economic Integration and Connectivity

India should prioritize deepening economic ties that benefit all stakeholders via open discussions. India’s exit from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in 2019 owing to trade imbalances and threats to local industries should guide her in striking a more balanced deal. 

Connectivity plays a crucial role in boosting regional trade and links for further cooperation. India’s involvement in projects such as the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway (IMT) and the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project (KMTTP) will aid this. In addition, India, being part of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), can link South Asia and Southeast Asia, enhancing wider cooperation beyond the economic sphere.

Defense and Security Cooperation

The South China Sea remains a point of conflict for U.S.-China competition, with ramifications for regional safety. ASEAN’s precepts are echoed in India’s position on freedom of navigation and its allegiance to international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). By carrying out joint naval exercises, port visits, and capacity-building programs with ASEAN navies, India can contribute both to maritime security and to a rule-based order.

India’s defense exports, such as BrahMos missiles to the Philippines and possibly other ASEAN countries, show that it has what it takes to support regional defense needs. Expanding defense cooperation agreements and offering technical assistance and training will help strengthen the defense capabilities of these nations in ASEAN, thereby enhancing security within this region.

Soft power and cultural diplomacy

India’s strong basis for soft power diplomacy lies in its historical and cultural relations with South East Asia. Buddhism, Hinduism, and other shared aspects of culture can create deeper people-to-people bonds. Joint efforts like the re-establishment of Nalanda University in India and making ASEAN countries have cultural centers encourage educational exchange and trade.

Additionally, by offering scholarships and academic programs to students from ASEAN, India can instill in them an appreciation of Indian culture and traditions. India is undertaking a number of initiatives to foster closer ties with the ASEAN member countries through the ASEAN-India Youth Summit, ASEAN-India Artists’ Camps, and ASEAN-India Music Festival. Moreover, there is also a significant Indian diaspora in Southeast Asia, which acts as a bridge to link cultural and economic ties between the two regions.

Balancing the Chessboard

The U.S.-China rivalry presents a tightrope walk. India has to deftly handle its relations with both superpowers in line with the neutrality and the regional stability objectives of ASEAN. This is because it stands for an ASEAN where India can gain the confidence and trust of Southeast Asian countries. India’s association with ASEAN is more than a geopolitical move—it is a crucial precondition for peace and prosperity in the region.

Today’s ASEAN-India Foreign Ministers Meeting will provide a useful occasion to reaffirm and expand the partnership between India and ASEAN. As India commemorates a decade of its AEP, it has transformed itself from a mere instrument to engage with East and South East Asia to anchor and linchpin its approach to the Indo-Pacific region. By focusing on cooperation, maritime security, cultural ties, sustainable development, and technological partnership, India can play a vital role in further strengthening its engagement with the organization and its constituent nations. While the region steers through rough waters, India’s proactive and constructive approach toward ASEAN will be the key to instilling peace, stability, and shared prosperity.

Dr. Shristi Pukhrem, currently serving as a Deputy Director (Academics & Research) at India Foundation, holds a Doctorate from the School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She is a JRF (Junior Research Fellow) in Political Science awarded by the University Grants Commission, Government of India. Formerly employed as a Researcher at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA), New Delhi, Dr. Pukhrem’s research areas cover India-ASEAN relations, India’s bilateral relations with the South-East Asian Countries, the Act-East Policy with a larger focus on the Indo-Pacific region.

Image: StockSolution / Shutterstock.com.

Kremlin signals readiness to talk to Ukraine while Zelenskyy is in power

Euractiv.com - ven, 26/07/2024 - 06:32
The Kremlin signalled on Thursday (25 July) it was open to negotiations with Ukraine on ending the conflict while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy remains in power despite publicly doubting his legitimacy to rule.
Catégories: European Union

Paris 2024 : entre démonstration des vertus de la Seine et défis d'héritage

La Tribune - ven, 26/07/2024 - 06:30
OPINION. Pour la première fois, la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux Olympiques se déroulera en dehors d'un stade, sur un fleuve, transformant ainsi la Seine en un théâtre vivant où près de 10 000 athlètes défileront à bord de plus de 90 bateaux. Si cette célébration promet un coup de projecteur sur le secteur fluvial, révélant son importance stratégique pour la ville, elle souligne également des défis de taille.
Catégories: France

G7 deal on $50 billion Ukraine loan seen in October, Gentiloni says

Euractiv.com - ven, 26/07/2024 - 06:11
The Group of Seven wealthy democracies are likely to have a framework deal for a Russian-asset-backed $50 billion loan to Ukraine by October, in time to tap markets by year-end, European Economic Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni said on Thursday (25 July).
Catégories: European Union

Paris Olympic games amid political turmoil and protests

Euractiv.com - ven, 26/07/2024 - 06:00
As Paris buzzes with preparations for today's opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games, there's palpable excitement in the air. However, Parisians seem to have mixed feelings about hosting the 2024 Olympics, with murmurs of protests adding an element of tension.
Catégories: European Union
