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Russia’s T-14 Armata Tank Nightmare Has Just Begun

The National Interest - lun, 05/08/2024 - 16:44

Summary and Key Points: The T-14 Armata, Russia's advanced main battle tank, boasts impressive specs like a 125 mm smoothbore gun, modular armor, and a 55 mph top speed. Despite its power, Russia has only produced about 20 units due to the tank's complexity and high cost.

-In contrast, Russia is focusing on simpler, more cost-effective tanks like the T-72 and T-90, which are easier to produce and maintain.

-While the T-14 was field-tested in Syria and briefly deployed in Ukraine, it was quickly pulled back, highlighting the challenges of using complex systems in modern warfare, where function often trumps form.

The T-14 Armata: A Powerful Tank That Russia Won’t Mass Produce

One of the strangest phenomena in modern warfare is the gap between the expensive, complex systems the world’s advanced militaries procure versus the actual needs of those militaries once in combat. 

The Americans experienced this painful reality in the Middle East during wars defined by the improvised explosive device and the unmanned aerial vehicle. 

The Russians are experiencing the same with their tanks in Ukraine. 

The Specifications on the T-14 Armata 

The T-14 Armata is one of the most powerful, fearsome tanks in the world – at least on paper. This latest-generation main battle tank has an unmanned turret sporting a 125 mm 2A82-1M smoothbore gun fed by an autoloader. 

According to Army Technology, that turret “carries a total of 45 rounds of ammunition, including ready-to-use ammunition. The main gun can also fire laser-guided missiles.” A more sophisticated 2A83 152 mm gun can also be equipped. So can secondary weapons such as a Kord 12.7 mm machine gun and a PKTM 7.62 mm machine gun

The hull of the T-14 Armata looks otherworldly. It has a modular armor system composed of ceramics, steel, and composite material. This tank sports a low silhouette, thereby reducing the vulnerability of the machinery to enemy fire and favoring the survivability of the tank crew. The crew is also protected from unwanted explosions of the tank’s autoloader and ammunition stores. This was a problem for many previous Soviet-era tanks. 

The T-14 has reactive armor in the front and bar armor out back, which enhances protection against anti-tank weapons. Russia’s T-14 is powered by an A-85-3A turbocharged diesel engine, producing up to 1,200 horsepower. It has a 12-speed automatic transmission, too. An Armata has a standard range of 310 miles and a top cruising speed of about 55 miles per hour. 

Russia wanted a whopping 2,300 units of these tanks. 

Needless to say, that lofty goal was scaled back both because of the complexity of the systems involved and the obscenely high cost. Russia has about 20 of these systems, and it has no intention, or even capability at this point, to mass-produce more of them. 

The T-14’s Service Record (So Far)

The T-14 was field tested in the killing fields of Syria. It performed adequately, although there was little evidence the T-14s did anything more than a T-90M would have done. Meanwhile, in the Ukraine War, Russia’s greatest conflict since the Soviet-Afghan War, the T-14s have been pulled back from the fighting. 

While they were initially deployed and are believed to have been involved in a smattering of engagements, they were used mostly in support functions. They were quickly and quietly pulled back from the fighting and returned to Russia. It is not believed they will ever be deployed to Ukraine again.

Russia’s industrial base has not only survived the Western sanctions lobbed against it at the outset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but it is likely stronger today than it has been in decades. 

Yet the Russians are not prioritizing the mass production of these advanced, costly systems. Instead, Russia is fixated on purchasing more variants of the T-90 MBT. Come to think of it, Russia is even more interested in mass-producing the Soviet-era T-72 MBT than they are in the Armata. 

The Cult of the Complex

Function beats form every time in modern warfare. It is a timeless lesson. Cost is always a significant factor, and simplicity should always be preferred over complexity. The Russians are doing just fine with their old T-72s and the slightly more sophisticated T-90s. 

These systems are far cheaper, easier to produce, better to maintain, and less complex to operate than the T-14s. Russia is smart not to waste its money on building more T-14 Armatas. 

Author Experience and Expertise: Brandon J. Weichert

Brandon J. Weichert, a National Interest national security analyst, is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, the Asia Times, and The-Pipeline. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life, and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy. His next book, A Disaster of Our Own Making: How the West Lost Ukraine, is due October 22 from Encounter Books. Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

All images are Creative Commons or Shutterstock.

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TikTok Lite contraint de suspendre définitivement son programme de récompenses dans l’UE

Euractiv.fr - lun, 05/08/2024 - 16:44
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Virginia-Class vs. Seawolf-Class: Which Navy Submarine Is Faster?

The National Interest - lun, 05/08/2024 - 16:31

Summary and Key Points: The U.S. Navy’s Virginia-class submarines are advanced and versatile, but they may not match the speed of the legendary Seawolf-class.

-Powered by a Westinghouse S6W nuclear reactor, the Seawolf-class can achieve top speeds of 35 miles per hour (25 knots), making it the fastest attack submarine in the world.

-While the Virginia-class submarines, powered by a GE S9G reactor, are newer and more adaptable with increased firepower and interoperability, they likely fall short in terms of speed and depth. The Seawolf-class’s superior speed and stealth, despite its limited numbers, still give it an edge in submarine performance.

The Virginia-class Submarines are Fast, But the Seawolf-class is Faster

The United States Navy’s Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine has been described by many experts as the most advanced attack sub in the world. Despite this, little details are known about key aspects of this newer submarine. One question pervades many discussions about this submarine’s capabilities, how fast can this boat travel?

Compared to another highly advanced attack submarine in the Navy’s fleet, the legendary Seawolf-class, we know that that class is widely considered to be the fastest attack submarine in the world. 

As I have written in these pages, the Seawolf-class can achieve top cruising speeds of thirty-five miles per hour (twenty-five knots). However, the Virginia-class is newer and was chosen by the Navy to be the replacement for the long-serving Los Angeles-class attack submarine over the Seawolf-class submarine because, according to the Navy’s leadership, the Virginia class was even more advanced than the Seawolf class.

Understanding the Mechanics 

Well, whenever one talks about speed on any kind of craft, it’s always important to look at the engine powering the machine. For example, when speaking about the M1 Abrams tank, it’s important to note the fact that they are powered by a literal jet engine, which explains their power and speed.

Similarly, the Seawolf-class submarine retains the record of the fastest submarine in the world and is powered by a single Westinghouse S6W nuclear reactor, “driving two steam turbines, to a total of 52,000 shaft horsepower,” according to Kyle Mizokami.

The Virginia-class attack submarines, meanwhile, are the General Electric (GE)-provided pressure water reactor S9G which is “designed to last as long as the submarine, two turbine engines with one shaft and a United Defense pump jet propulsor.” Surprisingly, despite its capabilities, there is some debate as to whether even the newer Virginia-class attack submarines are better than the Seawolf-class subs when it comes to speed.

An Argument Between Submariners

There was a fiery debate on one defense forum among former US Navy submariners about which platform was truly better. The consensus was that, despite being more numerous and newer than the Seawolf-class, the Virginia-class was not superior to the older Seawolf-class submarine. In my own reporting, I have proven that the only reason the Seawolf-class was not scaled beyond only three boats was due to their high cost as well as the dissolution of the Soviet Union. 

According to many submariners, the Seawolf-class subs can dive deeper and run faster than the Virginia-class submarines. 

Let’s take a look at the believed flank speed of the Virginia-class. It is believed that the Virginia-class has a flank speed—or top cruising speed—of around twenty-five knots, the same as the Seawolf-class. So why are so many former submariners online arguing that the Seawolf-class is better and faster? 

That’s because in terms of diving and flank speed, or at least sustaining flank speed, the Seawolf-class is better than the Virginia-class. Where the Seawolf-class likely loses to the Virginia-class is in firepower and interoperability. 

The Virginia-class is More Versatile

For instance, in 2021, H.I. Sutton at Naval News reported that the Virginia-class subs were slated to get “seventy-six percent more firepower” than what they already had. The Virginia-class in general terms is easier to modify and can be used in a variety of offensive ways that the Seawolf might not be able to be used. 

Again, the Seawolf has some incredible covert capabilities. 

Speed and maneuverability as well as stealth are primary components to making a good modern submarine. Both the Seawolf-class and Virginia-class possess these features but in different admixtures. 

And, it is likely that the Seawolf-class is simply faster than the Virginia-class but that the Virginia-class may be a more well-rounded (certainly cheaper) submarine than the Seawolf-class submarines. 

Author Experience and Expertise: Brandon J. Weichert

Brandon J. Weichert, a National Interest national security analyst, is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, the Asia Times, and The-Pipeline. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life, and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy. His next book, A Disaster of Our Own Making: How the West Lost Ukraine, is due October 22 from Encounter Books. Weichert can be followed via Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

All images are Creative Commons or Shutterstock.

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Marcel Fratzscher: „Die Talfahrt an den Börsen ist eine notwendige Korrektur überbewerteter Unternehmen“

Den Einbruch der Aktienmärkte an den weltweiten Börsen kommentiert DIW-Präsident Marcel Fratzscher wie folgt:

Die Korrekturen an den Börsen sind notwendig und richtig. Die Börsen sind trotz Pandemie, Energiekrise und einer schwachen Weltwirtschaft in den vergangenen Jahren stark gestiegen und haben sich deutlich von der Entwicklung der Wirtschaft abgekoppelt. Was wir nun sehen, ist eine Korrektur der Überbewertungen vieler Unternehmen an den Aktienmärkten. Vor allem der Hype um Künstliche Intelligenz hatte in den vergangenen Monaten die Börsenpreise getrieben; mit dem Platzen der Blase kommt es nun zu dieser Korrektur. Ich erwarte auch in den kommenden Jahren größere Korrekturen an den Aktienmärkten, da viele Unternehmen nach wie vor überbewertet sind und viele Investoren mit ihren Spekulationen zu einer Blase beigetragen haben. Es ist schwierig Überbewertungen und Blasen akkurat zu messen, die Diskrepanz bei den Bewertungen ist jedoch signifikant und auch das Risikoverhalten nimmt nun wieder ab. 

Die Zentralbanken werden nicht auf die Korrekturen der Aktienmärkte reagieren, da diese sich weder negativ auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung noch auf die Finanzstabilität auswirken werden. Zudem unterstützt die Geldpolitik der US-Notenbank und der EZB die Aktienmärkte, weil sie nun am Anfang eines Zyklus von Zinssenkungen stehen. So hat die EZB bereits seine erste Zinssenkung unternommen, und die US-Notenbank Federal Reserve dürfte im September folgen. Dies macht es Regierungen und Unternehmen auch leichter, künftige Schulden zu finanzieren.

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En Italie, le manque de moyens contraint un hôpital public à immobiliser la jambe d’un patient avec du carton

RFI (Europe) - lun, 05/08/2024 - 14:30
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Postdoc (f/m/d)

The Energy, Transport and Environment Department comprises three research areas and examines energy, transport, and environmental policy strategies for sustainable development. In order to investigate options for a climate-friendly, competitive and secure energy supply and mobility, the department develops and uses quantitative economic optimization and equilibrium models, which are made available open source, as well as econometric methods. Within the department, the research area “Transformation of the Energy Economy” focuses on the transition to fully renewable energy systems, considering various options of sector coupling, energy storage, and other sources of flexibility. Its main tool is the open-source power sector model DIETER.

Starting preferably on 1 January 2025, the abovementioned research area at DIW Berlin is looking for a

Postdoc (f/m/d)

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Postdoc (w/m/d)

Die Abteilung Energie, Verkehr, Umwelt am DIW Berlin erforscht verschiedene Strategien einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung in den Bereichen Energie, Verkehr und Umwelt, um fundierte politische Empfehlungen zu formulieren. Im Verkehrskontext sind die Auswirkungen der Transportpreise und der Infrastrukturpolitik von größter Bedeutung. Die Abteilung leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Verfügbarkeit von Verkehrsdaten in Deutschland und entwickelt und nutzt ökonometrische Methoden in der Forschung zu klimafreundlichen und wettbewerbsfähigen Verkehrsmärkten.

Wir suchen ab dem 1. Januar 2025 eine*n

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(50%-Stelle mit 19,5 Stunden/Woche)

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Allemagne : le marché automobile déprimé par l’électrique

Euractiv.fr - lun, 05/08/2024 - 12:44
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Catégories: Union européenne
