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China : Beijing severs last of European Earth observation ties

Intelligence Online - ven, 24/05/2024 - 06:00
The launch of a Long March rocket carrying four of Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology (21AT)'s new Beijing-3C observation satellites
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Saudi Arabia : Foreign arms suppliers keep close eye on merger of Saudi air defence with air force

Intelligence Online - ven, 24/05/2024 - 06:00
Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (MbS) is trying to restructure his armed forces. Initially planned for 2024-2025, Riyadh has now
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Poland : Dorota Kawecka, listening in for Warsaw as intelligence warfare wages on NATO's eastern front

Intelligence Online - ven, 24/05/2024 - 06:00
Colonel Dorota Kawecka's arrival at the helm of the Sluzba Wywiadu Wojskowego (SWW), Poland's military intelligence agency, comes at a
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Germany/North Korea : Pyongyang and Berlin play diplomatic tit-for-tat

Intelligence Online - ven, 24/05/2024 - 06:00
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's criticism on 13 May of Germany and its allies for interfering in Pyongyang's affairs appears
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

United States/Venezuela : Venezuelan national oil company enlists Cormac Group for ongoing litigation

Intelligence Online - ven, 24/05/2024 - 06:00
The Cormac Group has joined the roster of consulting firms working to help the ad-hoc board of Venezuela's embattled state-run
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Bukarestből a világ: BSDA24

Air Power Blog - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 20:12

A Fekete-tengeri Védelmi és Repülőgépipari kiállítás (BSDA) idei kiadása kitűnő lehetőséget kínált a román haderőfejlesztési és védelmi ipari megközelítés vizsgálatára.

Román katasztrófavédelmi (különleges műveleti) PZL Mielec S-70M Black Hawk, melyből összesen 12 darabot várnak.

Nagy távolságú csapásmérés: a 8. Harcászati-hadműveleti Rakétadandár HIMARS indítója.

Jelentős eredmények és ambíciók a hazai drónfejlesztés- és gyártás terén: sok egyéb mellett háttérben az AFT-Technopro-AVI Aircraft gyüttműködés Signus 1000 MALE koncepciójának mokápja látható. Ami viszont eddig biztos a nagyobb teljesítményű eszközök tekintetében az a Thales-Elbit (U-TacS) Watchkeeper X (Hermes 450) high-end harcászati UAS-ok beszerzése, melyeket jelentős részben a bákói Aerostarnál állítanak elő. Összesen 7 ilyen rendszer, összesen 21 drónnal kerül a román haderőhöz 410M USD értékben.

Nagy hatótávolságú lég- és rakétavédelem. Az 1. Légvédelmi Rakétadandár Patriot indítója és annak Oskosh vontatója. Háttérben egy TPS-79 réskitöltő lokátor.

Harci repülőgép jelen. Az első hullámban portugál és amerikai forrásból beszerzett 17 használt F-16 MLU egyike a LanceR-C-ket idéző háromszín kamuflázzsal.

Két további gép ebből a csokorból, plusz két ex-holland F-16B a Romániában is zajló ukrán kiképzési programból, melyek egyúttal - a fejlemények függvényében - jelöltjei is lehetnek a küszöbön álló transzfereknek.

 Ezek már a 2. román F-16 csokor (32 db) képviselői, három ex-norvég gép.

A mindig rendkívül jó állapotú norvég gépek korábbi felségjeleinek helye jól kivehető. Egyelőre fölöslegesnek is érezték az új tulajok, hogy hozzányúljanak az eredeti festéshez.

A jövő: F-35. Noroc!

Újabb korszerűsítésen esnek át az IAR-99-esek, ezzel további 10-15 év szolgálatot kaptak.

A tripodos "MANPADS" Chiron beszerzését tavaly jelentette be Románia.

AZ Igla gyökerek le sem tagadhatóak.

GDELS Piranha III és V egymás mellett. Úszik, nem úszik.

A Piranha V CBRN változata, a jármű tetején drónindító konténerrel.

A Piranha hídvető változata

VAMTAC 53-asra telepített Beagle radar.


Catégories: Biztonságpolitika

'South Africa trusts me' - Jacob Zuma talks to the BBC

BBC Africa - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 19:55
The BBC's Anne Soy questions the former leader about corruption allegations that have dogged his career.
Catégories: Africa

Sajtóközlemény - A csúcsjelöltek az Európai Bizottság elnöki posztjának elnyeréséért vitáztak

Európa Parlament hírei - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 17:33
Csütörtök délután az Európai Parlamentben rendezték meg az Európai Bizottság elnöki tisztségére pályázó csúcsjelöltek Eurovíziós vitáját.

Forrás : © Európai Unió, 2024 - EP

Press release - Lead candidates present their bids for the European Commission presidency

European Parliament (News) - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 17:03
On Thursday afternoon, the Eurovision debate between the lead candidates for the presidency of the European Commission took place in the European Parliament.

Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Press release - Lead candidates present their bids for the European Commission presidency

European Parliament - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 17:03
On Thursday afternoon, the Eurovision debate between the lead candidates for the presidency of the European Commission took place in the European Parliament.

Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: European Union

A UACES-supported research trip delving into Slovenia’s history

Ideas on Europe Blog - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 13:56

I am thrilled to have been awarded the UACES scholarship to support my research trip to Slovenia. As a PhD candidate in war studies, I focus on reconciliation in Slovenia following post-Second World War mass killings. Reconciliation remains a contentious, disputed and polarised topic, experiencing revisionism, contestation and political manipulation. My research aims at developing an understanding of this historical case that still continues to impact the country and its politics today. It was a great privilege to conduct my research trip with the support of the UACES scholarship.


The UACES scholarship supported five weeks of fieldwork in Slovenia by contributing to my expenses for the trip, including travel, accommodation, and food expenses. I was in Ljubljana between 14 April and 17 May. The trip has provided me with the opportunity to spend time in Ljubljana to conduct interviews, which are an integral part of my research, as well as archives and the National and University Library of Ljubljana, to collect data and access books that are not available in London.


Interviews, networking and access to resources

The interviews were an invaluable source of information which the UACES scholarship enabled me to collect. I was able to get insights on my research topic from key experts working on the post-war atrocities and Slovene reconciliation, including historians, politicians and government actors, journalists, investigators, novelists, and philosophers. They provided me with fascinating insights into my research on reconciliation in Slovenia, the narratives explaining the post-Second World War mass atrocities, political polarisation and the interpretation of history. The discussions were informative and engaging, providing me with significant knowledge to develop my arguments. They contribute to fulfilling my research objectives, which are to understand what reconciliation in Slovenia means, what the obstacles for reconciliation are, the role of historical re-interpretation and revisionism in reconciliation, and finally, what solutions have been attempted to address the obstacles.


In addition, the interviews provided me with the opportunity to network and receive guidance from the experts I had the privilege of meeting and interviewing. This has been an exceptional opportunity for professional development alongside the development of my research.


Besides the interviews, visits to the National and University Library of Ljubljana provided me access to books and sources such as newspapers and archival material that are not available in London. These resources offer a wealth of information to support my research. Additionally, I visited the government archives, which gave an insight into the gaps in the archives since many documents are missing. However, it was fascinating to access certain documents, and it was exciting to delve into a country’s past through governmental archives. Archives, and the lack thereof, are an integral aspect of my research, looking at a country that has been independent since the early 1990s but was previously part of communist Yugoslavia. During the decades under Yugoslavia, the post-war atrocities were silenced, and their knowledge was hidden. Therefore, the silence in archives and the few documents available are an interesting insight into the role of silence in reconciliation and establishing the facts about the past.


Therefore, the UACES scholarship allowed me to focus on my research and develop my professional skills and network.


The importance of understanding the context behind the research

Finally, the UACES scholarship enabled me to spend a longer time in Slovenia and visit the museums, including the Museum of Contemporary History and the City Museum of Ljubljana. Museums provide insights into how history is presented to the public and remembered in collective memory. Since my research focuses on a polarised topic, visiting museums and being confronted with how history is publicly explained is insightful to understand my research’s social and political context. Understanding the context is central to this research topic. Indeed, since the focus is on contemporary reconciliation, revisionism and polarisation, context is key to understanding how the problem developed and why events that took place over 70 years ago continue to divide. This context explains how people think and why they argue certain positions, the impact of decades of silence, and the deeply rooted re-interpretations of history.


Concluding remarks

The trip supported by UACES was also an opportunity to spend more time in my native country, where I have lived for only a very limited time. I was able to reconnect with the language and culture and delve into a dark chapter of history. Spending these five weeks in Ljubljana allowed me to immerse myself in my research topic and better grasp the context of my research.


I am grateful for the recognition provided by the awarded UACES scholarship to conduct my fieldwork because it supported my research and data collection, which I hope will contribute to the academic field of reconciliation and mass atrocities but also to a practical understanding of obstacles to reconciliation, and solutions addressing these obstacles.

The post A UACES-supported research trip delving into Slovenia’s history appeared first on Ideas on Europe.

Catégories: European Union

Article - European elections: highlights from the past

European Parliament - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 10:43
As the tenth direct European elections are approaching, let’s have a brief look at some key moments from the elections held in 1979, 2004 and 2019.

Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Besieged and under attack in Sudan’s El Fasher

BBC Africa - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 10:03
The battle for control of the western city has intensified over the last few days as the RSF group advances.
Catégories: Africa

New Zealand : New Zealand's Five Eyes goals hampered by signals intelligence shortcomings

Intelligence Online - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 06:00
New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau (GSCB) has begun an internal review to address accusations that it withheld information. The findings should be completed by 30 June. The signals intelligence agency will need to explain why its National Cyber Security
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Ukraine : Drones in Ukraine onboard AI race

Intelligence Online - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 06:00
French drone manufacturer Parrot is currently testing its new Anafi Ukraine model, which incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) modules enabling it
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Australia/France/United Kingdom : OSINT campus plan still vague, Helyx in charge of Spotter labelling, Cyberbit for ASD cyber training

Intelligence Online - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 06:00
Angoulême - Despite defence ministry messages, OSINT campus still trying to find its placeWhile the French defence procurement agency, DGA,
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France/Philippines : French defence groups eye big contracts in Manila

Intelligence Online - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 06:00
Intelligence Online understands Thales is actively promoting its civil and military data fusion system for use in maritime domain awareness
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

China : Economists help to refresh Xi Jinping's thinking ahead of third party plenary

Intelligence Online - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 06:00
In the second half of April, it was confirmed that the third plenum of the central committee of the Chinese
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : Trump operatives form Christian Orthodox non-profit

Intelligence Online - jeu, 23/05/2024 - 06:00
A group of political operatives close to Donald Trump have set up a new non-profit organisation that aims to turn
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Rencontre littéraire : Zdravka Evtimova

Courrier des Balkans - mer, 22/05/2024 - 23:59

Le 22 mai, à 19h, l'invitée de l'Institut culturel bulgare sera l'une des écrivaines bulgares contemporaines les plus intéressantes et atypiques – Zdravka Evtimova. Elle est autrice de plusieurs nouvelles et quatre romans. On détermine son style comme du réalisme mythique, ses personnages sont riches ainsi que ses sujets qui projettent des avant-goûts du futur. Son recueil « Les récits de la lune » qui a été publié à la fin de 2023 comprend vingt histoires, écrites dans les dernières années, (…)

- Agenda / ,
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux
