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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

Netanyahu Envoy Throws Midterm Lifeline to Republicans

Fri, 02/11/2018 - 17:29
The Israeli prime minister is riling Democrats by bedding down with Trump.

How House Democrats Plan to Investigate Trump’s Russia Ties

Fri, 02/11/2018 - 16:53
Gains in the congressional election next week would give Democrats crucial subpoena power.

The New Front in Yemen’s Civil War Is Jamal Khashoggi

Fri, 02/11/2018 - 16:46
Yemenis can’t stop talking about the journalist’s murder.

Trump Considers Diplomatic Novice for U.N. Ambassador

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 23:06
The U.S. president says State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert is under serious consideration.

Deflecting and Deal-Making: Trump’s Plan if Republicans Lose the House

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 22:26
In the boardroom and in the White House, the U.S. president has followed the same script.

For Them, Afghanistan Is Safer Than China

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 19:10
Persecution in Xinjiang is pushing Uighurs over the border.

How Do You Say ‘Fake News’ in Russian?

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 18:10
Russian news sites portray the U.S. presidential election as a prelude to civil war.

Mohammed bin Salman Isn’t Saudi Arabia’s First Fake Reformer

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 16:09
The United States has a long history of getting duped by Saudi leaders promising to change their country for the better.

Bolsonaro Can’t Destroy Brazilian Democracy

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 15:48
Brazil’s new president is a throwback to its authoritarian past—but the country is more resilient than it used to be.

Two Eurocrats and Their Trans-Atlantic Quest to Woo Idaho

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 15:17
Ambassadors try to understand more about Trump’s America by seeing it for themselves.

When Fighting Domestic Terrorism, You Get What You Pay For

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 14:55
The Trump administration has gutted the budget for fighting far-right extremists, making it harder to stop attacks like the Pittsburgh massacre.

The Prophet Mohammed Doesn’t Need Courts to Protect Him

Thu, 01/11/2018 - 14:29
European courts are trying to support Muslims—but will only stoke Islamophobia.

FP’s Guide to the Bolsonaro Presidency

Wed, 31/10/2018 - 19:45
Eleven things to read after the vote.

Three Senior Pentagon Officials Leave in Quick Succession

Wed, 31/10/2018 - 19:14
Departures come amid speculation that Defense Secretary Mattis is on his way out.

Trump’s Divisive Speech Puts the First Amendment at Risk

Wed, 31/10/2018 - 18:55
Americans’ commitment to unfettered free speech is starting to fray. If Trump can’t control his words, those around him have a responsibility to keep hate speech in check.

The Economic Crisis Is Over. Populism Is Forever.

Wed, 31/10/2018 - 18:54
From the United States to Germany, the West is booming—but the public hasn’t regained an appetite for liberalism.

Angela Merkel Failed

Wed, 31/10/2018 - 18:30
The German chancellor survived by avoiding politics whenever possible—and history won't judge her kindly for it.

Trump Is Pushing the United States Toward Nuclear Anarchy

Wed, 31/10/2018 - 17:20
The White House wants to leave the INF Treaty. New START could be next. The death of these agreements would fuel a new arms race.

Brazil’s Military Is Not the Problem

Wed, 31/10/2018 - 15:46
Democracy will depend on whether civilians can exploit rifts between Bolsonaro and his base while regaining voter trust.

A Cold War Is Coming, and It Isn’t China’s Fault

Wed, 31/10/2018 - 14:46
Why Washington should stop treating Beijing like an adversary.
