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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 1 month 6 days ago

Our Top Weekend Reads

Sat, 03/10/2020 - 13:00
Trump is a pariah for top security experts, Biden won’t end U.S. trade wars, and Saudi Arabia’s bid to rejoin the U.N. Human Rights Council.

What Happens When Presidents Get Sick?

Sat, 03/10/2020 - 06:46
Just when the U.S. public needs clarity about Trump’s health, tradition and the president’s proclivities make that unlikely.

Only State-of-the-Art Medicine—and Luck—Can Save Trump Now

Sat, 03/10/2020 - 00:38
The president has treatment options for his coronavirus infection. None are very good.

Africa Is Losing $90 Billion Annually to Illicit Finance

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 23:58
Stolen funds undermine public spending on health care, education, and infrastructure, a U.N. report finds.

Where Are the Trump Loyalists?

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 23:44
The list of former national security staff and senior officials who endorsed the president this week is one of the most unimpressive ever assembled by a candidate.

Document of the Week: The Birth of the Televised Presidential Debate Was a Sober Affair. Then Came Trump.

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 23:30
In an earlier age, the Democratic and Republican front-runners reserved their sharpest criticism for the Soviet Union and treated each other with respect.

When the Coronavirus Reaches the Top

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 22:50
Trump is far from the first world leader to face the political implications of his own positive COVID-19 test. What happens next?

Tinder Is the Latest Social Media Battleground in Thai Protests

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 21:58
Authorities are struggling as protesters break anti-monarchy taboos.

The End of the Age of Insurgency

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 21:09
A wave of insurgent Islamism arrived in the West 20 years ago—and disappeared just as quickly.

The Death of Human Rights in India?

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 18:59
New Delhi has a long history of harassing international NGOs. But under Modi, things may reach a tipping point.

Beijing Is Winning the Clean Energy Race

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 18:51
The technology to build new green economies is mostly produced in China. That’s bad for the United States.

Will Trump’s Case of COVID-19 Endanger U.S. National Security?

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 18:50
Officials are warily watching for adversaries like Russia, Iran, and North Korea to exploit the moment.

Gorbachev Was Right About German Reunification

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 18:27
Thatcher and Mitterrand nearly stopped it from happening, but 30 years on, reunification remains the world’s most successful geopolitical experiment.

South Korea Doesn’t Need U.S. Military Babysitting

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 15:24
Seoul is rich enough and strong enough to deter Pyongyang by itself.

Saudi Arabia Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Rejoin the U.N. Human Rights Council

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 14:13
A state that tortures and executes children has no place in an international body that aims to protect human rights.

Trump Has COVID-19. How Will It Affect the Campaign?

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 12:28
Donald and Melania Trump have both tested positive for the coronavirus, adding a jolt to the final month of the U.S. election campaign.

No, Biden Will Not End Trade Wars

Fri, 02/10/2020 - 12:00
Biden has matched Trump’s rhetoric on trade soundbite for soundbite, and his economic plans are likely to make trade conflicts worse.

Trump USAID Appointee Takes Sudden Absence After Controversial Tenure

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 23:53
Employees at the agency had criticized Pete Marocco for mismanagement.

Pompeo’s Preelection Politicking Is Wearing Thin, Even With Allies

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 21:09
From the Vatican to Brazil, foreign officials are getting tired of Pompeo dragging their governments into Trump’s reelection campaign.

Is Trump Downplaying the Proud Boys Threat?

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 20:17
The president’s call for the white supremacist group to “stand back and stand by” comes as intelligence agencies have growing concerns about right-wing militias.
