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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 1 month 6 days ago

Palestinians Place Their Bets on Biden Undoing Trump’s Snubs

Mon, 21/12/2020 - 17:24
The shifting ground in the Middle East is creating new options for breaking the stalemate.

How Arab Ties With Israel Became the Middle East’s New Normal

Mon, 21/12/2020 - 16:39
Though Israel remains opposed to Palestinian independence, 2020 marked the year of its acceptance in the region.

The New Geopolitics of Energy

Mon, 21/12/2020 - 16:03
Foreign Policy’s five best reads on the dramatic shift in energy policy in 2020.

The Vaccine Has a Serious Side Effect—A Positive One

Mon, 21/12/2020 - 14:28
It could make 2021 the year Americans rediscover science.

China Used Stolen Data to Expose CIA Operatives in Africa and Europe

Mon, 21/12/2020 - 12:00
The discovery of U.S. spy networks in China fueled a decadelong global war over data between Beijing and Washington.

Our Top Weekend Reads

Sat, 19/12/2020 - 13:00
Swedes can’t figure out their government’s coronavirus approach, a progressive push on U.S. foreign policy, and an honest assessment of the Arab Spring’s fallout.

How the Western Sahara Became the Key to North Africa

Sat, 19/12/2020 - 04:41
And why Morocco’s apparent victory there will change regional politics.

Why India’s Farmers Won’t Stop Protesting

Sat, 19/12/2020 - 00:25
Agriculture’s importance for the labor market cannot be underestimated—especially amid a historic pandemic.

Is the Cyberattack Big News—or Just a Footnote In a Year Like No Other?

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 22:56
Will 2021 be full of foreign-policy crises and domestic drama or dull compared to 2020?

Trump Leaves Biden Administration a Parting Gift in Currency Wars

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 22:17
The Treasury’s decision to label both Switzerland and Vietnam currency manipulators was unusual—and leaves the Biden administration with some tough choices to make.

Sweden’s Second Wave Is a Failure of Government—and Guidance

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 22:03
The country’s contrarian approach to the COVID-19 pandemic was meant to prove that trust in authorities could avert lockdowns. Instead, mixed messaging and political squabbles have led to an exploding epidemic.

Your Digital Footprint Is Worryingly Easy to Match to Reality

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 21:07
Here’s how to stop bleeding information about yourself online.

Personnel Cuts Leave USAID With Skeleton Crew to Monitor Nearly $1 Billion of Aid Programs in Iraq

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 21:05
After a drawdown of staff at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad earlier this year, the Trump administration ordered another cut in response to threats from Iran.

One Year After Mass Protests, India’s Muslims Still Live in Fear

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 20:46
Modi’s party is expected to further polarize state electorates along religious lines in 2021.

Washington Needs a Cybersecurity Overhaul

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 20:24
When they enter office, Biden and Harris must make up for lost ground.

China Is Gnawing at Democracy’s Roots Worldwide

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 17:14
The Communist Party is putting ideological battles first.

Progressives Try to Sway Biden on Top Foreign-Policy Jobs

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 15:10
A gaggle of progressive groups are trying to line up candidates for top foreign-policy roles in the incoming administration.

Biden Shouldn’t Rush to Restore the Iran Nuclear Deal

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 14:27
Moving quickly to resurrect the JCPOA, as Biden seems set to do, would start his presidency with a hugely divisive controversy.

China Won’t Rescue Iran

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 13:30
Despite reports of a major Chinese-Iranian trade deal, Beijing won’t jeopardize the possibility of better relations with Washington in order to cozy up to Tehran.

The War in Tigray Is a Fight Over Ethiopia’s Past—and Future

Fri, 18/12/2020 - 12:30
The current conflict is the latest battle in a long-running war over the country’s identity as a unitary or federal state. The United States can restore its credibility as an honest broker by helping resolve it.
