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Updated: 1 month 6 days ago

When the Mob Rules, Everyone Is a Target

Fri, 20/01/2017 - 23:09
Trump’s ochlocracy brings dangers and threats that the Republic has not witnessed since Joe McCarthy. Do we even know how to fight back?

Undocumented Immigrants Tense on Inauguration Day, But Ready to Resist

Fri, 20/01/2017 - 20:36
If Donald Trump tries to follow through on his campaign promises, activists vow resistance.

Trump Promises ‘America First’ in Defiant and Divisive Inaugural Speech

Fri, 20/01/2017 - 20:32
Anxious allies and a polarized country may find little solace in the new president’s isolationist speech.

In Washington, Protests and Riots on Inauguration Day

Fri, 20/01/2017 - 19:18
Mr. Trump comes to Washington. Protesters and rioters do, too.

What’s up on the White House website: Trumpish promises on the U.S. military

Fri, 20/01/2017 - 19:07
I see that the Donald Trump White House has posted foreign policy and military messages on

Davos Diary 2: Say It Ain’t So, Joe

Wed, 18/01/2017 - 17:24
As Biden delivers his valedictory address at the World Economic Forum, we wonder what might have been.

Barack Obama Was a Foreign-Policy Failure

Wed, 18/01/2017 - 16:58
The 44th president of the United States promised to bring change but mostly drove the country deeper into a ditch.

When I think about morale at the CIA, I think about 2 things: Mission and family

Wed, 18/01/2017 - 16:48
Imagine having the job of your dreams. You look forward to work each morning and are filled with a tremendous sense of purpose. Then imagine that you get a new CEO who starts publicly trashing your organization to the entire world.

How to make State great again

Wed, 18/01/2017 - 16:48
The Obama administration’s conduct of foreign policy related to global conflict may have frustrated many, but it was both coherent and internally consistent.

We Are the Last Defense Against Trump

Wed, 18/01/2017 - 14:00
America's institutions weren't designed to resist a modern strongman. That leaves civil society.

Situation Report Exclusive: Congresswoman Visits Damascus; Top U.S. General Briefs Trump; Obama offers clemency for Manning, Gen. Cartwright

Wed, 18/01/2017 - 13:51
By Paul McLeary and FP Staff BRUSSELS — In two days of high level meetings last week, top Pentagon and White House officials met with President-elect Donald Trump and his staff to walk through the biggest national security issues of the day. While traveling in Brussels on Wednesday, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff ...

Democratic Rep. Gabbard Makes Secret Trip to Syria

Wed, 18/01/2017 - 13:38
The Hawaii lawmaker, who has bucked both parties on the issue of Syria, met with government officials on a "fact-finding" mission.

The U.S. Media’s Unfortunate Obsession with One Beijing Rag

Tue, 17/01/2017 - 23:25
The Global Times' outrageous statements make for great headlines. That's the problem.

Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning’s Sentence, Manning To Leave Prison in May

Tue, 17/01/2017 - 23:20
And Gen. James Cartwright gets a pardon.

Cuban Migrants on Deadly Journey to U.S. Wrongfooted by Obama

Sat, 14/01/2017 - 16:46
The abrupt end to the decades-old ‘wet foot, dry foot’ policy for Cubans has quiet support from Trump.

Is the U.S. Opening to Cuba Dead in the Water?

Fri, 13/01/2017 - 23:47
Obama’s historic normalization with Havana is under threat from Trump’s hardline cabal of Castro-haters.

Italy’s Last-Ditch Effort to Stabilize Libya

Fri, 13/01/2017 - 22:29
Rome is trying to shape the future of its onetime colony, but may get elbowed aside by local strongmen and their foreign partners.

Can Rudy Giuliani Make Cybersecurity Great Again?

Fri, 13/01/2017 - 22:20
Trump has tapped the former New York mayor to lead a computer security advisory council.

Is Tillerson Willing to Go to War Over the South China Sea?

Fri, 13/01/2017 - 21:51
The Exxon boss has shown before he can take Beijing to the limit — but as Secretary of State the stakes will be far higher.
