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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 1 month 6 days ago

Inside Israel’s Secret Program to Get Rid of African Refugees

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 18:53
They were promised asylum somewhere closer to home. Then they were discarded — often in a war zone.

Vladimir Putin Is Trying to Get Down With the Cool Kids

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 18:17
After years of wooing the middle-aged and elderly, the Kremlin is attempting to court young voters. And it's extremely awkward.

Google Hit With EU Record $2.7 Billion Fine

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 18:14
The company says European regulators underestimate the benefits Google brings small merchants.

It’s Time for the Trump Administration to Step Up in the Qatar Crisis

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 17:17
There’s leverage to be had and U.S. national security interests at stake. But if the United States doesn’t act now, things could get a whole lot worse.

Give Trump a Chance in the Middle East

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 17:07
Bush and Obama already helped destroy the region and damage U.S. interests there. How much worse could it get?

Ukraine Hit by Massive Cyberattack

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 16:55
It’s unclear who or what is behind it.

Basically Everyone but Russia Now Looks on the U.S. Less Favorably

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 16:46
The U.S. is less popular under Trump.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Paves a Path Toward Gay Marriage

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 16:40
Merkel and her conservative allies have long resisted legalizing the practice.

You want military innovation? OK, let’s start by cutting the defense budget

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 16:35
“Limited resources tend to drive innovative,” argues retired Air Force Lt. Col. Dan Ward, an expert in defense acquisition.

‘Wonder Woman’: Wonderful war movie

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 16:34
The strength of the film is really in the ideas.

Uzbekistan Forced Labor Linked to World Bank Projects, Advocates Say

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 14:30
A new report from Human Rights Watch and Uzbek activists alleges the continued use of forced and child labor in harvesting the Central Asian country’s cotton crop.

SitRep: White House Warns Assad; U.N. Ambo. Adds Russia to List; Mattis Talks Dividing Up Syria

Tue, 27/06/2017 - 14:12
More Missiles; More Problems; Pentagon Threatens Citizenship Program; Lasers!; Senators Block Saudi Arms Sales

Foreign Aid Is About U.S. Interests

Mon, 26/06/2017 - 23:47
The Marshall Plan was always in America's national security interest.

DHS Strips Funding From Group That Counters Neo-Nazi Violence

Mon, 26/06/2017 - 23:01
Trump’s approach to fighting extremism puts law enforcement front and center. Critics say that’s dangerous.

NSA Director Gave Senator Private Tour During Debate Over Foreign intelligence Collection

Mon, 26/06/2017 - 22:46
Admiral Michael Rogers appears to be stepping up his efforts to preserve the intelligence community’s “crown jewels.”

Can Modi Turn India From a ‘True Friend’ to the U.S. to a Friend Forever?

Mon, 26/06/2017 - 22:08
The two men know deal making. Whether they understand how to forge lasting U.S-Indian relations is another matter.

Corker: No More U.S. Arms Sales to Gulf Until Qatar Crisis Solved

Mon, 26/06/2017 - 21:23
Sen. Bob Corker has no qualms playing bad cop as Tillerson works to salvage Gulf relations from a bitter Qatar feud.

Russia Denies Its Soccer Players Are Doped Up

Mon, 26/06/2017 - 21:05
Authorities are looking into whether every member of Russia’s 2014 team was on performance enhancing drugs.

Supreme Court Allows Limited Version of Trump’s Travel Ban

Mon, 26/06/2017 - 19:17
The court has decided to hear the case in the fall.

Science Won’t Save Vaccines From Lawsuits Anymore

Mon, 26/06/2017 - 18:56
Europe’s highest court has just cleared the way for vaccine-truthers to sue manufacturers, even without any evidence.
