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Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

Liu Xia’s Freedom Shows China Can Still Be Pressured

Fri, 13/07/2018 - 20:14
Even Beijing admitted the Nobel laureate's widow had committed no crime.

Ban NATO Summits

Fri, 13/07/2018 - 19:35
As long as Donald Trump is president, they're just not worth it.

Turkey Has Made a Quagmire for Itself in Syria

Fri, 13/07/2018 - 18:18
The Turkish military has discovered it's much easier to invade Syria than to govern it.

Putin Sees Trump as an Easy Mark on Syria

Fri, 13/07/2018 - 17:49
Before their Helsinki summit, the U.S. president has given his Russian counterpart little reason to take him seriously.

Putin Doesn’t Care about Sex Trafficking

Fri, 13/07/2018 - 15:35
Russia could have done something to prevent sexual exploitation of foreign women during the World Cup. It chose not to.

The New Economy’s Old Business Model Is Dead

Fri, 13/07/2018 - 14:30
Tech companies are used to pairing big revenues with small labor forces. But they’ll soon be forced to become massive job creators.

Africa’s Attack on Internet Freedom

Fri, 13/07/2018 - 13:46
While Washington turns a blind eye, autocrats across the continent are muzzling their citizens online.

Boris Johnson’s Great Leap Forward

Fri, 13/07/2018 - 09:22
Britain’s conservatives were once known for sensible stewardship of the economy. Now, the Tory Maoists are blowing it up.

Trump Needs to Close the Deal in the Horn of Africa

Thu, 12/07/2018 - 23:48
A lasting peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea would be an enormous strategic win for the West.

Trump Fumed, but NATO Members Got What They Wanted

Thu, 12/07/2018 - 23:27
Think the NATO summit was a complete dumpster fire? Think again.

‘Take Back Control’? Brexit Is Tearing Britain Apart

Thu, 12/07/2018 - 19:14
Prime Minister Theresa May thinks it’s her duty to deliver Brexit, but the outcome could entail splitting her party and impoverishing Britain.

First They Came for the Immigrants. Then They Came for the Robots.

Thu, 12/07/2018 - 14:30
Politicians must prepare voters for automation; otherwise, opportunistic populists will seize the agenda.

Ethiopia and Eritrea Have a Common Enemy

Thu, 12/07/2018 - 14:22
Abiy Ahmed and Isaias Afwerki are racing toward peace because they both face the same threat: hard-liners in the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front.

Trump Has Nobody to Blame for North Korea but Himself

Wed, 11/07/2018 - 23:08
The president's pivot to "strategic impatience" has made an already difficult task substantially more so.

Once Upon a Time, Helsinki Meant Human Rights

Wed, 11/07/2018 - 17:50
Trump’s summit with Putin risks tarnishing a legacy of Republican moral leadership.

U.S. Envoy to NATO: A Washington Insider Caught Between Trump and a Hard Place

Wed, 11/07/2018 - 17:18
Kay Bailey Hutchison will have to clean up whatever mess the president leaves behind in Brussels.

Learning to Work With Robots

Wed, 11/07/2018 - 14:30
AI will change everything. Workers must adapt — or else.

The Holocaust Existentialist

Wed, 11/07/2018 - 13:00
Filmmaker Claude Lanzmann, dead at 92, showed the world the Holocaust through eyewitnesses.

Crisis in U.S. Nuclear Talks With Pyongyang Not China’s Doing, Experts Say

Tue, 10/07/2018 - 23:32
Beijing is angry over the U.S. trade war, but Trump’s own mishandling of North Korea talks are the main problem.

Read FP’s Coverage of the 2018 World Cup

Sat, 07/07/2018 - 11:45
War is politics by other means — and so is the World Cup.
